How is typhoid fever: ways of infection

Typhoid fever is considered a severe infectious disease that affects the entire body. Acts as the causative agent of typhoid Salmonella, toxins which affect the body from within. A patient man fever and there are rashes all over the body. To prevent infection, you need to know how is typhoid fever. To infection from the sick person, which is considered to be a carrier of the bacilli. The patient selects the infection along with urine and feces from the outset of the disease. It is worth considering that even after the final recovery from typhoid people for a long time can remain a carrier.

Transmission of the disease

The main ways of infection with typhoid fever three and they are as follows:

  1. Through the water, which is the causative agent.
  2. Via contaminated food.
  3. From a diseased person to a healthy one.

Children most frequently contract the disease through direct contact with the ill child, as well as through household items and toys. So an infected child plays with toys that then take the healthy kids, thus there is a mass infection infection.

Infection may occur when using the same utensils, towels, hairbrushes and bedding.

Through water infected most often people who like to swim in natural waters and rates. Not all people know that often the rate can drain wastewater from plants and Sewerage. However, the most interesting is that the infection picked up through contaminated water, is treated much easier and faster than the one that entered the body with food and contact-household way.

Another source of infection in typhoid is raw milk. Lovers of dairy products from cows must remember that to use milk and curd only after heat treatment. It is strictly forbidden to drink raw milk or make him yogurt. In addition, infected with typhus can be by eating salads with mayonnaise, aspic, pate, salad and other dishes. This happens at infringement of technology of preparation and storage conditions.

In the news there are reports that after the celebration of the anniversary or wedding in an inexpensive restaurant invited as an unpleasant surprise to get typhoid fever and long-term hospitalization in the walls of medical facilities.

Any way the transmission of typhoid fever are not afraid of children under one year who are breastfeeding. With milk mom they are getting a good immunity to the disease.

Causes of typhoid fever

The cause of typhoid fever is considered bruchnotifozna wand that gets from outside the body and poisons it from the inside. Harmful microorganisms, once in the intestine, there start to multiply rapidly and there are dangerous endotoxins.

Pathogens that cause infection with typhoid fever, is very easy to remove from different surfaces. For this it is sufficient to wash them with hot water or any disinfectant. But the treatment of the person is carried out with antibiotics penicillin and some other.

Before treatment with antibiotics the patient be sure to perform a test. Not all people are the antibiotic penicillin.

The mechanism of infection with typhus

The main mechanism of transmission is considered to be the gastrointestinal tract. Entering the intestine, the bacterium starts to proliferate, as in this body there are all conditions for such a process. Over time, the pathogen enters the bloodstream and lymph nodes, completely disrupting their function. At this time, patient's symptoms completely typical for typhoid fever.

Bruchnotifozna wand affects not only the intestines but also the liver cells, gall bladder and spleen. In all of these important organs observed bruchkomitsky granulomas.

A sick person is totally out of whack digestive process, weakens the immune system and the organism as a whole. In that case, if the diagnosis was not made in a timely manner and treatment is not carried out, in the small intestine there are deep ulcerations that affect not only the mucosa but also the adjacent muscles.

Even in the modern development of medicine typhoid fever is a dangerous disease that can lead to death.

Symptoms of typhoid fever

The causative agent of typhoid fever may be in the human body from a couple days to a few months. And symptoms of the diseases on the rise. Main symptoms are as follows:

  • Already in the first days of the disease body temperature rises. Moreover, the indicators can reach the critical level of 40 degrees.
  • From the beginning symptoms of intoxication. These include headache, loss of appetite, nausea, weakness and weight loss.
  • In a patient with frequent dizziness and problems with normal sleep.
  • Occasionally the symptoms of intoxication appear to increase the temperature, that is, in the first couple of days.

Early in the development of the disease is marked lividity of the skin, although serious course of the disease, the skin, on the contrary, inflamed and takes on a reddish hue. An important feature is considered to be swelling of the tongue, and a RAID inthe middle part of it. Increasing the size of the language can be seen by the teeth marks that often remain on the edges.

In typhoid fever there is no diarrhea, and constipation. Moreover, some patients stool look like peas.

Carrier of pathogens

The predominant mode of HIV transmission is person-bacilli carrier. The media believe such a person whose disease is not seen, but it highlights the environmental pathogen. This assignment can last from several weeks to 2-3 decades. This is due to certain objective reasons.

Primarily, this is observed in people that recently had been ill with an infectious disease. During the rehabilitation period, the germ-carriers can be both short and long enough. But short form most often occur after dysentery and salmonellosis, typhoid fever in man has long allocates the pathogen in the natural environment.

Doctors have identified immune carriers of this microorganism. It refers to those people who have been vaccinated against dangerous diseases.

Sometimes typhoid fever occurs atypical, that is, none of those symptoms that tell about the disease. Patients with a similar form for a long time are treated at home without asking for medical help. In the end, infected family members and people from the neighborhood. Most often, the infection is through food, especially dairy. Bruchnotifozna wand is not only a long time living in such products, but also actively propagated.

People are quite susceptible to abdominal typhus. In areas where an outbreak of the disease can develop up to half of the total population.

Typhoid fever is still considered a life-threatening disease that affects not only the digestive organs but also the nervous system. That is why it is so important to diagnose and treat this pathology.