What to do if the cat ate a poisoned mouse

Adult cats are true carnivores. Animals that have free range, happy to catch birds and mice. And especially mother cats do an excellent job even with rats. Human extermination of rodents around houses very well, but for cats there may hide a danger. Cats can get poisoned by drugs used for the extermination of rodents. If the cat ate a poisoned mouse, he begins intoxication, which can lead to death.

What means the cat may be poisoned

Almost all the poisons used to destroy rodents are zoomarine. These drugs reduce blood clotting and provoke different kinds of bleedings. Usually so the poison worked, it should be taken regularly. If the cat ate a poisoned mouse or rat once, its health threatens nothing, and if eating rodents occurs repeatedly, it is possible poisoning. In addition, the pet may be poisoned, if occasionally eats bait for rats and mice.

There is a group of drugs that also belong to the coumarin of the last generation. These poisons more toxic:

  1. Phosphide of zinc.
  2. Bromethalin.
  3. Fluoroacetate sodium.

These drugs are very toxic to animals, poisoning may be due to consumption of bait or poison enchanted rodent. Food lures, which are used for the control of mice, the cat of little interest, as they are made on the basis of the cereal mixture. But bait for rats often made on the basis of meat or fish products.

Signs of poisoning cats with rat poison

If you lose the cats have been rat poison or other poisons from the group of zoomarine, the symptoms are as follows:

  • various bleedings – nasal, gastrointestinal, uterine. Appear hemorrhage in the oral cavity. These symptoms can develop within ten days after swallowing a toxic drug in the body;
  • vomiting – this symptom is manifested not necessary. It happens immediately after consuming a poisoned rodent;
  • internal bleeding – such damage a cat can die within a few days, without any apparent manifestations of poisoning.

To recognize that location are used the poisons of this type can be already dead rodents. They have you notice blood from the rectum or mouth.

If a cat eats a mouse poisoned by rat poisons and other groups, the symptoms are as follows:

  • irritability, nervousness, unusual dynamism;
  • complete violation of coordination, gait of the animal is unstable, the feet confused, the cat leans to the side. There may be involuntary jiggling of the head;
  • neurologic manifestations – seizures, muscle twitching and paws;
  • the body temperature rises considerably;
  • the animal becomes lethargic and sleepy.

At the first signs of poisoning of a pet must be delivered to the veterinary clinic!

Aid the cat in poisoning

What to do in the first place, if the cat ate the rodent and showing concern? The sequence of actions is the following:

  • Induce vomiting – this procedure makes sense only if the cat ate the suspicious food on the mind owners. Otherwise, the poison already absorbed into the bloodstream, and vomiting will cause deterioration due to dehydration. To provoke vomiting in cats, is required to give a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide with water in equal parts. A teaspoon of this solution is 2 kg cat. You can use a concentrated solution of salt or sprinkle on the cat's tongue a pinch of baking soda. The prepared solutions were poured to the cat by force, with the help of syringe without a needle or syringe.
  • To neutralize toxins in the stomach, give cat any sorbent, which is available in the home medicine Cabinet. The drug is dissolved in half Cup warm water and pour pet in the mouth.
  • Next cat feed any enveloping products, which will reduce the absorption of poison in the mucous membranes. It can be raw eggs, milk jelly, decoction of flax seeds.

Sorbents and products, coating the mucosa, give the animal only after the complete cessation of vomiting.

  • Three hours later from the last reception of enveloping means, give the cat a laxative. For this a 2% solution of magnesium or sodium sulphate, castor oil or mineral oil.
  • Wash out the bowel with an enema. The cat in the rectum are about 30 ml of saline or clean water.

Liquid for enema you need to take a little warm. More hot water contributes to the strong absorption of toxins into the blood.

If symptoms in cats indicate the effect of anticoagulants, means that disrupt blood clotting, muscle prick the vitamin K at a dosage of 1-2 ml. the Recovery of a pet is usually a long can vary from three weeks to three months.

A fairly common poison for the extermination of rodents is zinc phosphide. It threatens the lives of cats only when they were eaten, the bait poison for rodents. When the cat eats the mouse or rat that is poisoned with this poison, danger to health not. Directeating the bait the first signs of a cat appear in a short time and look like this:

  • uncontrollable vomiting, sometimes with blood streaks;
  • severe pain in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • from the mouth there is a characteristic smell of rotten fish;
  • difficult respiratory function;
  • there are cramps.

If the cat is not quickly to provide emergency assistance, within a short period of time death occurs.

If animal toxicity zinc phosphide first aid consists of washing the stomach 0,5% solution of copper sulphate and 2%-s ' solution of baking soda. Can be given medicines containing aluminum or magnesium, such as Maalox.

The rehabilitation period for the cats after poisoning

At any degree of poisoning of the cat requires the examination of a veterinarian and the appointment of adequate treatment. Even in apparent prosperity in the health of your pet, the consequences can manifest themselves for a long time. In addition to drugs, the cat needs proper care and diet.

Within days after the first symptoms poisoning cat give only water and sorbents. The second day you can start to feed the animal small portions and several times a day. In diets for cats make use of the following products:

  • cooked meat – horse meat, veal, lean beef, chicken breast;
  • different species of fish, but not too bold;
  • boiled liver;
  • vegetables – cooked carrots, beets, cauliflower;
  • viscous porridge – oatmeal, buckwheat, rice.

After a few days after poisoning, can begin to give small amounts of raw foods – meat, liver, fish, eggs. The liver give raw only when you are sure of the high quality of product and no signs of infection of the liver by parasites. In the opposite case, it better be cooked for a bit. Meat and fish ground into mince for the best digestion of a weakened stomach. You can make a likeness of the fish-meat paste, which is rich in minerals and vitamins. Egg protein is better to boil, he's processed by the stomach, but the yolk can be added to the cereal raw.

In cat food gradually return dairy products. It can be low-fat milk, cheese and low-fat cheese. You can give bifidokefir that good stimulates the intestinal mucosa and prevents constipation.

All food for the cat during the period of rehabilitation should be light, fresh and easily digestible.

It is not necessary to give the cat after poisoning

After poisoning a cat is strictly forbidden to give the following products:

  • dry food of any class. Regardless, the budget is a food or a premium class, it causes severe gastric irritation, which did not recover fully after ingestion of poison;
  • cat food – this food is not useful, it does not have the necessary enzymes that improve digestion. Canned food can be offered to the cat only in exceptional cases;
  • offal – need to remove from the cat's diet of tripe, udder and kidneys. In a limited number you can give boiled beef heart;
  • beans in any form – can cause flatulence;
  • confectionery – high content of carbohydrates is not desirable for the organism, which has experienced a strong intoxication;
  • bread and pasta are hard to digest because of their weakened gastric mucosa. Can cause congestion in the digestive system.

The cat for a long time after the poisoning can be poor appetite. In any case, do not feed her forcibly. Sometimes you have a few days to keep an animal on some droppers.

The consequences of poisoning the cat with the mouse

Any poison causes severe intoxication and disables all the vital organs and systems. For animals especially toxic is rat poisonused to control rodents. The effects of poisoning may not be, and can be very heavy:

  1. Severe liver damage that leads to increased body and chronic jaundice.
  2. Neurological disease, paralysis of limbs, loss of coordination.
  3. Change in the organs of vision – in case of severe poisoning in cats may develop optic nerve atrophy and blindness.
  4. The hearing impairment.
  5. Disruption of the urinary system – urinary incontinence and chronic bladder inflammation.
  6. Persistent allergic reactions that are accompanied by hair loss and itching.
  7. Reproductive disorders.
  8. Coma and lethal outcome.

How to protect your cat from poisoning

Cats are animals that walk by themselves. Unlike dogs, they are hard to put on a collar and to walk way. These animals love freedom and independence. To avoid severe poisoning of cats, you need to follow the small rules. The cat in front of the paddock must always be fed, with a full stomach she won't look for food on the street. The house and grounds shouldn't leave poisoned bait for rodents, it is better to use the services of the center.

Love your Pets and treat them very careful. If a cat is showing signs of sickness, do not closeeye. From the actions of the owner depends on how quickly the cat recovers from poisoning , and whether it effects. The task of man as quickly as possible to deliver the cat to the hospital.