How long does the temperature in case of intestinal infection in child

Rotavirus infection usually starts with the appearance of respiratory symptoms and a sharp rise in temperature. Only after a while join dyspeptic symptoms, such as nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. High temperatures intestinal infections in a child lasting several days. To say exactly how much baby is feverish impossible, it all depends on the characteristics of the disease and of the immunity of the baby. Usually the higher the temperature is kept 3-4 days, but there are exceptions.

Peculiarities of rotavirus

Rotavirus infection can affect people of all ages. Intestinal pathology as newborns and the elderly. But most often the disease is diagnosed in young children under the age of 6 years. The causative agent of this disease is rotavirus, which can penetrate the human body in such ways:

  • Fecal-oral.
  • Airborne.
  • Through water and food.
  • Household path.

Particularly difficult to tolerate disease babies up to 2 years. They have a disease with severe intoxication and symptoms of dehydration. This is due to too low body weight.

Rotavirus infection is manifested typical symptoms that look like this:

  • There is a runny nose and watery eyes observed.
  • There is pain in the throat.
  • Body temperature rises. At that, the farther the disease progresses, the higher the temperature.
  • Appear dyspepsia – nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.

If the patient has dehydration occurs, it is manifested by blue discoloration of nasolabial triangle, dryness of mucous membranes and severe lethargy. Urination broken, the patient may not go to the toilet more than 5 hours.

When the first signs of intestinal infection you need to go to the hospital. In many cases the patient is placed for treatment in hospital.

As illness begins

Intestinal infection begins with a high fever and manifestations of General intoxication. Hyperthermia develops rapidly and remained at high levels up to weeks. The incubation period is up to 4 days, but most often the first clinical symptoms appear a day after the ingress of pathogenic microorganisms into the human body.

Very high temperature is usually kept for 5 days, after this time the patient's condition gradually returned to normal. But about a week the temperature may stay at a low grade level.

At high temperatures there is always a strong fever, the patient's condition especially worsens in the mornings. In the morning the little kids refuse to eat and complain of severe abdominal pain and weakness. While retching and diarrhea occur even if the patient absolutely did not eat anything.

Infants, cases of intestinal infection have become apathetic. They lose weight and become very pale. In infants with intestinal infection observed mushy diarrhea yellowish in color and audible rumbling in her tummy.

For children up to years old rotavirus infection is particularly dangerous because it can quickly lead to dehydration. Dehydration begin irreversible processes.

As temperature rises

In young children the temperature rises to critical levels in the first few hours of onset of disease, high it reaches to the evening of the first day. The temperature can reach 40 degrees, she is not straying and at this level lasts about 4-5 days. The duration of this condition depends on the age of the patient and its immune system.

During rotavirus infection hyperthermia is very stable. So, parents of young children often complain that the temperature is caused by a virus, it is simply impossible to shoot down. In many cases, to normalize its only injections of hormonal drugs. Doctors do not advise to bring down the temperature which is not reached 38.5 degrees. At higher temperatures produces more interferon, the body is actively fighting the infection.

If the child is prone to seizures, to have recourse to antipyretic remedies in that case, if the mark of the thermometer shows 38.


Sometimes it happens that the patient is almost recovered, but again after some time observed hyperthermia and the symptoms of intoxication. In this case, doctors say about accession of secondary infection, most often caused by pathogenic bacteria.

If there is a complication of rotavirus, the patient is prescribed a series of examinations. To determine further tactics of treatment of the person sent for such tests:

  • Clinical analysis of blood allows you to define. How much inflammation is in the body.
  • Seeding samples of feces and vomit, to determine the causative agent.
  • The cultures to determine susceptibility to antibiotics and antimicrobial agents.

In addition, the patient can be assigned to urine, and stool for parasites. This will help to exclude concomitant diseases, which can cause intoxication.

Before the arrival of the doctor it is necessary to save samples of vomit and feces of the patient. This will facilitate diagnosis and expedite treatment initiation.

First aid

During rotavirus infection is very importantto prevent dehydration of the body. For this purpose the patient otpaivat rehydration solutions and simultaneously carried the fight against the pathogen. First aid to the patient have on the algorithm:

  • Give to drink in small portions so as not to provoke a new attack of vomiting. You can give boiled water, solution Regidrona or water with lemon juice and honey.
  • Give the patient the sorbent to quickly remove toxins from the body.
  • Give antipyretic drugs. To give them immediately after the attack of vomiting, so the drug had time to be absorbed before the next vomiting urge.

In the first day patient feeding is not recommended. They just need to give a lot of drinking. Starting from the second day of the diet includes ripe bananas, baked apples and app cookies.

If the rotavirus ill baby younger than a year, I need to call an ambulance. From such crumbs of rapidly developing dehydration.

High temperatures intestinal infections may last up to five days, then the liver recovers. If joins secondary infection, all the symptoms begin to appear with a new force.