Poisoning by fluorine and its influence on the human body

Fluoride is an essential element playing a role in the exchange of mineral processes. Responsible for the structure of teeth, the formation of bone tissue. In the normal amount of fluoride helps the body cope with infection, with its help the bones gain strength, faster heal fractures, teeth better resist decay. Fluoride poisoning occurs when an overabundance in the body, as it is highly toxic. In this case, it does not bring favor, and triggers the reverse process.

Effect on the body

Fluorine is involved in the process of assimilation of iron by the body and thus helps to raise hemoglobin, which is important for patients with anemia. He also neutralizes some salts of heavy metals and radionuclides. A trace element involved in the process of hematopoiesis, the formation and development of bone tissue, the formation of teeth, nails, hair.

Its impact on the human body is enormous, and it is therefore important to maintain an adequate level of fluoride in the body. For this reason, has gained popularity water, enriched with fluoride, commonly used by the population as the source of this fluoride is absorbed instantly, and the process of water fluoridation on all stages of production is controlled, which eliminates the high content of element, which can be hazardous to health.

The debate about the benefits and dangers of water with fluoride did not subside for half a century, since the fluoridation of tap water became widely used in Europe. On the one hand, studies confirm that after the innovation, the cases of dental caries in children has fallen by nearly a third. Public health argues that it is the most effective prevention of caries.

However, on the other hand, was also conclusively proven the dangers of fluoride. It turns out that it affects the endocrine system that leads to impaired brain function. Further studies in this area have confirmed that excessive fluoride disrupts the nervous system and lowers IQ.

In connection with these discoveries, European centre for control and prevention of diseases, which dealt with this issue, decided to reduce the fluoride content in tap water to the level of 0.7 mg per liter. Completely to abandon the fluoridation of health considers it inappropriate, as the benefits of fluoride, according to them, covers potential harm because there was insufficient evidence to confirm a number of cases – such as the relationship of fluoride with osteosarcoma, premature birth and other conditions.

The types of fluoride

Being gaseous bioelement with a characteristic smell of ozone and chlorine, fluorine is a yellowish color and actively interacts with the air, forming the nebula. He is also the active ingredient in hydrofluoric acid – a colorless liquid, produced after the interaction of fluorine with hydrogen contained in the air (hydrogen fluoride).

Concentrated hydrogen fluoride literally burns the mucous membranes and even the skin. After the action of the poison there is a loss of almost all organs through the upper respiratory system, the fluorine is absorbed into the blood stream.

Some forms of fluoride based on its crystallization and appear as white or colorless powder, which is then used for various assignments:

  • sodium fluoride;
  • kremneftoristyj sodium;
  • the cryolite.

Excess fluoride can lead to dangerous conditions. Food fluoride is not as dangerous as its gas form released with fluorinated components.

Withdraw fluoride from the body using food that contains such elements as iodine, boron and selenium.

Body fluoride is absorbed in two ways:

  1. Respiratory organs.
  2. Gastro-intestinal tract.

Inhalation of fluorine gas occurs the instant the suction element of the mucosa in the upper respiratory tract. When consuming food with its high content of absorption occurs through the mucosa of the small intestine. Getting thus into the blood, the element is almost completely deposited in bone tissue, hair, nails. And only a small number continues to circulate in the blood, penetrating the placental barrier breast milk, is metabolized slowly and excreted in the urine.

Sodium fluoride

The most common poisoning with sodium fluoride which is a toxic substance and can have a negative effect on the heart and blood vessels, promotes changes in blood pressure, can cause stomach upset and even ulcers. Leads to death in a dosage of 6-8 g per weight of an adult.

It is a form of fluorine in sodium fluoride is found in food and water.

Symptoms of poisoning with sodium fluoride:

  • the defeat of the mucous membranes: irritation of eyes and upper respiratory tract;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • pain and swelling in the nose area;
  • bleeding from the nose and poorly healing ulcers on the eyes and mouth;
  • cough, bronchitis and other affections of the respiratory organs;
  • the failure of the circulatory system;
  • toxic hepatitis, nephropathic;
  • increased hemoglobin and red blood cells;
  • reduced erythrocyte sedimentation rate;
  • damage to the liver.

And other disorders that can lead to dystrophic changes of the myocardium, pulmonary fibrosis, to servethe development of leukopenia and lymphocytosis.

Kremneftoristyj sodium

Kremneftoristyj sodium – a chemical name means, more commonly known as rat poison. Is a drastic means of destroying rats and mice, and often goes through food to humans. Can also be poisoned by breathing in the powder, when the particles even in small amounts fall on the mucous membrane.

Symptoms of intoxication are typical of poisoning and is characterized by fatigability, weakness, depressed state. The symptoms also included:

  • headache indicates the beginning of intoxication, where an alarming symptom is the ineffectiveness of the painkillers;
  • nausea, vomiting, indicate defeat by toxin of digestive system;
  • due to the disruption in the circulatory system, the skin pale;
  • bleeding of various etiology, associated with vascular damage and poor blood clotting. Can be internal and external. Inside is particularly dangerous and can lead to death.

Depending on the severity of the lesions may appear more serious signs associated with impaired cardiovascular, circulatory, and nervous systems.


Through the respiratory system is typical of fluoride irritation of the mucous membrane and leads to poisoning. Manifestations of fluoride poisoning always more or less common and their severity depends on extent of injury:

  • conjunctivitis with pharyngitis, laryngitis, bronchitis;
  • nosebleeds, bleeding gums;
  • skin lesions, if it has been significantly damaged by gas in this case are formed hardhealed ulcers.

Cryolite poisoning occurs most often in cases when with this feature on the professional interaction, for example, when boiling milk glass.

Treatment of poisoning

In case of poisoning by any mode of fluoride required urgent hospitalization because the delay could pose a threat to life. In order not to waste time because every second counts until the ambulance is required to conduct an initial manipulation:

  • give the patient to breathe soda solution;
  • to provide rest and warmth;
  • to provide funds with codeine and dwelt, as well as heart medications;
  • if the affected skin, you need as quickly as possible, wash them with water, then treated with 10% ammonia and again thoroughly wash the affected areas;
  • impose ointment on the basis of magnesia.

Acute fluoride poisoning is life-threatening, but it is equally dangerous and more insidious chronic poisoning with fluorine, the victims of which people can become actively using fluoridated water.

Signs of verisma

Futurism – a disease that affects mainly children and adolescents, in which there is a glut of bone and cartilage fluorine, which on the background of active growth may lead to dangerous conditions.

Disease begins with disorders sensitivity of teeth and gums, anxiety must also cause a jagged and worn teeth, brownish plaque on the enamel, dental caries. Later symptoms are characterized by gingivitis and periodontal disease, burning, pain and swelling of the nose. Over time, the nasal septum from constant ulcers may shrink and disappear. A child or teenager may also complain of frequent nasal and gingival bleeding. In this period of the disease begins bronchospasm, impaired motor functions of the digestive system. Impaired activity of the kidney, leading to albuminuria and microscopic hematuria.

If left unchecked the disease, the disease develops into a chronic pneumonia and bronchial asthma.

In the future, and sometimes immediately , the patient may complain of pain in the heart, abnormal heart rhythm. Appears symptoms of vegetative-vascular dysfunction with vascular disorders and heart failure.

We found that large quantities of fluoride is extremely harmful to the body and in modern conditions it is necessary to carefully monitor the fluoride intake to prevent pathological conditions. Protect yourself and your loved ones.