Unitiol alcoholism will help or not

Unithiol is a medicinal drug widely used in toxicology. It is effective in the treatment of many States of intoxication and poisoning. Unitiol able to excrete salts of heavy metals and some poisons. In this article, we decided to investigate whether it is possible to take unitiol with alcoholism, will this drug to overcome the dependence on alcohol. We have also considered the principal indications and contraindications to the intake of unithiol, its side effects and precautions for use.

The description of the drug

Unitiol belongs to the group of complexing drugs. It comes in the form of a solution for intramuscular or subcutaneous injection.

Remember that taking unitiol only according to the appointment and a doctor's recommendation. Self-medication with this drug is dangerous not only for health, but for life.


Unithiol is the antidote for many poisons and heavy metals. Once in the body, it binds with toxins and forms with them non-toxic and safe for human complexes, which are excreted in unchanged form from the body.

Unitiol effective during intoxication with the following substances:

  • arsenic;
  • salts of heavy metals;
  • cardiac glycosides.

Also, this drug is used in the treatment of alcoholism and hepatolenticular degeneration. Under these pathological conditions, it is only part of a comprehensive medical treatment.

For each of these diseases and poisoning there are separate treatment regimens and dosing of unithiol. Only by adhering to the correct dosages, can achieve the required effect of the drug.


Unithiol is contraindicated in the following conditions:

  • allergic hypersensitivity of drug;
  • children up to age 18;
  • elevated levels of blood pressure, essential hypertension (primary or secondary);
  • pregnancy;
  • the period of breastfeeding.

Adverse reactions

The drug unitiol may become the cause of the adverse reactions from the body. As a rule, they fully pass in the event of termination of its use. Listed below are the main possible side effects of unithiol:

  • allergic manifestations in the form of urticaria or angioneurotic angioedema;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • dizziness and headache;
  • feeling of General weakness;
  • blanching of the skin;
  • rapid heartbeat (tachycardia).

The efficacy of unithiol in alcoholism

All alcoholic drinks can poison the human body. Ethyl alcohol is a virulent poison, and its intake in large quantities leads to the development of acute alcohol intoxication and even death. Prolonged and systematic intake of alcohol in the body begin to accumulate toxins, be deposited salts of heavy metals.

You can use unithiol in the treatment of alcohol dependence. This drug is not to suppress craving for alcohol and does not treat directly the body. It is only an additional component of the treatment of alcoholism and has the following effects:

  • Protects and restores the Central nervous system. It helps to maintain the body's right amount of the sulfhydryl groups, essential components to maintain the integrity and functional activity of neurons and their processes.
  • Removes delirium tremens. In people, this condition is called "squirrel". It develops the sudden cessation of alcohol consumption after a long binge. The person developing visual and auditory hallucinations, he becomes a danger to themselves or to others, aggressive and insane. Unitiol accelerates the exit from this state.

Unitiol not used for the treatment of acute alcohol poisoning or a hangover. When this drug is taken concurrently with alcohol may develop acute poisoning.

Rules and features of the use of unithiol in alcoholism

In the treatment of alcohol dependence the use of unithiol is possible only under the supervision of the attending physician. The doctor finds the dosage and duration of therapy.

Also doctors prescribe additional drugs used for the elimination of alcoholism or chronic ethanol intoxication. The doctor, picking up medicines, draws attention not only to their effectiveness, but also on the interaction.

Remember that to keep unitiol home, you need of reach of children. Poisoning with this drug is dangerous to a child's life.

When you eliminate alcohol addiction unitiol injected intramuscularly 2-3 times a week. If a person can do injections yourself, the doctor paints their frequency and dosage the patient can be treated at home.

The first dose should be administered in a hospital or clinic. You must ensure the absence of allergies in a patient on medication.

Overdose symptoms of unithiol

Overdose unitiola can develop as a result of non-compliance with medical recommendations or carrying out self-medication. According toofficial sources, acute intoxication may develop in excess of the recommended dosage in 10 times.

The characteristic symptoms of acute overdose unitology:

  • Shortness of breath of mixed character. The person becomes difficult to inhale and exhale. Observed increase of respiration, its frequency is greater than 20 breaths per minute. In acute intoxication may develop respiratory failure.
  • Pale skin, cyanosis of lips and extremities is a consequence of dyspnea and impaired circulation.
  • Tachycardia – rapid heartbeat. In severe conditions may slow pulse.
  • Cramps of the feet and hands, hyperkinesis (pathological mobility). Can develop spontaneous twitching.
  • General lethargy, soporose condition. Consciousness can be broken to the level of deep coma.

When the first signs of an overdose of unithiol should immediately call the ambulance. Treatment of this poisoning is in toxicology or intensive care unit. It is aimed at the elimination of symptoms and to maintain vital body functions. There is no specific antidote.

Unithiol is an effective medication used in the treatment of poisoning by salts of heavy metals, arsenic, cardiac glycosides. It is also used in the treatment of alcohol dependence. Unitiol protects and restores the Central nervous system, accelerates the exit from delirium tremens. To use the drug only for medical purposes. Its use is necessary to adhere to doctor prescribed dose and frequency of drug administration. Overdose is dangerous and can lead to impaired consciousness and respiratory death.