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Chelators: list of medications for children and adults

Quickly deal with intoxication and help the body recover after an illness can chelators, list of drugs introduced later in the article.

Chelators is a medicine with extensive application range, assignable to reduce allergic reactions, elimination of dysbiosis, improve immune system and overall health of the patient.

Sorbent medicines have the least negative effects and contraindications, as well as have a rapid effect. One of the important recommendations is the use of enterosorbent in the beginning of the appearance of warning signs. You should not combine the medication with food, and this may weaken their therapeutic effect.

Features of enterosorbents

There are several varieties of sorbents. They all act on the same scheme, but have different features. Penetrating into the internal organs, drugs interact with the contents of the digestive system and absorb in itself the ingredients, both harmful and useful. Therefore, the use of sorbent media must be 60 minutes before a meal. The exception is the severe poisoning: in this situation, the sorbent is taken regardless of food.

Drugs chelators are divided into two groups:

  • medicines, own absorbing surface;
  • adsorbents that absorb unnecessary substances not only cells, but of the whole structure. They are most effective.

Great importance has the ability drugs not only bind and absorb toxins, hold them in yourself, but also excrete. Some medications effectively absorb the poisons, but have a low ability to excretion. To choose a suitable treatment, you should consider these features.

How to choose the cure

List of sorbent funds is very high. Part of the preparations includes various components. Depending on the origin they can be divided into the following types:

  • Medication consisting of hydrocarbons. These include activated carbon, antral, carblog, Carbofer.
  • Products that contain silicon: white kaolin, smectite, Polisorb.
  • Synthetic drugs: intersorb, enterosgel.
  • Preparations containing tar. Can be chemical and natural origin: cholestyramine, colestipol.
  • Consisting of pectin and fibers: multisorb, nasal spray, polifepan.
  • Based on polyvinylpyrrolidone adsorbents: intersorb, use adsorbents.
  • Consisting of lignin – filtrum lignosol, bilignin.
  • Adsorbents from cellulose: carmellose and cellulose.
  • The drugs with chitin: chitosan and chitin.
  • Consisting of seaweed drug Algiers.
  • Includes peat – SIAL-S.
  • Containing alumosilicates, alumina and minerals: gel, white clay, gastal.

Each case requires a specific preparation. For people who suffer from allergic reactions, effective are medications quick action that does not provoke worsening of skin reactions. One of the best will be the activated carbon and means based on it.

The main drawback of tablets is the possibility of damage to the intestinal mucosa. Before you use coal it must be crushed.

While alcohol poisoning or substandard products the main requirement for enterosorbent – the ability to bind toxins. That is why effective are enterosgel and medicines containing pectin.

For removing toxic substances and impurities you can use natural chelators with a mild cumulative effect, not provoke dangerous consequences and exacerbation of chronic diseases, in contrast to the products containing silicon. Smectite and POLYSORB not recommended to use in diseases of the kidneys, diseases of the respiratory, cardiovascular pathologies.

The best chelators have the following abilities:

  • good at absorbing substances;
  • able to hold the toxins in itself;
  • quickly eliminate toxins from the body;
  • do not penetrate into the blood;
  • do not react with the cells of the body;
  • do not have a traumatic impact on the intestinal system;
  • do not provoke allergic reactions and the exacerbation of certain chronic conditions.

A wrong drug can cause a strong individual response.

Popular chelators

To cleanse the internal organs from toxins and harmful compounds causing poisoning and other diseases, it is necessary to choose the right remedy and use it according to the annotation.

Among a large number of medicines are:

  • Polifepan is a tool consisting of cellulose, lignin. Safe for pregnant women and in period of breast feeding. The drug can withdraw nutrients from the internal organs. Price ranges from 120 RUB.
  • Enterosgel is a popular adsorbent of the current generation, consisting of metalquimia acid. Paste-like form contributes to the spread of the active substance to all organs. Has a high ability to absorb toxins from the digestive tract and protects the intestine fromsecondary distribution of the decay products and allergens. Applied in childhood. To buy medication it is possible for 300 rubles.
  • Polisorb has a disinfectant effect on the internal organs at the expense of part of the silica. Produced in powder form gray-black hue. Polisorb used with caution, as it has many contraindications and is able to withdraw from the body with useful substances.
  • Drug – enterosorbent, consisting of aluminosilicates. The therapeutic effect begins immediately, in contrast to enterosgel. Can be used from infancy. The price varies in the range of 170 RUB.

These drugs have similar properties, but have different prices.

Medicines safe in children

Chelators for children have high therapeutic abilities, are used in various intoxications, allergic reactions and other diseases of the digestive system.

Often these medications are used in combination therapies of the kidneys, liver, cancerous tumors and skin rashes.

  • Lactofiltrum – pills should be used in powdered form in 60 minutes before eating or before taking medication. Children 1-3 years appoint 0.5 tablet three times a day, with 3 to 7 years – 1 tablet three times a day. From 8 to 12 years: 1-2 thing 3 times a day, depending on the course of disease. From 12 years: 2-3 tablets three times a day. The duration of therapy is 14-21 days.
  • Polifepan cure drinking 60 minutes before eating food or other drugs, after dissolving it in ½ Cup of the liquid. Children up to 12 months is recommended to drink 5 g three times a day, at the age of 1-7 years – 2 teaspoonful three times a day, from 7 years to 10 g three times a day. The approximate course of treatment – from 3 days to 1 week.
  • Smectite. Young children, up to 12 months prescribed one packet per day, up to 2 years old – 1-2 sachets, over 2 years – 2-3 sachets. The powder should be dissolved in 50 g of water. Therapy is from 3 to 7 days.
  • Use adsorbents used between meals. Package, mix in ½ Cup of water, add sugar. The duration of therapy is from 2 to 7 days. The dose for children aged 1-3 years – twice a day 50 ml, with 4 to 6 years - 3 times a day 50 ml, from 7 to 10 years – twice a day for ½ Cup. From 11 to 14 years, recommended to take 3 times a day to ½ Cup.
  • Enterosgel in the form of gel should be pre-diluted in water. The paste is taken in its pure form. In children under 5 years consumed 5 g 3 times a day, from 5 to 14 years – three times a day for 2 teaspoons.

One of the most common, safe and cheap methods for the treatment of intoxication is the administration of activated coal from calculation 1 tablet on 10 kg of body weight.

Chelators for Allergy sufferers

Sorbents are used not only to eliminate food and alcohol intoxication, but also to treat allergic reactions involving difficulty breathing, rhinitis, dermatitis and other skin manifestations. Toxic substances accumulated in the intestinal system, provoke negative symptoms, which successfully will help eliminate natural chelators.

Safe for Allergy sufferers are considered as adsorbents:

  1. Activated carbon used in the dosage of 1 tablet per 10 kg body weight 3 times a day. Tablets are no more than 1 week, the medication is able to cause the loss of useful minerals and vitamins.
  2. White charcoal can be administered to children with allergies from the age of 7 and adults. Pills take 3 things 3 times a day after meals.
  3. Polifepan, the active component of which is lignin, effectively eliminates allergic reactions in 1.5-2 weeks. The dosage is set by the specialist. Most often the treatment is repeated after 2 weeks.
  4. Enterosgel is the best remedy for allergies, which should be consumed after meals for 2-3 weeks.

People who are prone to allergic reactions, it is recommended to follow a special diet, including bran, fiber, pectin.

Than to eliminate the poisoning

Among effective sorbents used in the treatment of intoxications, it is possible to note the following:

  • Activated charcoal – available and affordable medicine used by children and during pregnancy.
  • Sorbex is a sorbent in the form of capsules, having a similar effect, and activated carbon.
  • Polifepan has almost no contraindications to the use.
  • Smectite – effective drug for the treatment of various intoxications and applied in infancy.
  • Enterosgel has no contraindications, has a wide range of applications. Realized in the form of pastes, capsules, powder and gel form.
  • APSCO – powder for the treatment of intoxications in children older than 12 months and adults.
  • POLYSORB must be diluted with water. Is an analogue of APSCO.
  • White coal produced in the form of a suspension, the solid dosage form, in the form of granules and powder. Has a limit – children up to age 7 years, pregnancy and lactation.

These medicines are also used in the combined treatment of dysbiosis.

Effective pills

The most popular tabletsfor the treatment of various intoxications, the gastrointestinal disorders are the following medications:

  • filtrum;
  • white coal;
  • sorbex;
  • activated carbon.

White coal is used with caution in pregnancy, during breastfeeding, and kids aged less than 7 years. Filtrum involves the use of vitamins and calcium, as capable to human body nutrients.

These drugs are used in different doses and require different therapy duration, which is determined by the attending physician taking into account individual characteristics and type of disease.


There are some products containing in its composition natural ingredients and has sarbinowski properties. Natural chelators include:

  • Bran that contain fiber and b vitamins, can be purchased at drugstores and stores.
  • Algae consist of polysaccharides and pectins, successfully lower cholesterol, remove heavy metal salts and radionuclides.
  • Some fruits, vegetables, grains. With regular use, you can maintain healthy skin and to support the work of the gastrointestinal tract.

A healthy diet will help to cope with the extra weight, get rid of inflammation, arising under the influence of various diseases.

Indications and contraindications for use

Each tool has a specific sorption rate. This should be considered when selecting a drug.

General indications for the purpose are of various pathological States:

  • renal failure;
  • Allergy symptoms;
  • food skin rash;
  • dermatitis;
  • pathology of the liver and biliary tract;
  • drug addiction;
  • the abuse of alcohol;
  • different types of intoxication;
  • colds and viral diseases;
  • toxicosis;
  • burns;
  • peritonitis;
  • helminthic infection;
  • sepsis;
  • infection.

To assign a specific drug should the attending physician taking into account individual characteristics.

Any medicine also has its own contraindications. The common difference between the drugs is the age limit.

Absolute constraints are:

  • intestinal obstruction;
  • hypersensitivity to ingredients;
  • ulcer formation in the intestine in the acute stage;
  • bleeding from the digestive system.

Almost all drugs prohibited for use during pregnancy and lactation. With the exception of coal, enterosgel, Polisorb.

If the purpose of the appointment of a sorbent is the cleansing of the intestines from toxic substances and toxins, as well as prevention of diseases, it is best to use natural products with a mild action will not cause exacerbation of disease. Many chelators are absolutely safe and can be used alone, other means should be consumed after consulting a physician.