Vomiting and fever in a child: causes, help, treatment

The occurrence of vomiting and fever in a child may indicate the presence of diseases in the body. These symptoms often accompany severe pathological processes that require timely treatment. What to do when there is vomiting and fever in a child? How can you eliminate these unpleasant signs, which do not give rest to the child. You should carefully consider the features of this condition and ways of its elimination.

What causes vomiting

Nausea and fever in a child can be caused by different factors. But many parents in these situations write off the symptoms of poisoning, intestinal disorders. For this reason, they start to fix them, without resorting to medical assistance. However, nausea and vomiting in a child with fever can occur as a result of violation of digestion and infections, but also for another reason, respectively, and the treatment in each case has its own peculiarities.

What reasons can cause nausea, fever and retching in children:

  • Enteric infection. The main precipitating factors in children who are 2-3 years and older, are rotavirus infections, they are identified in the greatest number of cases of diseases of the intestinal in nature. For rotavirus infection is characterized by acute and sudden onset, in which there is the appearance of heat and vomiting. In the future, there are other signs as weakness, rapid pulse, pain in the throat, watery eyes, runny nose.
  • Allergies. This may be due to Allergy to foods. Temperature appears when the use of incompatible products, the application of medicines.
  • Various diseases of the digestive system. If after eating manifest as pain in the abdomen, then nausea, fever and retching, these symptoms can speak about existence of pathologies of the digestive system. In these situations, you should consult your gastroenterologist.
  • Injuries to the head. Problems with consciousness, retching after falls, bumps are the symptoms of a concussion. The temperature rise appears a little bit later, this sign would indicate the presence of pathology.
  • An attack of appendicitis. The emergence of vomiting, body heat, pain in the abdomen, indigestion – the main symptoms of appendicitis. Diagnosis should only be performed by a doctor, but if there is repeated vomiting, increasing the temperature to 37-39 degrees with a sharp and drawing pains in the lower abdomen, it must be the main reason to call the doctor.
  • Stress. If slight fever and vomiting, the child appears constantly, before school, kindergarten and other important events, these signs clearly indicate a heightened excitement that a child feels at this time.
  • The vomiting occurs due to the heat. Occasional vomiting appears in the background of a sharp increase in body temperature. This can occur due to various diseases, for example, SARS, influenza. These signs can serve as a protective reaction of the organism, as well as complication of sudden spasms in the blood vessels. In these situations the vomiting is not dangerous and it passes quickly.

Regardless of the reasons, which caused this condition in the first 2-3 hours to bring the temperature down is not recommended, it can cause serious consequences.

The danger of the state

Cause nausea, fever and vomiting in a child from 1 year to 8 years in any case indicates the presence of pathological processes in the bodythat represent an increased risk to health.

What negative effects can result from vomiting and heat:

  1. During vomiting children, particularly newborns, can choke or choke on vomit. This may be due to the fact that food residue will penetrate into the region of the trachea. To prevent the penetration of vomit into the respiratory tract, the child must be put in a half-upright position, and the head should put higher, slightly inclining it to one side.
  2. If there is vomiting from the high temperature from 38 degrees, the body begins to rapidly lose water. This leads to dehydration – an imbalance of fluids and salts in the body. To normalize the condition need to consume as much liquid as possible. Children aged 6 years and older should abandon the use of milk.
  3. Exit from the control of hyperthermia. If the temperature rose to 39 degrees and above, it is recommended to take an antipyretic. If children have problems with heart and nervous system if they have the tendency to seizures, fever, antipyretics should be given at a temperature of 38.5 degrees.
  4. If severe nausea, vomiting the child is hard to eat normally, he had a decreased appetite. In the end, increasing the likelihood of exhaustion. It is recommended to consult a doctor for an appropriate treatment.

With strong heat, nausea and vomiting, it is important to monitor the child's condition. You need to measure temperature, check the color and quantity of vomit, and to control gagging.

When you need to carry out first aid

Many often have difficulties when there is vomiting and fever in a child.To start is to understand what brought on these symptoms, what factors caused this unpleasant condition. It is worth remembering that if vomiting, nausea and severe temperature caused by heavy pathological processes in these situations need professional help.

Home first aid needs to be immediately conducted if the child's temperature and vomiting caused by the following factors:

  • appearance temperature and vomiting due to trauma, injury, falls;
  • frequent manifestation of symptoms;
  • the child is not thirsty;
  • onset of severe diarrhea;
  • loss of tonus in the muscles. The child's legs, arms become wobbly, stationary;
  • if within 4 hours no urination;
  • the presence of a dehydration – depression of the Fontanelle, dry mucous membranes, dry weeping.

First aid

What to do if the child vomits, and the temperature is 38, but no diarrhea? First, it is recommended to take care of the prevention of dehydration. Even if there is no diarrhea, still vomiting may cause a serious violation and the lack of salt.

What recommendations should be followed when first aid:

  • if there is high temperature and frequent retching, the child is recommended as often as possible to drink pure water and herbal infusions. This will help to avoid severe dehydration;
  • you should refrain from drinking milk, soda, meat broth, or in the future may intensify dehydration;
  • to improve the condition of the child can use a saline solution that is possible to do it yourself in 1 liter of water added 1 tsp salt and 2 tsp of sugar. Very good solution regidrona;
  • dosage of saline solution or regidrona is calculated based on the weight of the child – 50 ml per 1 kilogram of body weight;
  • give your child to drink every 15-20 minutes. It is undesirable to exceed the recommended dosage;
  • feeding in these cases you should refuse. If the child wants to eat, it is possible to feed rice cereal or yogurt, juice, berry juice, light fruit;
  • after another attack of vomiting of the child need to calm down, lay on the bed, slightly raise the head and put it under her pillow;
  • if there is high fever, it is possible for a forehead to put cold compresses, you can use a hot water bottle with ice;
  • every hour should do the wiping of the body with alcohol or vodka with a small amount of table bite at a ratio of 1:1.

Features of treatment

It is extremely important for the appearance of nausea, vomiting, the temperature of a child to provide timely treatment. First aid can be carried out independently at home. If trouble symptoms persist for more than a day, you should consult a doctor. Also you should call a doctor if there is vomiting from the high temperature of 38 degrees.

Definitely need to remember some tips for treatment depending on the causes of nausea and heat:

  1. With the appearance of intestinal infectious lesions, poisoning is not recommended blocking of the vomiting in the first period. This way the body eliminates toxins, harmful substances that are trapped in the digestive system.
  2. It is not recommended to feed the baby until, until you subside fever and won't stop vomiting. At this time is to drink plenty of fluids – saline solution-a solution of sorbents and plain water.
  3. At this time the child should permanently rest. It needs to lie on your side, it will help to prevent the penetration of vomit into the respiratory tract. Infants best to keep upright, a little tilted forward.
  4. After vomiting, the child who is now 2 years and 5 years, should try to rinse your mouth. The remnants of vomit can cause an irritating effect on the mucous membrane of the oral cavity.

What drugs are recommended for use

It is worth remembering that drug therapy is only administered by a pediatrician. Before to prescribe effective medications, a doctor must conduct a series of surveys that will help identify the root cause of these unpleasant conditions.

Than to treat the fever and vomiting? To eliminate these symptoms you can use the following tools:

  • sorbents. This group includes activated carbon, enterosgel, Polisorb. These medications provide cleansing of the digestive system from pathogenic microorganisms;
  • means of glucose-saline type – regidron, gidrovit. These funds should take the first time to recovery of water and salts;
  • funds from antiemetic effect – cerucal, domperidone, motilium;
  • integrated tools that help to eliminate symptoms and restore intestinal flora. This group includes the following tools – smectite, Lactofiltrum, hilak Forte, Linex;
  • antipyretics, which are designed for children, Nurofen, calpol, Panadol, influcid®;
  • medicines are antibacterial and antiviral action. These drugs need to be treated, if vomiting and temperature caused by intestinal infections.

What you can use folk remedies

In addition to medicines, you can use natural folk remedies based on herbs. At home are different herbal teas that will help not only to reduce the temperature, but also to improvethe work of the digestive organs.

Good action have the following folk remedies:

  • peppermint. In a container or thermos should be made to cover 1 large spoon chopped mint and pour a glass of hot water. Then the flask should be closed and left to stand for a few hours. The baby should be given 1 big spoon of the solution immediately before nausea;
  • Melissa. Collection of Melissa should be brewed the same way as mint. The ready solution should be to drink 1 dessert spoon 3-4 times a day;
  • the Valerian root. In a container fill 1 teaspoon chopped Valerian root and pour a glass of water. All to boil for 10 minutes. The broth is filtered. The finished drink is recommended to give the child 1-2 teaspoonful 2-3 times a day;
  • a decoction of dill seeds. In a pan pour 1 tsp of fennel seeds and pour a glass of boiling water. Proverjaem about 5 minutes, remove from heat and leave to stand until cool. The finished drink to give the child if it begins to tear, 2-3 tsp.

Food after vomiting

Important after vomiting and reduce the temperature to follow a proper diet that helps to normalize digestion. In these cases, you need an easy and light diet:

  1. Preferably on the first day after the disappearance of unpleasant symptoms of the child not to feed, and to give him a decoction of chamomile, rose hips, mineral water without gas, solution regidrona.
  2. If the child wanted to eat immediately after the disappearance of vomiting, he may be given tea without sugar with breadcrumbs from white bread, rice or wheat cereal on the water.
  3. On the second day, eat boiled or steamed vegetables, pureed vegetable soups.
  4. A few days a child can be given boiled chicken and lean fish.
  5. It is recommended to drink natural fruit compotes from dried fruits, herbal teas, jellies.
  6. To expand the diet gradually.
  7. The child needs to eat often, but small portions.

It is important to follow all doctors ' recommendations and to monitor the child's condition. The appearance of all unpleasant symptoms should first identify the cause and then begin the necessary treatment. If vomiting and temperature caused by severe pathologies, treatment should be done only by the paediatrician.