Hemlock poisoning: symptoms, first aid

Recently there has been a rapid growth in cases of cancer. This disease affects people of all ages. Traditional therapies sometimes have no effect. So people are forced to look for new ways of treatment. One of them is the application of tincture of Hemlock. This plant is also called Conium. Conium is poison to humans. But, like many poisons, in microscopic doses, it can benefit. Although the debate on this issue did not subside for a long time.

What is Hemlock and how it is used

Hemlock is a biennial herbaceous plant. It grows in most parts of Europe, the European part of Russia, Central Asia, Iran and several other countries. In height it can reach 1.5 meters.

Stem Conium, also known as Hemlock, glabrous, strongly branching. Covered with a light bluish bloom. In the lower part are seen as small red spots. Leaves radical, vaguely reminiscent of carrot tops. Blooms small white flowers collected in inflorescence. The flowering period begins in late June and ends in early August. A distinctive feature of plants is the odor, which resembles a mouse.

For medical purposes it is customary to use alcohol tincture of Hemlock. It is believed that it has analgesic, anticonvulsant, sedative effect, helping to defeat cancer. In addition to the treatment of cancer, it is used for varicose veins, infectious diseases, hormonal disorders, hypertension.

Poisoning can occur not only in the use of tinctures. Young plants of Hemlock confused with some carrot or parsley and use them as food. Skin contact with the plant often develops dermatitis. This often happens with children who are trying to make from the stem of the Hemlock whistle, confusing it with Angelica.

Why does the poisoning

Long been known that the poisonous Hemlock. It includes such highly toxic substances:

  1. Coniin. Contains in the stalk and leaves of the plant in large enough concentrations. A lethal dose is 0.15 grams. Causes paralysis of the respiratory nerves.
  2. Cicutoxin. Potent narcotic poison. Has anticholinergic action.
  3. Gamma-coniceine.
  4. Considerin. The poisonous alkaloid of plant origin.

The poisons remain in the plant even after drying. In the use of spotted Hemlock poison gas quickly spread by the bloodstream throughout the body. This causes damage to the nervous and respiratory systems. The activation of the immune system. In this regard, the positive effect in combating tumors. But such stimulation of the immune system leads to its complete exhaustion.

If the human body is weakened, then even a few drops of tincture of Hemlock can cause death. A pronounced toxic effect on the liver, heart and kidneys.


If poisoning with Hemlock occurs in mild form, the first symptoms of gastro-intestinal tract. The victim appears diarrhea, nausea, pain in the abdomen, increased salivation.

The first worrying signs appear 2 hours after poisoning. In people sensitive to horse meat this time can be reduced to half an hour.

Toxic substances quickly spread throughout the body. There are the following symptoms of poisoning:

  1. Nausea, diarrhea and vomiting.
  2. Dizziness and headache.
  3. Drooling and itching sensations in the oral cavity.
  4. Pain in the abdomen.
  5. Loss of sensation of the skin.
  6. Blurred vision, excessive dilation of the pupils.
  7. The skin is too pale.
  8. Quickens the heartbeat, the rhythm becomes erratic.
  9. Shortness of breath and difficulty breathing.
  10. A muscle can spontaneously contract.

In the case of severe intoxication will gradually increase muscle weakness. Over time, there may be paralysis. The victim feels heaviness in the limbs, the body felt goose bumps, difficult swallowing. If time does not take action, it is the oppression of the respiratory center, the person loses consciousness and soon dies.

First aid

If you use tincture of Hemlock for therapeutic purposes, be careful not to exceed the daily rate.

Remember that overdose is life-threatening. Do not perform this treatment yourself, consult a doctor.

If, however, there are signs of poisoning, it is important to provide first aid. The first call for an ambulance. Only a specialist can assess the patient's condition and severity of the lesion. Among the activities first-aid release:

  1. Lavage of the stomach. This procedure helps to clear the stomach from the remnants of poison. You can use a pale pink solution of potassium permanganate. The victim should drink as much of the liquid. Then cause vomiting by pushing on the tongue. This procedure was repeated at least three times. A solution of potassium permanganate can be replaced with warm clean water with the addition ofa small amount of linseed or olive oil. If the person lost consciousness, the procedure can not be carried out, since the victim can drown.
  2. Give the victim any sorbent. The simplest option would be activated charcoal. It must be taken at the rate of 1 tablet for every 10 pounds of weight. Effective drugs such as smectite, Polisorb, filtrum, etc.
  3. Make victim drink any beverage, which includes tannins. It can be tough coffee, tea, decoction of oak bark, or solution of tannin.
  4. Lay the victim on the couch, cover with a warm blanket. Open all the Windows in the room to provide adequate fresh air. This will allow you to breathing easier.

If all steps are taken properly and timely, it is likely that the poisoning will take place for a person without consequences.


Competent treatment program will be able to develop a specialist only on the basis of the medical history of the patient. Among the most common treatments used:

  1. The introduction of a solution of hydrochloric acid with a concentration of 5% or a solution of tannin. This helps to deactivate toxins.
  2. For colon cleanse of residues of toxic substances used sulphate of magnesia.
  3. To speed up the process of removing toxic compounds from the body will help diuretics.
  4. In the case of seizures prescribed diazepam, sibazon or magnesium sulfate. With the appearance of cardiac arrhythmias the recommended intravenous procainamide. Heart problems will help to solve also caffeine and camphor.
  5. When growing respiratory distress, apply analeptics. In some cases, they do not have the desired effect. In this situation, the appropriate ventilation.

Only a timely right treatment will ensure that the poisoning will pass without complications.

What are the consequences of poisoning with Hemlock

If poisoning is mild and the amount of poison is too small, then the disease is likely to be affected by it. Healing comes fast enough subject first aid measures.

A particular danger of poisoning by Hemlock during pregnancy. This increases the risk of developing pathology of the fetus. In severe cases there is a miscarriage.

If the plant is poisoned child, then the disease will get very ill. This is because the growing organism is very sensitive to toxic substances. In some cases, may cause complications, e.g., pneumonia, nephritis, or toxic hepatitis.

Severe forms of poisoning, even subject to all the rules of first aid in most cases lead to death. It is associated with the development of paralysis, respiratory and cardiovascular systems.


The only effective way to avoid toxicity would be the total rejection of the use of funds on the basis of Conium maculatum. Such treatment may bring much more harm than good. Therefore, health workers should conduct outreach among patients with cancer, and their relatives. Today there are many modern ways of dealing with this disease. So to self-medicate is not worth it.

If you still decided to resort to this method of treatment, adhere to the allowed dosage. Taking tincture, do not give up on traditional treatment methods. Time to pass medical examinations.

Children most often are poisoned with Hemlock while camping. Therefore, parents should closely monitor what they do the kids. Tell me about poisonous plants and how dangerous it is to eat it. Children should clearly remember that no plant can't taste it.

Hemlock poisoning may be fatal. Therefore, when first warning signs take emergency measures and immediately contact your doctor.