How to get rid of vertigo in poisoning

Many people are surprised seeing such symptom as dizziness poisoning, and begin to look for other causes of altered state. The assumption that the poisoning manifests itself exclusively to problems of the gastrointestinal tract, wrong. Toxic substances trapped in the body, begin to influence the work of almost all organs. A sense of whirling of the head – the first sign that harmful toxins have penetrated deep into bloodor that the body is weakened and dehydrated.

Accompanying symptoms of dizziness

If after poisoning dizzy, you should watch their condition, to note the presence or absence of the following accompanying symptoms:

  • increased body temperature;
  • frequent loose stools;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • loss of appetite;
  • blurred vision, expressed by the turbidity of the image;
  • headache different localization, noises in the head;
  • disruption of the Central nervous system, such as numbness or paralysis of the limbs.

The last two features indicate a very strong food poisoning or contamination of infections such as botulism or listeriosis. Their danger consists in the risk of spread of infection to vital organs that can occur disability or even death of the patient. If you have these symptoms, it is recommended to take immediate measures to neutralize the toxic substance, and to call an ambulance.

Why dizzy

If poisoning occurs through the following process: toxic substances enter the body with food or air, in response to this immune system and all organs include a “protective” mode when setting up your work at the conclusion of the poison from the body. Such “emergency” actions cause unpleasant symptoms like nausea, sweating and dizziness as the brain's response to what is happening.

At the same time the conclusion from the body of the toxin by more frequent defecation and vomiting. Along with poisonous substances in this active cleanse can be washed out and useful components such as water. Dehydration, lack of certain trace elements may also cause dizziness or provoke it if it hasn't started yet. Accompany the dizziness in this case, General weakness, sluggish, reduced background mood.

There are other physiological explanation of vertigo in cases of poisoning. In particular, it may occur against the background formed by the liver congestion, which dramatically reduced the level of hemoglobin in the blood. Also circling in the head may occur as the result of a malfunctioning of the stomach and pancreas. In the first case, slow the digestion of poisoned food extra toxins into the blood, and amplifying all the symptoms, including dizziness. The second decreases the amount of insulin, which provokes the whirling head.

Features of symptom

The patient who has ever previously faced with this symptom, don't confuse vertigo with nothing else. In cases of poisoning it does not have any distinguishing features.

Dizziness may occur at any stage of poisoning, and may increase or decrease depending on the General state of the organism and accompanying diseases.

The result is spikes in blood pressure discomfort can move from the scalp in the frontal and temporal. At elevated pressure pain localized in the back of his head.

To normalize blood pressure in cases of poisoning it is better to use herbal preparations.

Dizziness caused by natural causes on the background of poisoning, can significantly increase the taking certain medications to control that illness.

What kinds of poisoning occurs disease

  • Dizziness is typical for intoxications of various etiologies. It can accompany the most common food poisoning in its severe form or appear in the absence of timely treatment.
  • Most often whirling in my head feel patients with alcohol poisoning. The reason may be as low as a beverage, and excess doses of the drug.
  • In a domestic environment is also easily poisoned by carbon monoxide. The dizziness will be one of the first alarm when to abandon a gas filled room or to ventilate it.
  • Severe dizziness is a typical sign of poisoning by many pharmaceutical drugs. When taking any medication you must first consult a doctor, and use them in strict compliance with the recommended doses.
  • Working with toxic gases and corrosive chemicals can also cause poisoning, a symptom of which is dizziness and pain in the head. Workers in hazardous industries should strictly observe security measuresto reduce the risk of accumulation in the body of toxic substances.

How to escape from poisoning

At the first symptoms of intoxication it is important to know what to do to prevent more serious consequences for the organism. If the poisoning is accompanied by headache ordizziness, be sure to seek medical attention. In some cases, can not do without the intake of special drugs, neutralizes the effects of toxin. So, for example, if the cause of poisoning – ingestion of methyl alcohol, it is neutralized by ethyl alcohol. Such action in no event it is impossible to make independently without the supervision of a physician. Only the specialist will be able to pick up the antidote in the desired number and enter it into the body in a safe way.

At home before the ambulance should carry out such activities:

  • to wash out the stomach with plenty of water with the addition of potassium permanganate;
  • speed up the bowels by an enema;
  • to take products with absorbing action, such as activated charcoal or POLYSORB;
  • it is possible to give the patient an antibiotic or antimicrobial drug based on sulfanilamide;
  • to compensate for the loss of fluid frequent fluids;
  • to give the opportunity of a weakened body to relax is to lay the patient in bed, warm limbs affected by blood flow disorders.

The ambulance need to tell the doctor what foods or substances can cause poisoning, and describe all symptoms that occurred in the background, so that the physician could determine the appropriate remedial measures or to decide on patient hospitalization.

Preventive measures

In order to reduce the risk of food poisoning, you should follow a few simple recommendations that are easy to observe in everyday life:

  • observe hand hygiene before meals;
  • to keep clean the space where food is stored and consumed;
  • to use products from reliable manufacturers;
  • meals and products that are subject to imminent spoilage, store in the refrigerator no longer than the recommended period;
  • canned and other packaged factory method foods to eat immediately after opening or in a short time;
  • to isolate food waste and carry out regular disinfection of containers for garbage;
  • measures thermal and hygienic treatment of all products.

Other causes of dizziness

Dizziness may occur not only in cases of poisoning, but also in other disorders of the body. It is important to have an accurate view of their health status, to accurately determine, is whirling in the head a symptom of sudden altered state or is it a symptom of a chronic disease.

Lead to dizziness:

  • severe stress or prolonged depression. When nervous tension can disrupt the blood supply of the brain;
  • irregular or insufficient food. Including dizziness may accompany those who are trying to lose weight by fasting;
  • Smoking. Nicotine entering the body, slows the process of circulation, and the brain suffers from oxygen starvation;
  • side effect of medicines. Many drugs, in addition to the main effects, also bring patients dizziness, drowsiness or nausea;
  • stroke. In the presence of sharply arisen headache and whirling in the head with a disorder, you should immediately check the patient for other signs of a stroke;
  • atherosclerotic plaque in the blood vessels decrease their clearance and the amount of oxygen-rich blood flowing to the brain, is significantly reduced;
  • trauma to the head. Shock or concussion can cause dizziness, which does not depend on the position of the body and does not pass after rest;
  • neoplastic processes in the meninges may press on major blood vessels;
  • cardiovascular problems such as hypotension and tachycardia, among its symptoms are dizziness;
  • pregnancy. In this condition women often complain of whirling in the head. If this happens very often, you should check the level of hemoglobin and blood glucose.

Dizziness is a serious symptom that draws attention to their condition. It rarely manifests as an isolated symptom. It is therefore important to carefully observe and note all associated symptoms. Poisoning could face serious consequences up to death, and the whirling of the head in this case is the first indication for immediate treatment for medical help. You can spend only emergency measures for the rehabilitation of poisoned. All medicines and antidotes to poisoning should be taken only as directed by a physician.