Furosemide: overdose fatal dose

Diuretics are common medications. They should be administered only by doctors. But because of the availability of drugs, the people themselves appoint them as a treat or for weight loss. One such medication is Furosemide, overdose which leads to serious disturbances in the human body.

The purpose of the drug

Furosemide, it is a pharmacological drug. It has a diuretic effect ─ increases the rate of formation of urine, reduces the amount of fluid in the tissues. Ingestion is strong and quick effect, but lasts for a short time. Begins to act already in 20 minutes. Peak effects occur in 1-2 hours and lasts up to 6 hours.

Substance increases the excretion of potassium, calcium, magnesium. Also, the drug reduces the workload on the heart, tone the veins, which decreases blood volume, reduces blood pressure.

Furosemide is prescribed to patients for controlling edema, which occurred due to disruption of the heart, liver and kidneys, high blood pressure. Also it is used in patients with edema of the lung or a brain used in cases of poisoning with chemical substances, which are derived via the kidneys in unchanged form.

How can I get overdose

Options of overdose of Furosemide:

  1. Errors in the assignment of treatment;
  2. Self-administration of medication;
  3. Accidental contact with the substance in the body (in the elderly or children);
  4. The drug as a means for weight loss;
  5. Overdose, resulting from intolerance to the drugs.

To negative effects on the body may allow the simultaneous use of drug and alcoholic drinks.

Signs of acute overdose

To answer the question of whether Furosemide is harmful, consider its effect on the body, high doses.

One of the first symptoms is the decline in blood pressure. This is expressed in such features:

  • General weakness, lethargy, apathy, malaise, fatigue;
  • Pain in the occipital region of the head;
  • The feeling of lack of air, shortness of breath;
  • Excessive sweating;
  • Dizziness when changing position;
  • Nausea.

With the progressive reduction of pressure comes the collapse. Its symptoms are associated with hypoxia (oxygen starvation of the brain):

  • Sharp deterioration of health;
  • The darkening of the eyes, noise in the ears;
  • Dizziness, severe headache;
  • Pale skin, cold sweat;
  • The decrease in body temperature, chills;
  • Frequent and shallow breathing;
  • Convulsions.

Overdose drug develops hypovolemia-decrease volume of circulating blood (BCC). Diastolic pressure (lower figure) inadequately reduced. This reduces the amount of blood ejected by the heart, which reduces blood supply to organs. Reduction BCC provokes damage to the kidneys, brain and leads to death.

The administration of large doses of Furosemide creates the risk of dehydration ─ dehydration. The person experiences intense thirst, weakness and fatigue. The kidneys do not produce urine in the right quantity, it becomes dark in color. In severe dehydration observed decrease in pressure, weak pulse, bluish skin, loss of consciousness.

Haemoconcentration ─ thickening of the blood. Disturbed blood microcirculation, which is manifested by tingling and numbness of extremities. Among the serious consequences it should be noted thrombosis, which can lead to heart attack and stroke, intracerebral hemorrhage.

Among the functional disorders of internal organs are developing:

  1. Arrhythmia ─ violation of the heart rate;
  2. Ventricular fibrillation ─ not coordinated muscular contractions of the heart;
  3. Heart block because of a violation of conduction of impulses from the Atria to the ventricles;
  4. Acute renal failure.

Chronic overdose

Regular use of the pills developing thrombophlebitis - inflammation of veins with formation of blood clots. More common in the elderly.

From the blood observed these symptoms:

  • Nausea, vomiting;
  • Constipation or diarrhea;
  • Pancreatitis-inflammation of the pancreas;
  • Stagnation of bile.

The symptoms of chronic damage to the nervous system:

  • Hearing loss due to lesions of the inner ear;
  • Fog in the eyes;
  • Confusion, nervousness;
  • Dizziness, migraine;
  • Anorexia.

Allergic reactions: exfoliative dermatitis, pruritus, urticaria, photosensitivity (sensitivity to light).

The maximum dose is 600 mg per day. In medical practice, in some cases, for example, in the ascites (fluid accumulation in the abdominal cavity), the dose may be increased to 900 mg per day. Lethal dose of Furosemide is not installed, a critical daily dose of 1500 mg.

Dependence on the drug

Furosemide has the ability to create the effect of dependence. First of all, this is reflected in the work of the kidneys. Over time, the kidneys fail to respond to a certain dose and for normal operation require it and increase.

Itevery doctor takes into account when assigning treatment for patients. Therefore, to obtain this dependence, strictly following the treatment regimen, it is impossible. Often faced with this problem, women who decided on their own, without consulting a doctor, lose weight with the help of the drug.

Long-term use causes pseudo-Bechterewsche syndrome ─ a low content of potassium in the body along with lower blood pressure.


  • Muscle pain;
  • The feeling of pins and needles in the body;
  • Sometimes cramps;
  • Irritability gives way to a depressed condition;
  • Vomiting, not bringing relief.

Systematic lack of fluids and chronic its loss is manifested by loss of strength, weakness, drowsiness, depression.

The dependence of Furosemide requires medical treatment. If you abruptly stop the drug, it will increase swelling. Choose analogs that can be substituted for drug. Recovery from dependence is a long, low one month. Along with drugs the herbal products used: herbal teas.

First aid and treatment

Let's see, what to do in case of acute poisoning with medication in case of ingestion in pill form. You must take the following actions:

  1. Cause yourself to vomit: drink at least a liter of water, press on the base of the tongue with two fingers to trigger the gag reflex. The procedure is repeated several times;
  2. Make any of the sorbents, the most affordable ─ activated carbon;
  3. In order to avoid dehydration, you should drink water in small amounts, but constantly;
  4. If one feels a strong weakness, it means that the pressure has dropped. For normalization, you can drink warm tea.

If the victim is in serious condition, until the arrival of the ambulance it need to stack and cover with a warm blanket.

Treatment of overdosage is performed in the hospital under constant control of the vital organs and systems.

Therapy aims to replenish the volume of liquid in the body and circulating blood. For this parenterally (intravenously) administered solutions ─ Disol, Trisol.

To improve the cardiovascular system prescribe medications magnesium and potassium, and also means that increases pressure.

If Furosemide has resulted in a severe condition, treatment in intensive care ─ a person has seen acute renal failure, circulatory failure, coma.

Treatment is to support the person all the vital functions of the body to the full withdrawal of Furosemide. Doctors carried out:

  1. Anti-shock activity;
  2. Support the work of the heart, lungs;
  3. The restoration of the BCC and regulation of adequate treatment in the bloodstream;
  4. Monitoring of the brain;
  5. Hemodialysis ─ to cleanse the blood and support the work of the kidneys;
  6. Hormone therapy ─ stimulation of the internal organs.

Diseases in which the administration of large doses of the drug can lead to death:

  • Liver failure;
  • Acute glomerulonephritis;
  • Hyperglycemic coma;
  • A narrowing of the urethra and other anatomical abnormalities of urinary system;
  • Acute myocardial infarction;
  • High venous pressure.

Overdose of Furosemide causes the body serious harm. Total dehydration can lead to irreversible changes in the structures and function of internal organs. As a result of poisoning in humans can remain steadfast nervous and mental disorders, hearing and vision, chronic changes of water-salt metabolism, allergic reactions.