How long drugs stay in the blood and the human body

Finding joy and satisfaction in ordinary everyday life can not all. Some frustrated their lives trying to forget and relax, regularly turning to drugs. Unfortunately, not everyone is concerned about the fact that these poisons trigger irreversible processes, especially for continuous use. On a number of factors it is easy to calculate how long drugs stay in the blood and how they can affect the body during this time.

Criteria influencing the withdrawal of the drug from the body

How quickly a drug leaves the blood stream will depend on the following features and criteria:

  • body weight is an addict. Underweight people are more susceptible to the action of the same dose of narcotic substances in contrast to a person with more weight. Accordingly, if the drug is asthenic body type, and stay in his blood the drugs will take longer;
  • dosage. Obviously, the more of the drug entered the body, the longer the decay products of this toxic substances will be removed from the blood;
  • the interval between doses and the duration of use. How long drugs will stay in blood and to your organs and systems are directly proportionate to the factor of how often and how long a person takes this poison;
  • the condition of addiction and its individual metabolic characteristics. A perfectly healthy person with a good metabolism will be less sharply felt the consequences of drug use. If the host is constantly suffering from vitamin deficiencies, constipation, and in addition has serious health problems, his resistance to toxins, much lower. Drugs kept in the body of such a person for a long time.

The combination of these parameters affects the speed of the process of withdrawal of the drug from the blood and the duration of the rehabilitation period.

The timing of the collapse of different drugs

In addition to the above criteria, it should be noted that the speed of release of drugs from the blood is also affected by the fact how the drug takes the man, as they all have a different date for the withdrawal. Some of them come out of the blood through a few hours, while others stay in the body for months.

  1. Psychotropic cannabis. This is one of the most frequently used drugs. Note a dependent, the breakdown products of cannabis are able to remain in the blood for about two weeks. In urea the drug can be detected for months after its use. In addition, cannabis may remain on the hair for which he retained up to three months.
  2. Marijuana. When Smoking of cigarettes, which are wrapped in dried leaves and inflorescence of this plant, the poison is kept in the blood about 3-4 days, but that's only if the person did it once. With the constant use of the drug, the decay products can remain in the urine for up to four months.
  3. Cocaine. This is one of the most rapidly output of drugs. In the blood it holds a maximum of two days, and after three or four days he comes out of urine. If to test hair for cocaine, then the period of decay may be three months.
  4. Lysergic acid. LSD can say that lightning is leaving the circulatory system in just 2-3 hours. In urine and hair of this dangerous drug lasts only three days.
  5. Ecstasy. Like cocaine, this substance remains in the blood for about two days, and the kidneys remove it to four days. In hair it can be detected up to 90 days.
  6. Heroin. This potent drug is circulating in the bloodstream half of the day, and it is derived from the urine of three or four days. Hair keep the rest of the heroin to several weeks
  7. Alcohol. In just 10-12 hours the breakdown products of ethanol are removed from the circulatory system. In the urine residues of toxic substances can be detected up to five days – this gives a long lasting hangover.
  8. Amphetamine. This drug lasts in the hair for two or three weeks, but in the urine it remains only to three days.
  9. Meth. In his blood will not be 24 hours later. Urea is cleared from the drug during the week. This stuff is insidious because even if it is not consumed and prepared the body still gets a dose of toxic substances through the couples that stay in the hair for a long time – up to 90 days.

Each substance is retained in the body at a different time, no matter once the person has used the drug or does it regularly – the time of its conclusion, usually differs slightly.

How to detect the presence of the drug

To determine whether a person takes drugs, you can use blood, urine, saliva, hair and nails. However, none of these options does not give an absolute guarantee that the presence of drugs is detected. This factor also depends on the individual, how much he struggles with the toxins, how long their prints and how much was taken.

The greater precision gives the urine test, as the toxins linger quite a long time. If opiates are detected in the blood, it indicates the very recent appointment of the drug in the circulatory system they hold for long.


  1. A blood test is relevant only in the case if the dependent drugs no earlier than a week ago, as virtually all narcotic poisons are removed from the blood completely during this time.
  2. With the help of urine test amphetamine can be detected within four days after ingestion. The presence of cocaine and methamphetamine in the urea tested for five days. As for heroin, if it was used initially and then a single test will give positive results only 4 days after ingestion. If a dependent pass urine on the seventh day after contact with the substance in his organism, then the test will detect this.
  3. In the saliva of toxins can be found not later than five days upon expiry of this period, the drugs no longer hold it.
  4. The longer the hair the less they cut, the easier it is to determine whether there was a precedent. The drug kept the body, namely on the areas of the body with the scalp, for up to three months, and all this time it can be detected. If an analysis of the nail plate is there to identify the remains of poisons up to six months! It is impressive, however, this method is not popular, as it is very costly in financial terms.

By the way, to determine whether a person takes a drug, it is possible and visually. Receiving such substances, people behave somewhat differently than those who do not suffer from addiction. Their movements are chaotic and it seems that they are not in control of their body. It such people are incoherent and sometimes incomprehensible, pale skin, and look so tired all the time – they usually never look fresh and rested.

Odor from the mouth can also give the addict, because some substances, for example hemp, leave a very specific odor. Gradually the intoxication takes away health and sucking all the power, and the process is quite difficult to hide from others.

If we talk about drugs, then these toxins in the body can survive for several years in contrast to the tar of cigarette. Despite this, the harm from their consumption is not small, on the contrary, it is much significant. Overdose by such means as, for example, heroin, in most cases, facing death. Whether for a moment of pleasure to tempt fate and expose his life to danger, solves every man for himself. In such moments we need to remember that it is enough to resist the temptation once, and can never return to normal life, lost in a drugged dope.