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Chamomile in cases of poisoning and vomiting in children and adults

Many have heard about the healing properties of chamomile. It can be taken internally, to treat it the skin and mucous membranes, gargle. Enema with chamomile in the home helps in the treatment of certain bowel diseases and in poisoning. In this article we tried to understand the positive and negative aspects of the use of chamomile in the treatment of poisoning, has collected the indications and contraindications for its reception, presented the most popular methods of cooking of decoctions and teas.

The therapeutic properties of chamomile

Chamomile is widely used in the treatment of many diseases in traditional medicine. On its basis produce some medications. The efficiency of the plant has been proved by scientists.

Please note that chamomile is a full-fledged drug, its use should definitely be discussed with your doctor.

Listed below are diseases and conditions, in which treatment can be used chamomile:

  • Acute respiratory viral diseases, influenza, tonsillitis and chronic tonsillitis. Gargling chamomile solution helps to kill the microbes and reduce inflammation.
  • Acute food poisoning. Therapy chamomile has a positive impact on all parts of the digestive system.
  • Inflammation of the skin, dermatitis. Lavage inflamed skin chamomile solution helps to reduce inflammatory process, relieve pain and burning. Doctors recommend treating the decoction with chamomile mosquito bites.
  • Stresses, anxiety. Chamomile tea has a light sedative, calming effect. When it is used in the evening improved sleep.
  • The tendency to flatulence, intestinal colic. Chamomile soothes the intestines and reduces flatulence.
  • Violations of the outflow of bile stagnation in the gallbladder.
  • Hypoacid chronic gastritis. Chamomile stimulates the production and secretion of gastric juice and helps to relieve inflammation from the mucous membrane.
  • Stomatitis, gingivitis, inflammatory processes in the oral cavity. Rinse decoction of chamomile relieves inflammation and pain.

To use chamomile not only during any disease but to maintain health and beautiful appearance. Chamomile tea wash hair, wash my face, wipe the skin. Based on it, produced a huge number of cosmetic means on care of a skin. Creams, gels, shampoos, masks, balms often include chamomile.

Who chamomile is contraindicated

The use of chamomile will benefit every person. There are a number of contraindications to its use, we further listed:

  • Allergic hypersensitivity to chamomile. If after using it you start to itch, the skin appeared red spots, rash, you should immediately discontinue use of chamomile and seek medical help. In rare cases, chamomile can cause hives and angioedema angioedema.
  • Hyperacid chronic gastritis. This disease is characterized by increased acidity of gastric juice. Chamomile tea or broth to improve the production of hydrochloric acid, is not recommended to use with this type of gastritis.

Please note that doctors do not recommend pregnant women to abuse the chamomile. If you need it a period of gestation of the baby, you should consult your gynecologist.

How useful chamomile in the treatment of food poisoning

Chamomile, when the poisoning is assigned by the treating doctor. It can be taken internally as a tea and add to solutions for enemas. Before using chamomile in a child, consult a pediatrician. This plant can be used for the treatment of children only after the permission of the attending doctor.

On the first day of poisoning Daisy is almost never used. This period of the disease, doctors recommend to drink alkaline mineral water or medicines for oral rehydration (for example, regidron).

Starting from the second day the doctor can include chamomile in the treatment of the patient. Food poisoning it can be used for:

  • reduce flatulence and intestinal colic. To do this, you can drink chamomile tea or to carry out a cleansing enema on the basis of chamomile;
  • improve the functioning of the liver and gallbladder. These organs are frequently affected in cases of poisoning, the liver takes the first shot at food poisoning. Chamomile improves the secretion and excretion of bile;
  • stimulate digestion and motility of the digestive system. Constipation and reduced bowel motility – problems found in virtually every patient with acute food poisoning;
  • reduce inflammation of the mucous membrane of the stomach. Anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties of chamomile help to prevent the development of gastritis, a common complication of food poisoning;
  • excretion of the residues of toxins from the intestines. Chamomile is a natural sorbent. It binds toxins and neutralizes them;
  • eliminate nausea and vomiting after the poisoning. These symptoms are most often provoked by local inflammation or irritation of the gastric mucosa. Chamomile vomiting quite effective. It also helps to reduce pain "in his stomach" in the epigastric regionbelly.

Please note that doctors do not recommend to add the chamomile to enema in the provision of first aid poisoned person. At this stage of the disease it is best to wash out the bowel with plain water at room temperature.

How to cook a Daisy

For the treatment of food poisoning you can use tea bags or loose chamomile pharmacy. It can be found for sale even in the Department teas in supermarkets.

Remember that not all types of chamomile are useful to humans. When used inside self-assembled chamomile, you run the risk of poisoning. Also dangerous to buy it with the hands in the markets or grandmothers. You can't be sure of its quality and composition.

For the treatment of poisoning is most often used chamomile tea (an infusion). Tea you need to pour 1 tea bag or 1 teaspoon of dry chamomile Cup boiling water, give it brew for about half an hour.

This tea doctors recommend to drink 3 times a day a glass before a meal. If, after the ingestion of chamomile tea, the patient began to note the appearance of abdominal pain or itching on the skin, you should refuse this medicinal plant.

Drugs on the basis of chamomile for the treatment of poisoning

As we already mentioned, chamomile is included in many medicines. Some are used to treat food poisoning.

Remember that all drugs be prescribed by a doctor. Their intake can harm human health and lead to poisoning, adverse reactions.

The following is a list of products based on chamomile, which can be prescribed by a doctor in the treatment of food intoxication:

  • Rotokan – is the combined herbal preparations, the main component of chamomile stands. It can be prescribed to treat inflammation of the mucous membrane of the intestines, colitis, enteritis. These processes often accompany acute food poisoning.
  • Romazulan – a drug used for the treatment of peptic ulcer disease, chronic gastritis, inflammation of the gastritis. It can be prescribed by a doctor during the recovery period after food poisoning.
  • Gastric herbal used for the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the digestive system. It includes chamomile, calendula, St. John's wort and other plants.

Principles of treatment of food poisoning

For full recovery if the poisoning is not enough chamomile tea. This substance is one of the auxiliary components, which helps the patient to get rid of the symptoms and recover faster.

Treatment of food poisoning can be assigned only to the attending doctor. It includes the following components:

  1. Diet. In the first days of the disease, the patient can only eat liquid porridge or rice porridge, dried white bread. In the future, the list of permitted foods expands vegetables, cereals, eggs, lean meats and fish, soups. All food must be cooked in a double boiler or welded. The spices in them cannot be added. Fatty, spicy, smoked and fried strictly prohibited.
  2. Drink plenty of liquids. In addition to chamomile tea, the patient is assigned to alkaline mineral water, regidron, sweet black tea. All drinks should be neutral, room temperature. Sparkling water is prohibited. In the night you need to drink at least 2-3 liters of fluid. This is necessary to reduce dehydration and to relieve intoxication of the organism, regulation of electrolyte failure and acidosis.
  3. Sorbents are used to remove toxins from the intestinal lumen. These should be taken one hour before or one hour after meals or other drugs. In the treatment of food poisoning may be used any of the drugs in this drug group, for example, Polisorb, activated carbon, smectite. It's the only medications that need to be applied at the stage of rendering first aid when the first symptoms of food poisoning.
  4. Enzymes – drugs that regulate digestion. These include: Kreon, Mezim, festal, Pancreatin. They need to drink during a meal, they can substitute their own enzymes secreted in normal liver and pancreas for digestion. Because of these drugs internal organs can rest and recover after the disease.
  5. Antispasmodics (no-Spa, drotaverine) are used to relieve pain in the abdomen.
  6. Antacids (Almagel, aluminium phosphate gel) are used to eliminate heartburn and pain in the stomach.
  7. Antiemetic drugs (reglan, metoclopramide) is prescribed for uncontrollable vomiting.

The amount of treatment determined by the doctor after inspection and examination of the patient. It can expand or decrease. For effective recovery, it is very important a patient's compliance with recommendations of the doctor.

Daisy is a drug which is widely used in the treatment of poisoning and other pathological conditions. The efficiency of the plant has been proved by scientists, based on it produces a large number of drugs. Use chamomile only if the appointment her doctor. It is quite a strong drug that has a number of contraindications andfeatures of the reception.