Seizures during alcohol intoxication: causes and treatment

Severe alcohol poisoning is often accompanied by seizures, indicative of a low-quality drink or overdose of alcohol. Convulsions when alcohol intoxication represent the attacks occurred on the background of lesions of the spinal cord and brain.


The attack usually begins with sudden loss of consciousness. Man loses balance, falls down, his muscles begin to contract uncontrollably, the face becomes pale, then may acquire a bluish color. Muscle contractions last only a few minutes, but that time is enough to provoke serious consequences.

Epilepsy due to systemic intoxication of alcohol, able to take a chronic form that often ends with the appearance of seizures regardless of alcohol use. Prolonged binges provoke irreversible changes in the Central nervous system, leading to convulsions and sober.

Involuntary muscle contractions can occur under the influence of chronic diseases such as atherosclerosis, brain damage, infectious diseases.

Most often spastic syndromes after intoxication acute alcohol differ. The main manifestations of incipient epilepsy can become:

  • the mouth of the patient into unconsciousness;
  • aching and the muscles;
  • acute pain in the limbs;
  • convulsions.

In severe alcohol poisoning seizures can occur repeatedly. Many alcoholics feel a sharp pain in the muscles during a hangover. Seizures have the following features:

  • the muscles may appear after 2-3 days after the feast;
  • alcoholic epilepsy is often accompanied by hallucinations;
  • also characterized by increasing withdrawal symptoms, manifested in delusions, insomnia, delirium tremens;
  • the gradual development of degradation of the personality of the alcoholic: irritability, excessive vulnerability, and deterioration of concentration of attention, speech disorders and behaviors.

The head often does not detect the epilepsy. Each episode of seizures during alcohol intoxication poses a threat to the health and life of the patient: an alcoholic may fall, get hurt, choke vomiting. In the absence of medical care, the patient is able to die.

Causes of seizures

Factors influencing the occurrence of seizures on the background of alcohol intoxication are:

  • The brain damage. A hangover is often accompanied by nervous and mental disorders arising from intoxication. Under the influence of ethanol, brain cells die, which results in deterioration of conductivity of nerve impulses. This contributes to the appearance of uncontrolled muscle contractions, tremors of extremities, loss of coordination.
  • The shortage in the internal organs of magnesium and potassium is one of the common causes of seizures. Drinking alcohol triggers dehydration. In conjunction with the fluid go out of body mineral salts and trace elements, which leads to the appearance of seizure.
  • Alcoholic epilepsy could provoke the previously obtained skull fractures and mental illness.
  • Of vascular pathology. Ethyl alcohol interferes with the circulation of blood in the circulatory system, thereby narrowing the small blood vessels dilate and large. This leads to blood stagnation, blockage of blood vessels, inflammation and spasms. Vascular disease often lead to stroke and heart attack, and are a common cause of uncontrolled muscle contraction.

Some alcoholics are not aware that experienced convulsive symptoms, writing off such as intoxication and hangover. Every seizure condition may worsen if at the beginning one feels muscular contractions in the legs then gradually the spasms can spread to the body. The duration of the attack increase that may turn into a more serious condition of alcoholic epilepsy.

Possible complications

Convulsions when alcohol often entail mental disorders. The stronger dependence of the patient from drinking, the more manifest these changes. The alcoholic becomes aggressive, short-tempered, suffers from memory loss. In addition, a person observed:

  • decreased performance;
  • loss of all interests;
  • a tendency to hysteria;
  • the weakening of the will;
  • uncontrolled aggressiveness;
  • depression, accompanied by suicidal thoughts and a desire to injure themselves.

Suicidal thoughts associated with the feeling of inferiority and meaninglessness of existence. Most often, the suicidal are people who have a lot of problems:

  • frequent conflicts at work;
  • deterioration of health;
  • unemployment;
  • scandals in the family;
  • failing to get a job;
  • degradation of the individual;
  • disbelief in the possibility of rehabilitation.

Most often, the pathology affects people of middle age from 25 to 45 years who regularly consume alcohol for 6-10 years. However, these symptoms can occur even after 2 years of systematically taking alcoholdrinks.

The occurrence of seizures depends on the state of human health, so it is impossible to determine the period of transition in isolated cases chronic. Convulsive symptoms indicate severe organic disorders of the Central nervous system caused by General intoxication, as well as the presence of encephalopathy.

First aid

Most often, seizures during alcohol intoxication occur unexpectedly, however, patients have some feelings:

  • visual and auditory hallucinations;
  • chills;
  • the feeling of hunger;
  • the violation of perception;
  • mood swings;
  • intense thirst.

Shortly after the man falls and loses consciousness. Due to spasm of the glottis in the fall a person can heart-rending scream.

With a slight convulsive manifestations, a person is able to provide assistance on their own. Easy the nature of the pathology says about the early stages of alcohol dependence, in which the patient is still able to control and master them. When approaching signs a person should take the following measures:

  • to take the situation lying down or sitting so that the legs located above the level of the head;
  • gentle massage of the extremities will help relax the muscles and normalize blood circulation;
  • loosen muscle tension can also a warm bath with medicinal herbs: chamomile and calendula, and sea salt;
  • at repeated occurrence of seizures should be referred to a medical facility, as seizures may gradually spread to the whole body and internal system.

To protect a loved one from serious consequences, must at the first signs of pathology to take care of his safety:

  • to prevent it from falling and possible damage, by removing in the direction of dangerous and sharp objects, put a pillow under the head;
  • do not restrict convulsive seizures alcoholic, pressing his limbs;
  • not to drag the victim to another place;
  • turn head sideways to prevent the ceasing of the language and the penetration of vomit into the respiratory tract;
  • to provide the oxygen, freed from tight clothing;
  • put a solid object between the teeth;

The attack usually stops after 3-5 minutes. Medical assistance required if cramps last more than an hour or there are several seizures in a row. The alcoholic, for once, have had similar pathology, should undergo examination by a neurologist.

Treatment of seizures during intoxication

Therapy of seizures during intoxication often produces a favorable result. Usually reduce stop, if a person completely stops drinking. If after treatment the patient will continue taking drinking, seizures may recur, causing more serious consequences. Further abuse can affect the Central nervous system and cause worsening of the pathology.

Therapy alcohol seizures – long continuous process that requires from the patient a certain strength of will.

The treatment is carried out at occurrence of first attack. The earlier you seek medical help, the more likely it is to remove the pathology.

Therapies involve a holistic approach:

  • physiotherapy;
  • counseling;
  • rehabilitation treatment;
  • socialization;
  • medication.

In addition, Dr. a special diet is prescribed to alleviate symptoms of disease and improving the General condition. In severe cases, surgical intervention is required. However, it all makes sense, if one will forever stop drinking.

The goal of therapy is to decrease the number of seizures and their total elimination, however, is not always possible to get rid of the consequences of convulsions during alcohol intoxication.

Recovery time is directly linked to the health condition of the person, as well as the qualifications of the attending physician.

In the treatment of convulsive symptoms, the following medicines:

  • Gabapentin, anesthetic, eliminating the anxiety provoked by alcoholism. Reduces the need for drinking, reduces severe attacks.
  • Anticonvulsants: phenobarbital, clonazepam, to prevent the re-emergence of muscle contractions and relieves pain.
  • Drugs that reduce the craving for binge eating: antidepressants, tranquilizers-Phenazepamum, amitriptyline, Lievin and other.
  • Vitamin-mineral complexes, and tonic.

The treatment regimen is chosen by the specialist.

The consequences of epilepsy for alcoholics can become very serious. Alcohol abuse and appeared on the background of epilepsy disrupt the functioning of the organism and often lead to the formation of incurable diseases, often fatal. Timely medical assistance will help a person to avoid complications.