Freon poisoning: signs, symptoms, treatment

Freon poisoning occurs with prolonged inhalation of toxic compounds. As in nature, the substance practically does not occur in pure form, intoxication can occur due to improper operation of appliances or breakage in use. Narcotic effect in the early stage of poisoning is quickly replaced by nausea, painful vomiting, and tremor of the extremities. To avoid severe consequences for human health, you should know the main symptoms of intoxication and be able to provide first aid.

What is the freon

Freon, or chlorofluorocarbon, is the General designation of the type of saturated hydrocarbons, including halogen fluoride. Substances are used as refrigerants, propellants, solvents and blowing agents. When boiling, they reduce the temperature of the material, process heat, condense and emit into the environment. Depending on the scope of CFCs, the developers added to the composition of compounds of molecular bromine or chlorine. It manufactures more than 45 types of hydrocarbons, each designed for a specific type of equipment. When using CFCs should be aware of what the hazard class assigned.

According to the degree of compression freons are liquid and gaseous. There are five categories of chemical compounds, and with the invention of more new class of Halocarbon previous view is gradually being discontinued because of its toxicity.

The danger of toxic hydrocarbons lies in their indifference. They have no odor or taste, and, when emitted to the environment is absolutely invisible. That is, having felt the first symptoms of poisoning, a person is not able to understand the cause of their origin – poisoning with freon, and to fix it. What else is the halons, are listed below.

  • When violations of the integrity of appliances and freon leak signs of intoxication experienced by all family members, including children and the elderly. A child or elderly person is often not able to assess the threat and call for help.
  • To cause intoxication, threatening human life, would require an enormous amount of CFCs. But in case of emergency situation possible ignition of vapors of the compound. The combustion air formed a toxic substance phosgene. Several decades ago, phosgene was used for the mass destruction of the enemy when conducting combat.
  • Scientists have proven that mass production of home appliances is directly related to the thinning of the ozone layer of the atmosphere. The UN was encouraged scientists to engage in the development of the refrigerant, neutral to the environment.

For situations in which evaporation of refrigerant would lead to the death of a person, require the simultaneous corruption of all of the devices in fire conditions. If liquid freon inside the body possible death – poisoning provoke acute renal failure. Failure to carry out hemodialysis procedure will lead to brain edema and death of cells.

Where poisoning freon

It is well known that long-term storage foods in the refrigerator using a refrigerant of freon. Therefore, when damage to the appliance try to fix it or throw it away to avoid poisoning freon. Dangerous intoxication also occurs in the following cases:

  1. Freon contains all devices for air-conditioning facilities. With air circulation inside the unit the freon it cools. It is scientifically proven that damage to the wall or floor of the conditioned, the liberated refrigerant is not able to harm the owner of the premises or members of his family.
  2. Freons have the ability to dissolve other chemical compounds, as such, their use in the production of household chemicals.
  3. Property of Halocarbon foam liquid substance used to create foams for shaving, of hair spray, and foam.
  4. All medical aerosols ("Olazol", "Lidocaine", "Panthenol") contain in their composition a blowing agent on the basis of CFCs.
  5. A large quantity of halon is used to extinguish the fire as a defoamer and is not dangerous to humans.

The concentration of CFCs in aerosol cans are minimal and can not cause harm to human. If accidentally ingested, intoxication is likely to occur because the active ingredients of cosmetics or insect repellent.

Can occur chronic exposure to freon in the production of fluoro-olefins. Because the hydrocarbons have the ability to evaporate into the environment, despite modern treatment facilities, a small amount of toxic compounds in the form of gas is always in the room. Accumulate in the tissues and cells of internal organs over time a person will have symptoms of poisoning.

Symptoms of poisoning by freon

Harmful freon? Of course the toxicity of carbon give it contains the Halogens bromine, fluoride and chlorine. In high concentrations, these volatile chemicals can cause death of a person. In contact with the mucous membranes of the larynx, esophagus and gastrointestinal tract poisonous gases are readily absorbed by the blood. Tying the red blood cells, they blockthe flow of molecular oxygen to the brain cells. There is a decrease in its functional activity, impaired regulation of all systems of life, and the victim may die.

The danger of toxic Halogens in the environment is not pronounced symptoms. Irritation of larynx, causing a slight cough, the man takes for signs of viral infection, as freon doesn't smell.

Freon harmful to humans even in small concentrations. If you have a large number of appliances should be familiar with the symptoms of poisoning with poisonous freon. The main are listed below.

  • Inhalation of HFC in humans may occur redness of the mucous membrane of the eye. There are a lot of swelling of the inner wall of the nasopharynx, the person has a sore throat. When walking, the victim experiences shortness of breath, feeling of shortage of air.
  • If freon leaked and got inside of the human body, appears the more pronounced symptoms of intoxication. Occurs increased secretion of saliva and lacrimal fluid, often diagnosed discharge of the foam from his mouth.
  • Disrupted gastrointestinal tract due to extensive burn of the lining of the esophagus. The victim experiences excruciating nausea, followed by vomiting. Occurs disorder stool –diarrhea occurs in the stool visible blood impurities.
  • Reduced functional activity of the urinary system due to the extensive damage to the structural elements of the kidney: the cups and pelvis. Slows down metabolism of proteins, decomposition products accumulate in the bloodstream. Occurs violation of urination with small volume discharge of urine. Urine becomes dark brown in color.

The victim is also experiencing increased sleepiness, apathy, alternating with anxiety. Occurs arterial hypertension, and after a short time the pressure drops to dangerous indicators. Rarely hyperthermia, the victim looks tired.

Distinctive features of intoxication freon

Even in acute poisoning with freon in a few hours the symptoms subside and the victim feels comfortable. Danger signs of poisoning may not resume for several hours, the man turns to the doctor, leads a normal way of life, because the smell of freon is missing. But then there is a recurrence of signs of intoxication:

  1. The skin gets cyanotic shade, there is cyanosis of the nasolabial folds.
  2. Get headaches, worse in bright light or motion.
  3. The cough is dry, barking. Sputum almost does not depart from the respiratory tract.
  4. If failure to provide medical assistance a person's heart stops and he dies.

When elevated levels of the freon stage of imaginary well-being may not occur. Then the victim dies of respiratory paralysis or heart failure.

After the collapse of large quantities of freon sometimes the victim is diagnosed edema of the pulmonary parenchyma. Man cannot make even a small breath and die from suffocation. Is it possible to poison freon externally? If liquid freon onto the surface of the skin there is a wide burn the top layer of the epidermis. Blisters are formed, filled with liquid clear content. The neighboring areas of the dermis are red and inflamed. In violation of the integrity of the bubbles may join a secondary infection. Open wounds are streptococci and (or) staphylococci and begin to actively proliferate. Through the smallest capillaries pathogenic microbes penetrate inside the human body, and blood stream spread throughout the body. Inflammation can occur in the kidneys or liver.

First aid for poisoning by freon

If there is suspected toxicity freon, you should immediately call the ambulance for treatment. While the doctor is in the way, you can contact the General poison control center and ask for a consultation with a medical toxicologist. Following his recommendations, it is necessary to provide the victim first aid.

When the surface of the skin got liquid freon, you need to rinse it under running water and then treated with any disinfectant. After drying, the resulting damage should apply a sterile bandage to prevent bacterial infection.

If the victim is conscious but is unable to cause vomiting, it is necessary to help:

  1. In one liter of water dissolve a few crystals of potassium permanganate to the formation of the pink color.
  2. To drink person the resulting solution and put pressure on the handle of his spoon on the tongue.
  3. Induce vomiting to discharge from the stomach of pure water.

You can give the victim any adsorbent, for example activated carbon. If the person experiences increased anxiety, you should get him to cover and calm me. It is essential that after poisoning the victim was conscious, so until the doctor gets him to talk. In case of unconsciousness or heart failure it is necessary to conduct resuscitation.

If you have small children, aerosol cans and household chemicals should be stored out of their reach. Good prevention of poisoning with freon will be regular inspection of machinery invitedmaster. Unfortunately, danger freon, a person can learn only after the onset of intoxication.