Cheaper counterparts Bifiform for children and adults

Bifiform – a drug, which belongs to the group of probiotics. Used in indigestion, diarrhea, dysbacteriosis after antibiotics. Helps to restore intestinal microflora and to normalize the condition. It is worth considering the fact that bifidobacteria are involved in the metabolism of lactose that is responsible for the production of intestinal gas, so the admission may appear flatulence.

The description of the drug

The drug Bifiform is bifidobacteria, which are necessary for healthy intestinal flora. As a result of poisoning, diarrhea, long after taking antibiotics intestinal microflora is disturbed, the person has an upset stomach, a bad feeling. Bifidobacteria help to rid the body of toxic substances, they synthesize vitamin K.

The drug Bifiform is usually appointed in the following cases:

  • digestive disorders;
  • bloating and flatulence;
  • dysbiosis;
  • beriberi;
  • a lowered immunity.

The drug is available in capsules which are very convenient to use, practically has no contraindications and side effects. Existing contraindications it is worth noting only individual intolerance of the drug, side effects from overdose was not detected. In some cases, there may be adverse effects caused by the individual intolerance, allergic reactions, diarrhea, stomach discomfort. Can be assigned to young children, pregnant and lactating women.

For young children the drug is available in form of drops that razmeshivatsya with water and given to the child. The more usual form release capsules. Adult standard admission two capsules per day, for children up to two years – one. Capsules should be swallowed with liquid, squeezed small amount of boiled water. It should be noted that this drug is absolutely useless in infectious diarrhea. In this case, you must consult a doctor and undergo appropriate treatment.

Almost all preparations of probiotics are expensive and not every patient can afford to buy the medicine. This drug belongs to the group of expensive medications, but there are cheaper counterparts Bifiform, which are more affordable.


Bifiform manufactured in Denmark, so its price is somewhat inflated. There are some medications and other manufacturers, in particular, the Russian drugs will cost less, so you should consider these options. If you are looking for analogue Bifiform cheaper, the most common drugs of this group are:

  • Bifidumbacterin – capsules Russian production;
  • Acipol is also the Russian equivalent;
  • atsilakt;
  • Linex – not exactly cheap, the drug has some contraindications.

Latest probiotic is indicated for dysbiosis, flatulence, constipation, diarrhea. Is composed of less beneficial bacteria, so the treatment is longer than Bifiform. Linex is not assigned at an elevated temperature, as they will not have the desired effect, it is also not recommended in chronic diseases and diarrhea, which lasts more than two weeks. The tool can be applied even to newborns, but some doctors are of the opinion that Linex is too heavy for children, also can cause allergies. Most often Linex appointed at the age of 6 years.

You can find other analogues Bifiform such as Acipol and atsilakt, Bifidumbacterin. This is the most common and effective drugs.

Bifidumbacterin much cheaper Bifiform, and it is also suitable for children, even for babies and pregnant women. Quickly cope with the bacteriosis, restores intestinal flora. Bifidumbacterin helps to cope with excessive fermentation, but in some cases it can be powerless, so it can be administered in combination with other probiotics, for example, atsilakt.

Atsilakt used not only for treatment of dysbacteriosis and restoration of microflora, but also for the treatment of various diseases of the oral mucosa. Is composed of three strains of lactobacilli, which are found in dried condition. Once in the intestine, quickly aktiviziruyutsya, increase the acidic environment and improve the condition. In its composition the drug atsilakt can be compared to fortified milk, but its effect is much faster and more efficient. Can be used in combination with other drugs to normalize intestinal flora.

If you compare Acipol and Bifiform, the first drug is cheaper, and pharmokinetic it is almost identical to the original. In the composition Acipol contains Lactobacillus kefir polysaccharide and protein. Has a beneficial effect on the intestine and also restores microflora. Also Acipol can improve human immunity, has antagonistic activity. Prescribed for the treatment and prevention of intestinal diseases. Has contraindications, so it is not used to treat children under the age of three. The course of treatment is not less than 5 days. Acipol has some disadvantage, the drug should be stored only in the refrigerator, as live bacteria at elevated temperatures to die, and after justwill not have the desired effect and will be useless.

It is not necessary to take drugs from the group of probiotics if you detect violations of the integrity of the package. In this case, can be violated rules and norms of storage, the drug is not only useless, but will harm the body. Do not risk your health!

What to choose

If to compare drugs, the whole group of probiotics are similar, as is composed of living bacteria, which, in fact, have beneficial effects on the gastrointestinal tract of man. Which drug to choose should be determined only by the doctor, as self medication can be dangerous and unpredictable. It is not necessary to choose drugs based solely on price, because often people focus on the fact that the more expensive the drug, the better it is. Pricing can be affected by many factors.

Preparations of probiotics have no adverse effects on the body, have virtually no contraindications and can be combined with other drugs, but still the final decision on selection should take specialist. In some cases, is assigned a comprehensive treatment and a combination of several drugs. This approach allows much faster to get rid of stomach discomfort and restore normal functioning of the body.

What can replace pharmaceutical drugs

All pharmacy preparations of probiotics are live bacteria. Which in sufficient quantity is contained in ordinary food. Of course, to restore the microflora can be much faster and more efficiently with the help of medicines, but in some cases they may be contraindicated, and then come to the aid of natural substitutes. This dairy products, live yoghurts, kefir, beets, oatmeal, dried fruit. Eating these foods regularly and in sufficient quantity, you can protect yourself from the appearance of all the risks associated with bowel movements. As prophylaxis, these foods must be in the diet of every adult and child.

If you have any problems and handle yourself not, the unpleasant symptoms were observed more day, in this case, it is advisable to consult a doctor who will diagnose, identify the cause of the discomfort and prescribe the appropriate probiotics or complex treatment.