Pills Lactofiltrum: what help and how to take them

Drug effective adsorbent for poisoning or coping with indigestion, it should be in every medicine Cabinet. Today, modern pharmacology offers a huge range of similar drugs. And one of them is notorious pills Lactofiltrum actively prescribed by doctors for complaints of the bowels. Try to understand what helps Lactofiltrum and how it is applied to children and adults.

General information

Lactofiltrum is a combined drug. The composition contains two active ingredients: hydrolyzed lignin and lactulose. Also in the production of tablets used magnesium stearate and croscarmellose sodium as auxiliary substances.

Lignin is a natural enterosorbent origin. The main effect of binding and excretion of poisons and toxins. A very useful property for the liver experiencing repeated attacks of the modern pace of life. In addition to the detoxifying action, exhibits antioxidant and Antidiarrhoeal effect. Also promotes normalization of the intestinal microflora and local immunity.

Lactulose – a substance with laxative effects, a prebiotic. The tool promotes the growth of lactic acid bacteria in the intestine to suppress activities of pathogenic organisms. Simultaneously manifests its osmotic effect, improving the peristalsis of the colon. Lactulose is the only safe cure for bowel with laxative effects, which is used for the treatment of children and adults.

The combined effect on the body Lactofiltrum allows you to actively remove toxins of different origin and simultaneously create favorable conditions for the growth of beneficial microflora. Stimulation of local immunity and improves overall health, helping to reduce recovery time after illness. In addition, the action of both substances begins immediately in the departments of the colon without penetration into the bloodstream.

Dosage, indications, contraindications and possible side effects

Lactofiltrum – this pill is oblong, colour – dark brown with small white patches, no smell. The drug is available in a contour packs of 10 tablets. or bottles of 30 and 60 tablets. Laktum gel is not available. If the pills are impossible, you need to pick up another sorbent, for example, enterosgel or liminal.

According to the instructions, the main indications for the drug Lactofiltrum:

  • the intestinal dysbiosis of various etiologies, including the restoration of microflora balance after involuntary intake of antibiotics;
  • in the complex treatment of liver cirrhosis and hepatitis;
  • Lactofiltrum flatulence and bloating;
  • in the treatment of allergic dermatitis and urticaria.


  • diseases accompanied by bleeding in the digestive tract;
  • obstruction of the intestine;
  • violation of carbohydrate metabolism;
  • hypersensitivity to one component of the drug.

Be wary appoint drug Lactofiltrum ulcer of the duodenum and stomach, and also in atony of the intestine (impaired muscle tone).

The use of tablets not recommended during pregnancy and lactation. To date, no scientific evidence regarding the safety of the drug to the fetus and its ability to penetrate into breast milk. Therefore, patients in this category tablet Lactofiltrum is not assigned. But there are exceptions, and we will talk more about that.

Usually pills Lactofiltrum well tolerated, but in some cases there may be some side effects:

  • disorder of the chair;
  • bloating, flatulence;
  • specific allergic reaction.

In the case of side effects symptomatic treatment and withdrawal of the drug.

Dosage adults and children over 12 years 2-3 tablets three times a day. Right to receive a means an hour before food or two hours after. Children 8-12 years single dose of 1-2 tablets. In children from 3 to 7 years appoint 1 tablet, 1 to 3 years – ½ tablet. If necessary the young child before taking the tablets can be crushed. The average duration of treatment is 2-3 weeks. A longer therapeutic effect is coordinated with the attending physician. Expert advice need and the question, how often can I take pills. Typically the breaks between courses should be at least three months.

The combined use Lactofiltrum with other drugs is acceptable. But it is necessary to strictly observe the time intervals between doses of these drugs.

Lactofiltrum in pregnancy

Clinical trials tablets Lactofiltrum among pregnant patients was conducted. Accordingly, without reliable results to judge the efficiency and the safety for the unborn child impossible. So in the instructions to the drug, due to the lack of any scientific evidence, the manufacturer does not recommend Lactofiltrum duringpregnancy.

But trials concerning effects on the fetus were conducted on animals. According to these results, the active ingredients of the drug are not absorbed into the systemic circulation and completely excreted, which showed complete safety for a pregnant female animal and her future offspring.

Some experts at its discretion appoint patients Lactofiltrum. In such cases, the estimated expected benefit and harm that may be caused. But as the practice of medicine, adverse reactions after treatment were observed. But the efficacy of the drug was at the height. And in addition to the traditional indications – poisoning and intestinal infections during pregnancy Lactofiltrum helps to normalize the functioning of the body, removing the usual symptoms of toxemia. A high content of dietary fiber has beneficial effects on the intestine, preventing the emergence of constipation (one of the most common complaints women have during pregnancy).

Dose and methods of application of the drug during pregnancy are the same as for adults. But the course of treatment is 7 days. For the prevention pills Lactofiltrum during pregnancy are not assigned.

Efficiency laktofiltrum in the treatment of acne

The feasibility of taking the pills Lactofiltrum acne is considered individually in each case. If the problem lesions on the face associated with the hormonal changes in the body or the action of the subcutaneous mite, the drug will be ineffective. But if the pimples on her face were the result of a violation of absorbability of nutrients, or intestinal dysbiosis, it's likely a significant improvement in skin condition after a course of treatment.

It is important to remember that by itself, Lactofiltrum is a tool, and he can not act as a primary drug. In the treatment of acne requires a comprehensive approach, including drug therapy, daily skin care, correction of routine and change of diet. In this scheme, the tablets Lactofiltrum the role of tools, cleansing of toxins and normalize the functioning of the organism.

The course Lactofiltrum in an aid for acne is 2 weeks. The dosage is standard – 2-3 tablets three times a day an hour after a meal. In coordination with the dermatologist it is possible to increase the duration of the course up to 4 weeks. If necessary, re-admission need to take a break between courses not less than 3 months.

Pills Lactofiltrum as a tool for weight loss

In the struggle with excess weight Lactofiltrum may act only in the role of assistant. As a standalone tool for weight loss, the sorbent does not work, as it has no ability to break down fat cells. And the slimming effect is due, first and foremost, the excretion of all toxins and residues of undigested food. In addition, tablets Lactofiltrum need to improve peristalsis of the intestine, normalization of stool and prevent the development of intestinal dysbiosis, which is a common side effect of various diets.

If you choose a diet with Lactofiltrum, the first time it is not recommended to overdo it with exercise because of possible discomfort in the abdomen.

Together with diet the sorbent take three times a day 3 tablets. The duration of treatment is 2 weeks. For fastening of the received result at the end of the course is to continue to adhere to the schemes of proper nutrition. Of the drug is recommended to give people with diseases such as diabetes, gastritis and constipation.

Pills Lactofiltrum and BAA Lactofiltrum eco: what is the difference

Many people wonder what is different about the pills from the sorbent powder Lactofiltrum eco. Immediately reply that some fundamental differences other than the release forms and the difference in the dosage of active substances does not exist.

Belonging to the latter not to drugs but to supplements explains nuances of legislation, which does not allow the registration of identical tools with identical names. Indications and therapeutic effect remain the same as in the case of medication in pill form. So in this situation we are talking about the conventional marketing step designed to attract new customers. By the way, this can be judged by the presence of powder flavors. So, Lactofiltrum eco can have a taste of wild berries, peach or raspberry.

Pills Lactofiltrum as a prophylactic

The designation of a medicinal product should always be justified from a medical point of view. Sometimes even preventive effect – an obligatory component of complex therapy of the disease. And tablets Lactofiltrum to prevent made use of in the complex therapy. Most often the drug is administered in need of treatment with antibiotics or to prevent the development of allergic reactions.

Antibiotics – the only cure bacterial infections. But along with pathogenic microflora "magic" pill and spark and destroy allbeneficial micro-organisms inhabiting the intestinal mucosa. This imbalance leads to the development of dysbiosis. Hence the irregularity, flatulence, abdominal pain and loss of appetite. Against the background of dysbacteriosis may develop a deficiency disease that leads to other inflammatory diseases. To prevent the development of these unwanted side effects by using Lactofiltrum or another prebiotic.

As for allergic reactions, it has long been known about the cumulative effect of allergens. The more in the body of substances that the immune system perceives in bayonets, the higher the risk of allergic reaction. Cleansing the body from poisons and toxins is one of the main events in the complex treatment of allergies. In this situation, the application of sorbent for prevention will be helpful and is justified. How to take Lactofiltrum should be addressed to the attending physician.

Counterparts Lactofiltrum

Pills Lactofiltrum is the only pharmaceutical agent, having in its composition both the sorbent and prebiotic. Similar drugs combining lignin and lactulose, to date, not released. Therefore, the analogue may simply be offered the sorbent exceptional detoxification properties.

All sorbents counterparts Lactofiltrum are divided into two groups:

  • preparations containing lignin (polyphepan, lignosol, integrin, filtrum-STI and others);
  • funds from other active substance, but with similar therapeutic effect (smectite, Polisorb, enterosgel, ultrafiltrat, interhuman and others).

Analogues are available in the form of tablets, powder or gel. The most suitable replacement option is selected depending on the clinical indications and the patient's age.

Patient testimonials

Opinions about the effectiveness of the pills Lactofiltrum in the Network divided. Usually the negative reviews about the low effectiveness of the tools, combined with the high cost of the drug left women using it to treat rashes on the face. Given the evidence, the scope and need for additional procedures, such opinion may be biased. And causes pimples and acne can be completely unrelated to the condition of the intestines. From this and the cleansing of the body certainly will not contribute to the solution of the problem.

Not happy with the achieved results and losing weight. "Not met expectations" – such reviews can be found on the forums. Whereas women who decided to go the way of the diet to the end, were fully satisfied with the action of the sorbent. Indeed, despite a rigid diet, pills helped faster to achieve results and not to upset your gut.

But who is fully satisfied with the effect of taking Lactofiltrum, moms, whose kids need a course of tablets. Excellent results in complex treatment of allergic rashes and other skin diseases appear in the many positive reviews about this medication. Were noted and the neutral taste of the drug, making the baby is easy to persuade to drink some water with dissolved pills.

Now you know why used tablets Lactofiltrum and in what doses. But the above description is not the final instruction, the appropriateness of the appointment of the drug can be determined only by the attending physician. Self even such, at first glance, body-safe sorbents may not be the best way impact on your health.