Overdose of Mildronate: symptoms, treatment

Mildronate is a pharmacological drug, improving energy metabolism at the cellular level, protecting cell during ischemia (circulatory disorders) and physical activity. Available in the form of tablets, capsules, syrup and solution for injection. Overdose of Mildronate possible in the case of intravenous administration. While taking the drug inside the signs of poisoning were not recorded.

How inflammation affects the body

The main active substance is Meldonium. Its main mechanism of action is an obstacle to the movement and accumulation of fatty acids in cells and their subsequent conversion into energy. Heart muscle cells produce energy from fats (80%) and glucose (20%). Meldonium contributes to the transformation of cardiac cells for energy only from glucose.

Physiological effects of Mildronate:

  • leads to slower transport functions and adjusts the processes of disintegration in the cells;
  • the shortage of oxygen allows the cells to reduce its consumption and increase energy production during ischemia;
  • keeps the cells normal level of functionality;
  • contributes to the accumulation in the cardiomyocytes (heart muscle cells) enzymes that contribute to the duration of the health of the heart;
  • normalizes vascular tone;
  • it reduces peripheral vascular resistance;
  • reduces platelet aggregation, increases the elasticity of red blood cells;
  • normalizes microcirculation.

In patients with coronary heart disease Mildronate increases the resistance to physical exercise, prolongs the time before a possible attack of angina, reduces the need for short-range reception of nitrates (nitroglycerin), improves quality of life.

Cardioprotective effect of the drug – increases blood flow to the myocardium, decreased oxygen demand, increased stability of cell membranes.

Antihypoxic action of the drug, improve energy processes in the cell, accelerate the withdrawal of products of metabolism, increases mental and physical activity, increases resistance against lack of oxygen, adaptation to the adverse effects of external factors.

Antianginal effects of Mildronate – relieves heart attacks, including in painless form, increases the delivery of oxygen to the heart, decreases the return of venous blood to the heart, reducing the load on the body inhibits the contraction of coronary vessels.

Angioprotektivnoe action of Mildronate – normalizes the function out and arteries, restores blood flow in major vessels and capillaries, removes edema, stabilizes the processes of cellular metabolism.

The purpose of the drug

Mildronate administered in combination therapy with such conditions:

  • cardiovascular disease;
  • stable angina;
  • congestive heart failure;
  • cardiomyopathy – heart damage of unknown origin;
  • functional cardiovascular disease;
  • acute and chronic violations of cerebral circulation;
  • reduced efficiency;
  • mental and physical overload.

In ophthalmic practice Mildronate is prescribed for blood clots in the veins of the retina, hemorrhages into the retina, when the penetration of blood into the vitreous (blurring or blurred vision).

In psychiatry and addiction medicine is used for withdrawal syndrome (dependence requiring increasing doses).

Because inflammation helps to strengthen the body and increase physical strength, it is prescribed in the postoperative period to speed rehabilitation of patients.

Signs of overdose

Overdose inflammation may be observed in patients if the prescribed amount was not met, and insufficient medical history, when the drug is prescribed to a man with underlying medical conditions – increased intracranial pressure, brain tumor, severe allergies.

The main symptoms that indicate an overdose of Mildronate:

  1. Tachycardia – rapid heart rate (90 beats per minute). The victim there is concern that the pulsation of the large vessels of the neck, dizziness up to fainting.
  2. Lowering blood pressure is below 100/60 mm Hg. article slows your Blood circulation, there comes oxygen starvation of organs and tissues. Deteriorates the ventilation of the lungs and heart. Observed lethargy, weakness, nausea, pain in the temples and the back of the head, darkening of the eyes. Pain behind the breastbone and in the heart, numbness and cold in extremities.
  3. Allergic skin reactions – often a sign of an overdose of Mildronate. Rash appears on the skin accompanied by itching. In severe cases, the poisoning inflammation develops angioedema – swelling of skin and mucous membranes, increasing the size of the lips, tongue, tonsils, larynx. Difficult breathing. Appear hoarseness, barking cough, shortness of breath. The skin is first red, then pale. If not promptly carry out resuscitation, develops anaphylactic shock, coma followed by death.
  4. Dyspepsia of the digestive system that can cause inflammation of the gums – diarrhea, flatulence (gas formation in the intestine), belching,bloating, aching pain in the abdomen.
  5. General weakness of the body in overdose – lack of energy, severe fatigue, lack of energy, dizziness, headache, loss of attention, distraction.
  6. Mental arousal in the use of large doses of Mildronate – emotionalism, anger, impulse movement, restlessness, anxiety, fear, mental tension.

Treatment of overdose

Antidote for poisoning by Mildronate not existso Treatment of overdose is symptomatic.

As an overdose occurs when the drug is administered intravenously, events such as gastric lavage and bowel cleansing is not helpful. Reception of sorbents is also ineffective, because the drug goes directly into the blood.

With greatly reduced blood pressure of hypertensive prescribed drugs – aminophylline, sodium nitroprusside, caffeine, kordiamin, adrenaline.

To normalize the heart rate etatsizin, verapamil, reserpine, raunatin. Diarrhea prescribed smectite, enterosgel, enteral, hilak, lineks. If you feel discomfort in the stomach – Rennie, espumizan. When abdominal pain – no-Spa, drotaverine. To restore the psycho-emotional background is shown sedative (soothing) remedies – Valerian, seduksen, validol, sibazon, mint tablets. In allergic manifestations take antihistamines – diphenhydramine, diazolin, suprastin. For application to the skin for rashes prescribe hormonal ointments – hydrocortisone, instruction, and prednisolone.

To restore strength and physical condition in the administration of the drug is recommended to take vitamin complexes.

To avoid overdose with Mildronate, it is enough to adhere to the regulations and rules of admission. It is not recommended to take pills before bed. If the number of receptions a day 3-4 times, then the last should be 5 hours before bedtime. This is due to the psychomotor effects of drugs, the patient will not be able to sleep for several hours after the use of Mildronate.