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POLYSORB: application instruction to children of all ages

Children are more susceptible to toxic compounds and sensitive to their penetration into the body. This is because the immune system has not yet formed. Instructions for use POLYSORB for children involves the use of the drug in various pathologies of the digestive system.

How does the drug

POLYSORB – is a sorbent, a chemical that can absorb molecules of gases, vapors, liquids, engaging with them in a chemical bond. The drug actively binds toxins, poisons, poisonous remedies, microorganisms, allergens that were in the child's body from the environment.

Polisorb has a high sorption capacity, the scope of its impact is extensive. So it is a priority in the treatment of children of all ages. Of the drug two major steps – detoxification (removes toxic substances) and sorption (binds toxins that fall outside or formed in the body).

The drug has antacid action and adjusts the pH level of the digestive tract, neutralizes the hydrochloric acid. The therapeutic effect is fast and lasting.

The list of substances in poisoning, which is prescribed polisar children:

  • toxins – products of vital activity of pathogenic microorganisms (fall into the gastrointestinal tract during food poisoning, infectious diseases).
  • poisonous chemical compounds;
  • salts of heavy metals;
  • drugs (poisoning, overdose);
  • allergens (food, environmental, industrial);
  • radionuclides taken into the body during irradiation.

Release form of the drug

POLYSORB available in the form of powder, which is prepared from a suspension. The drug is designed for oral consumption only. Available in jars, plastic, with a volume of 12, 25 and 50 g. For single use drug is Packed in sachets of a thin double layer of plastic, a dosage of 3 g. This gives the opportunity to buy the amount that is prescribed by a doctor.

The main active ingredient colloidal silicon dioxide. Excipients POLYSORB does not contain. The drug is a white powder that can sometimes dominate blue hue that is not a deviation from the norm and does not reduce the efficiency. The drug has no odor. When interacting with water, it forms a white suspension (slurry).

The use of the drug in children

Indications for the use of POLYSORB in children:

  1. Gastroenteritis – food poisoning caused by bacteria (Staphylococcus, Streptococcus). Prescribed for rotavirus in children is an acute infectious disease with symptoms of inflammation of the bowel and constant diarrhea.
  2. Viral hepatitis A.
  3. Dyspepsia – bloating, flatulence, intestinal colic, constipation or diarrhea, fermentation, and dysbiosis.
  4. Acute poisoning by toxic substances, medicinal or chemical preparations, radioactive isotopes, poisonous mushrooms.
  5. Allergic reactions of different origin. Removes excess endogenous physiological substances (for liver, kidneys) – bilirubin, urea, not osvoivshis protein, cholesterol and products of metabolism. And also neutralizes the effect of exogenous allergens that come from food, pollen, household dust.

The drug is recommended to take children with extensive thermal burns of the skin or purulent wounds. These States are accompanied by severe intoxication for a small body.

POLYSORB prescribed in the complex treatment of skin diseases – dermatitis, diathesis, psoriasis, eczema. In children adolescent drug prescribed for acne. The sorbent supports the immune system, so it is used for colds, SARS, flu.

POLYSORB prevents the penetration of toxins into the blood. The drug neutralizes poisons in the intestines and excretes them in the stool.

Method of application of the drug in children

The medication is safe for the body, it does not violate the physiological microflora of the digestive tract. Therefore, it is prescribed from the first days of life. The most frequent pathologies that occur in children – intestinal disorders and infections, a dysbacteriosis, an Allergy to foods or formula milk.

POLYSORB kids can be used without a doctor's prescription, but you need to know what dose is acceptable for the baby. The amount of the drug calculated from the body weight according to the formula: child's weight is divided by 10. The result is the maximum permissible dose. It should be divided into 3-4 reception and give during the day.

Approximate dosage: one tablespoonful contains about 1 g of powder in a tablespoon and 2.5-3 g. Dissolve POLYSORB is better for the child in warm water, grams of the drug on 40-50 ml.

Newborn drug shown to prevent Allergy and intestinal disorders before the introduction of complementary foods. This prevents the growth of pathogenic microflora in the intestines. Before giving POLYSORB babies, it can be diluted in breast milk. Children from 3 years before the use of the drug is diluted in the juice, the juice, the juice.

The designation POLYSORB for common childhood illnesses

In paediatric practice medication prescribed for the treatment and prevention of childhood diseasesweak babies with insufficient weight gain.

POLYSORB for diathesis

Diathesis is a pathology with a genetic predisposition, for which different characteristic manifestations of allergic skin rashes, frequent colds, metabolic disorders, muscle cramps. Only happens in childhood. From the point of view of medical science diathesis is not a disease, but a small adaptation of the organism to new conditions of life.

POLYSORB for infants prescribed to get rid of skin Allergy symptoms – redness and inflammation of the skin, excessive desquamation, allergic rash. When diathesis the drug cleans the intestine and removes the irritants that are caused by errors in the diet, improper care, frequent infections.

Children up to years the daily dose is divided into 6 parts and allow to drink during meal. The duration of the course prescribed by a doctor, given the age, body weight and severity of Allergy.

POLYSORB when gastroenterocolitis and viral hepatitis A

Gastroenterocolitis (food poisoning) develops acutely. The main symptoms – vomiting and diarrhea, rapid dehydration. Hepatitis increased liver, increased production of bilirubin. Efficiency of application of Polisorb in complex treatment undeniable.

Intestinal infections the drug promotes the regression of symptoms and accelerates the recovery of the child, normalizes laboratory parameters of blood, urine, feces. Quickly eliminated intoxication, restores the chair. In a child are pain symptoms, has a good appetite, normal sleep.

In viral hepatitis POLYSORB eliminates jaundice 4-6 days, and the itching a week after the onset of the disease. Restores the color of feces and urine due to the normalization of bilirubin level in the blood.

Medication you can drink for children with severe enteric toxicosis. It eliminates the toxic effects on the nervous system, restores blood circulation. If there is persistent vomiting, at the initial stage of treatment prescribed enema with polisorba child. Dosage – 1 g powder per 100 ml of water. The prepared medium should be warm, so it stayed in the intestines and quickly bound toxins.

Depending on the degree of poisoning, the treatment lasts from 3 days to two weeks. The first day of the reception interval – every hour, other days 3 hours.


The drug is prescribed as in acute and chronic allergies.

If your child has food allergies, the tool is used during meals or after meals, if the child is 1 year or less, the powder is better diluted in clean water to avoid increasing allergic reactions. Use 3 times a day, a course of treatment from 10 days to 2 weeks. In hay fever (chronic rhinoconjunctivitis) and urticaria medicine drink the same pattern, just half an hour before meals.

POLYSORB prescribed to children with asthma. The course of treatment for a child who is 2 years old, is three weeks. Take 2 grams 3 times a day. The frequency of courses every 2 months and, if exacerbations.

Mechanism of action:

  1. Blocking allergens.
  2. Neutralization activity of substances due to the release of histamine and immunoglobulin.
  3. Obstruction of absorption into the blood.
  4. The output of the allergens through the intestines.

POLYSORB for burns, festering wounds

In addition to ingestion, the tool can be applied externally. It cleanses the wound surface and accelerates the regeneration of tissues, promotes rapid healing. POLYSORB prevents the accession of a bacterial infection in thermal burns.

Method of application: sterile bandage moistened in warm water, squeeze lightly. Him pour a sachet of powder (corresponds to the area of the wound) and applied to the affected skin. Change the bandage every 4 hours.

Contraindications and side effects

The drug is contraindicated if the child has the following diseases:

  • peptic ulcer or duodenal ulcer during the exacerbation;
  • bleeding from any parts of the digestive system;
  • atony of the intestine – decrease or absence of peristalsis, tone, motility;
  • individual intolerance of the drug.

If the baby has a congenital anomaly of the gastrointestinal tract or physiological disorders, before the drug you need to consult a pediatrician.

Side effects are extremely rare, only when gross and systematic overdose. In this case, Polisorb can cause allergic dermatitis, violation of the microflora and constipation. In severe cases, develops a deficiency of calcium and vitamins in the body.

As Polisorb has the ability to withdraw medications, it is better to use between doses of medication.

Recommendations for use

Below the therapeutic effect is preserved as much as possible, it is important to follow some recommendations:

  1. To take the drug for more than 2 weeks you can only on prescription and under his control.
  2. Used with caution in children with acute allergic reactions.
  3. If the child is prescribed a complex treatment of pharmacological drugs, to strictly adhere to the proposed treatment regimen.
  4. Polisorb can be used for topical treatment stop capillary bleeding. Whenthe lesions on the skin external use is not effective.
  5. If the child is 2 years or less, during treatment, you need to control the nature of the chair, to monitor the overall state of the baby. In case of unreasonable anxiety, loss of appetite, constant crying, POLYSORB, to cancel, to show the baby to family doctor.
  6. In preventive medicine given once a day.
  7. In the case of intended long-term use of POLYSORB, at the same time prescribe calcium supplements to prevent micronutrient deficiencies.

Common analogs POLYSORB

Smectite – adsorbing agent with marked anti-diarrhoeal effect. Well tolerated by kids. The drug of natural origin (clay), so safe for children of any age. It consists of orange flavor, which can cause allergic reactions.

Enterosgel has the structure of a porous sponge. Available in gel form for the preparation of suspension. Plus does not display the body with useful trace elements and vitamins, can be consumed with other medications. Data on overdose lacking. The drug is prescribed to children from birth.

Microcel (cellulose) powder for suspension. The medicine is effective in acute intestinal infections. Administered to children from 3 years. In infants, the drug can cause constipation and cause intestinal cramping. Contraindication – hypersensitivity.

Contacts with the surrounding world, the child is every moment exposed to bacteria, toxins, allergens. If the body is not able to resist, there is a need to help him. POLYSORB is an indispensable tool for the treatment of kids at home. Contains no additives, it can be mixed with milk, food. The effect occurs already after 5 minutes after administration. The tool has a long therapeutic effect.