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How many infectious people who recover from rotavirus

Rotavirus, or stomach flu, is a highly contagious disease that is easily transmitted in both adults and children. You can become infected in the store, the bus, at work, in the garden or another institution. But most of all, the risk of illness suffered by household members of a sick person. And then the question arises, how many infectious people who recover from rotavirus? This information will help to adjust the behavior of the entire family and prevent new infections.

Characteristics of the disease

Rotavirus is a contagious infectious disease, which is expressed by very unpleasant symptoms. Person concerned about such States:

  • nausea and uncontrollable vomiting;
  • diarrhea with mucus and blood;
  • high temperature and weakness;
  • runny nose, watery eyes, and sore throat.

When rotavirus is strongly susceptible to the intestinal mucosa due to the digestive disorders. The danger to the patient comes from dehydration which may occur due to prolonged vomiting and diarrhea.

The disease is recorded by physicians in large quantity all year round, but particular peak is in spring and autumn, when the immune system is greatly reduced. The cause of the disease is a virus which got its name from the rota in Latin means wheel which is very similar. This microorganism is characterized by good survivability even outside of the human body. He is two months can live in simple water from under the crane during the month to plant products and from 10 days to six weeks for the surrounding human things.

Ways of infection

To be infected with rotavirus several ways, and the disease begins as soon as the bacterium enters the human body. The main ways of infection are listed below:

  • Water and people drink the water in which there are agents, and within a short time ill.
  • Food poisoning occurs by eating poorly washed fruits and vegetables.
  • Contact-household is the main route of transmission is dirty hands. Moreover, it is common for people of all ages. The virus lives on dirty hands for more than 4 hours and failure to observe basic hygiene rules gets in the gastrointestinal tract.

Infected with this infection as possible from the patient in the acute phase and completely healthy, at first glance, a person who is a carrier of the pathogen.

The person who contracted the virus, even for some time doesn't understand that he was ill, but in this time is infectious. This time period is called incubation period.

How long is the incubation period

The incubation period mostly lasts from 12 hours to 3-4 days. Although there are cases that the acute form of the disease begins several hours after contact with a carrier or in a week. All this time the rotavirus lives and multiplies in the body, it is not manifesting itself. During rotavirus infection infectious period lasts from the moment of penetration of pathogenic microbes in the human body to full recovery. And complete recovery is not only after the acute phase of the disease, and about two weeks recovery period.

If the children's team is sick, one child or group of children, shown compliance with the quarantine for 14 days. The countdown starts from the first day of the last illness of the sick child.

How long has the disease

The acute phase of rotavirus infection lasts no more than three days, then the symptoms gradually subside. This time period may vary slightly depending on the immune system and the presence of chronic diseases.

First and foremost there is a weakness, and retching. Occurs profuse vomiting, the intervals between impulses are very small. Diarrhea usually appears a little later, sometimes even the next day. Body temperature can reach up to 39 degrees and above. Severe hyperthermia has been reported during the development of dehydration, which is characterized by dryness of mucous membranes, drowsiness and lack of urination for more than 3 hours. In young children, in addition, there is weakness of the muscles and retraction of the Fontanelle.

When properly and timely rendered assistance rotavirus takes place without any consequences beyond a few days. Immediately call the doctor if sick young child, pregnant woman or elderly person!

How much time a person is contagious

Many people, especially those who have big family care question – how many days a person is contagious after recovery? Even if you have absolutely no signs of the disease, a person is considered contagious for at least another 10 days. During this period, its release still has a pathogen that can easily enter the body of another person and cause disease.

The child remains contagious after rotavirus about two weeks, during this time, he should avoid contact with other children. If the disease is recorded in the children's collective – the kindergarten or school, a quarantine, this time does not accept new children and those who were absent for a long time. The quarantine is considered complete when it has been 14 days since the last casedisease.

Immunity to intestinal flu is unstable and lasts only a few weeks after the illness, then the person may again be infected and sick.


Specific medications from rotavirus does not exist and all actions should be aimed at relief of the patient. This avoids various complications. To help the patient possible by these simple ways:

  • Give plenty to drink. Drinking may be different, from simple drinking of water to fruit drinks and fruit drinks. Strictly forbidden to give dairy products, soda, juices and any alcoholic drinks. All of this will only aggravate the situation and lead to grave consequences.
  • The patient is given adsorbents. These drugs attract on itself, and gently withdraw toxic substances and pathogenic bacteria.
  • To ensure complete peace of mind. People who have intestinal flu, you feel fatigued. The patient is placed in bed on her side, the room is periodically ventilated and damp mopping.

Immediately apply the antiemetic and antidiarrheal medications are not worth it. This will slow down the output from the body of the pathogen and toxic products of their decay. You can help clean the stomach and intestines with the help of washing. To do this, take slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate and offer the patient to drink a couple of glasses, and then artificially induce vomiting.

The intestines are washed in the same solution with an enema. The water should be at room temperature. More warm liquid contributes to the absorption of toxins into the bloodstream.

Increasingly found information about the vaccine against rotavirus, which allowed children from 2 years of age. Vaccination is carried out in two stages and allows to protect the child from the virus for several years. The vaccine is produced in the form of oral drops.

The role of diet

To the patient quickly recovered after the illness, it is necessary to provide special diet for the entire period of the acute phase and during the recovery period. On the first day the patient did not give to eat, with the exception of children breastfed, which continue feeding on demand.

After the cessation of vomiting, give the victim mashed ripe bananas or apples and tea with crackers. All of these products help to improve digestion. Then gradually introduce mashed potatoes without butter, lean meat and vegetable soup on the second broth. Dairy products begin to give 3-4 days. First it's water, diluted milk, and then bifidokefir, which is well restores the microflora of the digestive organs.

During the recovery period after rotavirus can give a little quality honey. This is a useful product and a good tonic supplies the body with useful trace elements and vitamins.

How to prevent infection

Given that a person with rotavirus contagious for about two weeks, you need to follow certain rules to avoid infecting other family members:

  • Allocate a sick bowl and towel, keep them in a separate locker. Cookware after washing be sure to rinse with boiling water, a towel frequently washed with disinfectant solutions.
  • All members of the household should frequently wash hands, especially after using the toilet or walking in the street.
  • Person who is caring for patients should stick to health and often to change clothes.
  • All surfaces in the house are washed with disinfectant, paying special attention to the toilet.

Rotavirus is dangerous to humans, dehydration and disruption of the digestive organs. But with timely medical care provided recovery occurs within a few days.