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Medication, pills for nausea and vomiting in cases of poisoning

Nausea and vomiting are the main symptoms of poisoning. They bring a lot of discomfort and suffering to the patient. Repeated vomiting can lead to severe dehydration and electrolyte failure in the body. In this article are pills for nausea and vomiting in cases of poisoning, indications and contraindications to receive them, their possible side effects, the drugs can be taken at the stage of rendering first aid.

Why vomiting in case of poisoning

Nausea and vomiting – the symptoms of many diseases, accompanied by intoxication of the organism. They can develop by ingestion of toxins in the digestive system or during long exposure.

Nausea and vomiting are protective mechanisms in the human body. The toxin trapped in a gastric cavity, the mucous membrane is irritated, contributes to the development of local inflammatory process. The stomach reflex is trying to get rid of hazardous substances. First, the person feels nausea, then he opens the vomiting. This vomiting contributes to the reduction of intoxication syndrome, cleanses the stomach of toxins, not had time to get into the blood stream. Vomit may contain remnants of food, drink, mucus, bile and gastric juice. After this emptying of the gastric cavity of the patient's condition significantly improved.

In case of poisoning gases, poisons, poisonous mushrooms, and overdose of some drugs, nausea and vomiting are of Central nervous origin. With the defeat of the brain by toxins, suffering the vomiting center. When stimulation of the vomiting, do not bring the patient any relief.

What is the danger of repeated vomiting

Vomiting is useful in cases of poisoning only in the initial stage of the disease. The stomach cleanses itself of toxins. Repeated retching lead to serious malfunctions of the entire body. On the background of uncontrollable vomiting may develop the following complications:

  • Dehydration. With vomiting, the body loses large amounts of fluid. Because of the constant nausea, the person may not need to drink water. All drinks come out with vomit. Patients who can't make up for the lost volume of liquid, the need of intravenous infusions;
  • Gipohloremia. With vomiting, the human body loses large amounts of chlorine. The loss of this trace mineral can lead to acute renal failure, and acetonemic syndrome;
  • Syndrome Mallory-Weiss syndrome – rupture and rupture of the mucous membrane of the esophagus and upper parts of the stomach. This condition often develops due to uncontrollable vomiting. The syndrome Mallory-Weiss vomit have a bright red color;
  • Gastrointestinal bleeding (GIB) develops as a result of violation of the integrity of the mucous membrane of the stomach and duodenum. This complication in cases of poisoning can be caused by vomiting. In the group the risk of bleeding people, suffering from chronic gastritis, ulcer. Vomit when HMO are black in color.

Please note that repeated vomiting is more dangerous for children. They have a rapidly growing dehydration, rapidly deteriorating overall health.

How to stop vomiting at the stage of pre-medical first aid

Treatment of poisoning of any etiology should be under the supervision of a physician. Self-treatment may be ineffective, to provoke the development of complications, and even lead to death.

The appearance of the first clinical signs of poisoning (vomiting, nausea, abdominal pain, diarrhoea), you should consult a doctor. This can be done by calling an ambulance or contacting the nearest dispensary, clinic or hospital.

Remember that to give the patient medication poisoning is dangerous. Drug therapy must be prescribed by a doctor.

Before the arrival of medical teams from SMEs can try to independently provide the victim first aid. Thanks to her, it is possible to reduce intoxication syndrome, eliminate nausea and vomiting.

At home you can help the patient following their actions.

The cleansing of the stomach

Gastric lavage is necessary to remove toxins. This procedure is an effective remedy for nausea.

Lavage of the gastric cavity is performed after oral ingestion of toxin or poison in the body. In case of intoxication caused by the inhalation of poisonous gases, the purification of the stomach is not effective.

Contraindications include:

  • Poisoning by strong acids and alkalis. These chemicals corrode the lining of the esophagus and intestines. When trying to conduct gastric lavage in the home, they re-damage the wall of the esophagus and lead to severe internal bleeding, and burns of the mucous membranes. In this type of poisoning, lavage is performed by physicians with the use of gastric probe;
  • Gastrointestinal bleeding, which appeared dark or scarlet vomiting, or meleney (black stools a liquid consistency);
  • When disturbed the consciousness of the patient or in severe alcoholic, narcotic intoxication.

To cleanthe gastric cavity at home, you should gulp drink plenty of plain water of neutral temperature. For children will be sufficient 500 ml for adults will need 1 liter. Then it should be cause vomiting. You can do this "popular" way – with his mouth two fingers and pushing them on the root of the tongue. This procedure can be repeated several times.


Cleansing the bowel is performed with food or medication poisoning. With it, you can withdraw from the intestines of toxins or pathogens. The reduction of intoxication syndrome will reduce nausea and decrease in body temperature.

Purgation should be carried out on the basis of simple boiled water. Its temperature should be neutral, room.

Remember that carrying out a colon cleanse on their own, at home, do not use any drugs.

Enema should be performed several times. The bowel is completely cleared of toxins with the appearance of clean wash water.


Sorbents is the only drug that you can give to the patient themselves. These drugs relieve toxicity, bind and excrete the substances that triggered the poisoning.

In the pharmacies you can find a large variety of representatives of this drug group. Can use any of the sorbents, for example:

  • APSCO;
  • Activated carbon;
  • Enterosgel;
  • Smectite.

Remember that before taking this medication you need to carefully read to him the instructions and check the date of manufacture of drugs. Expired medications are not only ineffective, but also dangerous - they can become an independent cause of poisoning.


The liquid helps to eliminate the negative effects of vomiting and reduce the level of intoxication syndrome. You can drink only when the cessation of vomiting. In order not to provoke fluid, should drink slowly and in small SIPS.

You can drink a normal table water or alkaline mineral water, for example, Borjomi. It is important to release fluid from all the gases, as they have irritating effect on the gastric mucosa.

Antiemetic drugs

Antiemetic drugs in cases of poisoning are prescribed by the attending physician, after examination of the patient. They are components of symptomatic treatment and are used only when necessary.

Please note that this article is exploratory in nature. We recommend not to use the information, read it for self-healing.

The following are the various medications for nausea and vomiting, indications and contraindications to their use.

Metoclopramide (Reglan)

Reglan is the most popular anti-nausea remedy. It is available in tablets and solutions for injections.

This drug acts on the vomiting center in the brain. Blocking its work, it quickly and effectively eliminates vomiting and nausea. The indications of use of Metoclopramide include:

  • The need symptomatic elimination of nausea and vomiting provoked by the poison or medication (e.g. chemotherapy);
  • Eliminate gagging during the postoperative period.

Reglan is a powerful drug and has an extensive list of contraindications:

  • Allergy or individual intolerance of the drug components;
  • development, gastrointestinal bleeding syndrome Mallory-Vasa;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • disease of the adrenal glands, accompanied by uncontrolled high blood pressure, pheochromocytoma;
  • Parkinson's disease;
  • all types of epilepsy;
  • the tendency to seizures, increased seizure activity.

Note that Reglan is prohibited for children up to 1 year. To 12 years it is used in Pediatrics with caution as can cause seizures.

Osetron (Ondansteron)

Osetron is a modern potent drug, which aims to eliminate vomiting and nausea. The most widely used in Oncology and prescribed to patients undergoing chemotherapy.

Vomiting caused by poisoning, Osetron is assigned with contraindications to Metoclopramide.

Contraindications use of Osetron include:

  • pregnancy and feeding the child;
  • Allergy to components of drug;
  • the age of 2 years (a relative contraindication in the presence of cancer pathology in children of early age, the preference for this medication).


Motilium or Domperidone is a drug used for improvement of intestinal motility. It accelerates the elimination of toxins from the digestive cavity, thereby reducing the severity of nausea and vomiting.


  • allergic hypersensitivity to the drug;
  • partial or complete intestinal obstruction;
  • receiving Ketoconazole;
  • gastrointestinal bleeding;
  • perforation of gastric ulcer or duodenal ulcer;
  • syndrome Mallory-Vasa.


src="/poisoning/images/1105-9.jpg">this group of Drugs reduce the acidity of gastric juice. They envelop a stomach wall, protect and heal them. Some antacids are composed of analgesics, and they help in eliminate the pain in the stomach.

Antacids effectively help with vomiting is provoked by irritation of the mucous membrane of the digestive cavity.


  • Almagell;
  • Maalox;
  • Aluminium phosphate gel.

Why am I feeling sick for several days after the poisoning

In case of poisoning with nausea and vomiting may persist for the first two days. After this period, the symptoms start to fade.

Food poisoning can trigger a number of complications, some of them may be manifested by nausea and vomiting. These include:

  • Gastritis. Toxins trapped in the digestive cavity, causing local inflammation of the gastric mucosa that can develop into acute or chronic gastritis. If the person complains of aching and bursting pain "in his stomach," it nauseated, flatulence and heartburn, you should seek the assistance of a gastroenterologist. Acute gastritis may be accompanied by increased body temperature up to +37-38 degrees;
  • Pancreatitis – inflammation of the pancreas. This body first reacts to all the toxins trapped in our digestive system. Chronic pancreatitis often develops in children under 12 years. Acute inflammation of the pancreas is characteristic of drug and alcohol poisoning. The patient develops uncontrollable vomiting, the body temperature rises above 38 degrees, on the skin near the navel appear dark purple bruising, subcutaneous hematoma;
  • Acetoneiso syndrome develops due to dehydration. Young children are more disposed to this disease. The distinctive symptom is the smell of acetone breath and urine of the patient. Syndrome accompanied by profuse vomiting, which the patient can drink;
  • Peptic ulcer disease can be caused by poisoning with medicines, acids, alkalis. Manifested by nausea, vomiting, pain in the stomach on an empty stomach. In rare cases it may be asymptomatic.

Nausea and vomiting are the main symptoms of poisoning. In the early stages of the disease, they benefit the body, remove carbon residues of poisons, toxins, poor quality food. But abundant and repeated vomiting may lead to serious complications and pathologies. Antiemetic drugs are prescribed by the attending doctor after examination of the patient and medical history. They are shown only after gastric lavage and removal of all hazardous substances. Self-medication with antiemetic agents is dangerous and inefficient. In addition, it can harm the patient.