Poisoning in cats: symptoms and treatment at home

Poisoning in cats is common. It can lead to serious complications and pathological processes in the animal body. In this article we reviewed the causes and symptoms of poisoning in cats, the methods of rendering first aid and components of the home treatment.

Causes of cat poisoning

Poisoning of the cat can develop for many reasons. Despite the fact that these animals are very demanding for food, often refuse to eat foods that they do not like the smell, poison, they still can. Below is a list of the main causes of feline poisoning.

  • Consumption of substandard and expired products. It can be meat or dairy products, fish, dry or wet food.
  • Poisoning with rat poison is one of the most dangerous cat States. The pet may get sick from eating the poison or they poisoned rodent.
  • Intoxication with various chemicals or detergents. For example, cats love the smell of chlorine and you can drink it solution.
  • Treatment of the animal drops from fleas often leads to acute poisoning.
  • Theobromine poisoning. This substance is toxic and deadly to cats, but for humans it is not dangerous. Theobromine is part of dark and milk chocolate. Poisoning may occur in cats with a sweet tooth.
  • Intoxication from poisonous gases or cigarette smoke. The cat's body dramatically reacts to the polluted air. While in a smoky or smoke-filled room, they develop acute poisoning.
  • Drug poisoning may develop in an animal, which is found left by the person of drugs and ate them. Also, there are cases of poisoning in cats, caused by attempts of owners independently to treat them. Cat medication differs significantly from human.
  • Poisoning by plants can be fatal for the animal. Some flowers are poisonous to cats. Also hazardous are pesticides and chemicals that are applied to plants.

The symptoms and signs of cat poisoning

Signs of poisoning in cats develop within 4-6 hours after the use of substandard or poisonous food. The severity of the condition of the animal and the course of the disease depends on the substance that caused the disease. The following is the main symptoms, which can manifest cat poisoning.

  • Lethargy and General weakness. The animal lies, little walks around the house, refuses to play, sleeps a lot. These symptoms develop due to severe intoxication.
  • Anorexia a lack of appetite.
  • Vomiting food or bile. Also in the vomit, you can see the downed balls of wool.
  • Nausea. The cat can't complain you nausea, but you may notice this symptom, if you look for it. Animal that is sick, often licks his nose and smacked his lips.
  • Salivation is a symptom, which can mean nausea, poisoning by drugs or poisons.
  • Mewing that occurs when pain syndrome. May be sick head, or stomach.
  • Loss of coordination and staggering pet – signs of intoxication, lesions of the Central nervous system.
  • The appearance of the third century – a sign of the presence of toxicity in the body of a cat.
  • Sneezing, dry cough, watery eyes – symptoms that can develop in an animal at poisoning with toxic gas or smoke.
  • The increase in body temperature a few degrees may develop intestinal infections and strong intoxication process in the body. In cases of poisoning by certain poisons and chemicals, the temperature, on the contrary, to fall.
  • Violation of the chair. May be it relief or development of abundant and repeated diarrhea. In the stool you can see streaks of blood and mucus.
  • Rapid heartbeat and breathing, signs of dehydration and intoxication syndrome. Also, the heart rate is accelerated by hyperthermia.
  • Cramps in all muscle groups, reminiscent of epilepsy, developing at a poisoning with poisons or chemicals. During the attack the cat loses consciousness, he throws back his head and stretched forward legs. Cramps may be accompanied by discharge of urine and feces.
  • Disturbance of consciousness. In severe conditions, the cat can boot in a deep coma.

Please note that kittens poisoning occurs in more severe form. The symptoms they may have a more pronounced and faster increase, worsening the condition of the pet.

First aid cat food poisoning

To save and to cure the cat from poisoning in the home only with the help of a veterinarian. Therefore, the appearance of the first clinical signs of intoxication should seek the help of a veterinary clinic. The doctor will examine the animal and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

If close you have no clinics or she is at this time closed, in the next few hours you will not be able to carry the animal to the doctor, start to give yourself first aid. It can help remove toxicity and help the pet to survive until the doctor's visit. The following is the algorithm of rendering first aidpoisoned cat:

  1. Spend a gastric lavage. For this ink jet type animal in your mouth 15-20 ml of plain water. This can be done with a syringe (without a needle) with a volume of 10-20 ml. Then should push the cat on the tongue with your finger.
  2. Take a cleansing enema on the basis of room temperature water. For cats used children's enema-bag volume of 50 ml.
  3. Give your pet a sorbent. If you are not at home veterinary drug in this group, you can use a conventional activated charcoal. Crush half of one of the coal and dissolve in 5 ml of plain water. Pour the cat received medical solution through the mouth with a syringe without a needle.
  4. Give the cat something to drink. If he doesn't want to drink alone, pour it every 15 minutes in the mouth for 5 ml. This can be done with a syringe without the needle.
  5. Don't let your pet is. Feed the cat after poisoning only after consulting the veterinarian, which details write out a diet.

Please note that to self-medicate poisoning the animal dangerous. Even if you have noticed improvement of his condition after you provide first aid, you must show the pet doctor.

Treatment cat poisoning

After first aid, take the animal to see a vet. The doctor check temperature, pulse, respiratory rate. Details tell him about the symptoms that appeared in Kota, list the foods that he ate over the past day. You should also share with the doctor my suspicions about the cause of poisoning. Perhaps the cat was in a smoky room or eve ate the mouse.

The vet may treat the cat with a hospital or to paint the therapy and go home. Animals that are in serious condition, installed an intravenous catheter, and is prescribed a course of droppers. You'll need to bring the cat to the clinic for an IV in the prescribed time or you can leave the pet at the clinic for several days in-patient treatment.

In addition to droppers, treatment cat poisoning consists of:

  • diet. In case of poisoning, you can use the special food of the premium class, designed specifically for this condition, or to cook the animal yourself. In case of poisoning of a cat can be fed boiled oatmeal and shredded cooked lean chicken meat;
  • enzymes – drugs that improve digestion;
  • antibacterial drugs that are prescribed for intestinal infections;
  • antispasmodics;
  • sorbents;
  • copious drinking.

To help the cat to get an accurate diagnosis may require several tests:

  • General analysis of blood;
  • urinalysis;
  • biochemical analysis of blood;
  • ultrasound examination of internal organs.

Poisoning in cats can occur for many reasons. It may be manifested by disorders of the digestive and nervous systems, General weakness of the pet's lack of appetite. In severe intoxication may cause fever, convulsions, disturbance of consciousness. Treatment of poisoning in cats is carried out under the supervision of a veterinarian. First aid can be provided by the owner of the animal. For diagnosis and treatment by a physician can be assigned tests and ultrasound.