The radiation of the x-ray and x-ray studies

This method of research how x-rays are still widely used in the formulation of many diagnoses. This technique is still not able to replace the most innovative developments of scientists and physicians. Sometimes, without x-rays it is impossible to make an accurate diagnosis and to appoint adequate treatment. Over time the pigment is improved, becoming more safe for the human body and still gives accurate results. But, despite attempts to reduce the harm of this procedure, the health risks remain. The dose of radiation when x-rays of an organ is different and has the ability to stack.

Sources of ionizing radiation

People are constantly faced with radiation exposure. Sources are not only technological objects, but also natural radionuclides. They are quite common and are contained in drinking water around a person's air, food and even the human body. It is not necessary to ignore the radiation that comes from space, it also contributes to the formation of the natural radiation background.

Irradiation with x-rays is in second place after natural sources of radiation. But in comparison with these sources, the radiation from x-rays bring a more serious threat. This is due to the following factors:

  • The x-ray dose higher than the radiation that comes from natural sources.
  • In any medical institutions x-rays mostly do to sick people, and hence no weak body exposed to the harmful effects of x-rays;
  • During the diagnostic procedure, the rays are distributed unevenly, and are directed to a particular organ.
  • The same bodies may be exposed to radiation several times in a short period of time.

But there are also positive aspects in medical diagnostics. So, if natural radiation is hard to regulate, the medicine dose is counted, and the harmful effects of rays is minimized.

When a person is doing x-rays of any organ, the decoding of the picture necessarily indicative of the radiation dose that he received. This allows doctors to calculate the maximum permissible exposure for a certain period of time and not to put a patient in danger.

Features of x-ray

Radiation doses from x-ray studies differ and depend on the type of a survey. For example, the radiation dose fluoroscopy or CT order of magnitude more than with x-rays and fluoroscopy. All the doses that a person receives during one procedure, summarized in a special table whose data is approved by the Ministry of health.

According to research, it is safe to say that the x-ray and fluorography are the most invasive procedures, while x-rays and CT scans expose patients health risk.

So, for example, consider the frequent types of studies – chest x-ray. With digital chest radiography, irradiation is only 0.03 mSv, and in the same study, conducted using fluoroscopy, irradiation is an order of magnitude greater and 3.3 mSv.

So, if a person is diagnosed with pneumonia, the reference pictures need to do very often, which when you run the x-ray light method of x-raying the patient receives a decent dose of radiation, which has a negative impact on a weakened body. Therefore, more and more hospitals and diagnostic centers are getting rid of obsolete equipment and replace it with innovative devices.

What is the danger of x-rays

X-rays, which have a ionizing effect can have on the body of the human subject is quite harmful. It's safe to say that the radiation from medical x-rays too pronounced disease does not. Do not be afraid of this procedure after hearing stories of uneducated people that can develop radiation sickness, a man will become infertile or will get burnt. All this is absolutely not true. But we should not forget about the so-called stochastic phenomena.

The appearance of these side effects regardless of radiation dose in x-ray, but the total number of received mSv can affect the possible manifestation of dire consequences in the near future. It can be cancer or a congenital disease in future children.

In fairness I should say that not only medical research can provoke these States, we should not forget about the natural radiation background. In addition, the irradiation of small doses of x-rays in most cases does not lead to the development of diseases.

Many parents refuse x-rays for the diagnosis of the child, insisting on an ultrasound or other safe methods. But if the doctor recommends x-rays, so it is the best way to clarify the diagnosis.

It is possible to lower the negative impact of x-rays

The maximum permissible dose of radiation should not exceed 5 mSv per year. At the same time any preventive study must undergo the irradiation of which does not exceed 1 mSv per year. Safe dose of x-irradiation does notdefined, this procedure is performed by the physician and as many times as needed.

To protect the sick person from the negative effects of x-rays, adhere to the following rules:

  1. Any diagnostic procedure is carried out only according to the indications that have justification.
  2. Select the research method that has a lower dose of radiation.
  3. Possibly change the x-ray and other diagnostic methods, which differ less impact.
  4. Take into account all possible bad effects and contraindications to the procedure.
  5. Reduce radiation exposure through the use of special means of individual protection.

Medical staff working with radiological equipment, and patients wear a special lead apron to prevent radiation exposure.

In addition to these measures, special attention is paid to the technical characteristics of the instrument, which carried out the survey. New devices have a low level of harmful radiation, so the most safe for health of patients.

Diagnosis of different diseases is not the only area of medicine that uses x-rays. For the treatment of cancer radiotherapy treatment, which slows the growth of cancer cells.

No other diagnostic study does not provide such a number of side effects, such as radiation therapy!

The use of radiography in pediatric practice

Children of any age are more susceptible to harmful ionizing radiation than adults. This is because the fragile body is still in the process of growth, and x-ray irradiation is primarily a danger for dividing cells. Due to the small possible irradiation larger than necessary. Therefore, the purpose of this procedure to children pay special attention to safety.

Any preventive procedures it is strictly prohibited to children who have not reached 14 years of age. X-rays for diagnostic purposes are assigned only in extreme cases, according to testimony. Moreover, the preference for the method where the radiation dose is minimal. In pediatric practice very rarely is used in fluoroscopy.

When conducting x-rays in babies up to 3 years, and especially in infants, closes all body, except for the part that will be examined. During the procedure you have older kids the use of special protective aprons. Even when the x-rays of teeth or jaw child must wear a lead apron.

A good way to protect baby from harmful radiation is aperturing, in which x-rays fall on the area of examination and not on other parts of the body.

Everyone once in a lifetime encounter with the x-rays, but not all can say exactly harmful this procedure or not. The answer to this question is simple – it all depends on the technical characteristics of the equipment and use of special protective equipment.