Zantac with alcohol and after drinking alcohol

The use of drugs to improve digestion becomes relevant during holiday feasts, accompanied by excessive consumption of food and drinks. To reduce the load on the gastrointestinal tract, using enzymes, for example, Mezim. However, the question is, can I use zantac with alcohol, is quite controversial.

The operating principle of pills

Zantac relates to enzyme products used to improve digestion. The tool compensates for the lack of enzymes secreted by the pancreas.

The medication contains the main operating component – Pancreatin. In addition to it, the composition includes the following ingredients:

  • lipase is an enzyme necessary for the digestion of fats;
  • amylase – a substance that breaks down carbohydrates;
  • protease – component, regenerating peptide bond amino acids.

The combination of ingredients, the product facilitates the immediate assimilation of nutrients. The best results are achieved if the tablet be taken with food or before eating. It helps the pancreas to better carry out its main function: to produce its own enzymes.

Penetrating the gastrointestinal tract, the tool is not destroyed under the action of the gastric juice, and is moving in the intestinal system. Once in the small intestine, the substance begins its therapeutic effect.

Mezim effectively restores the gastro-intestinal tract, improves digestion, removes the feeling of fullness and bloating after eating. In addition, the tool has analgesic effects on the pancreas, stimulating its normal operation.

The effect of the products is achieved after 30-40 minutes after eating. The average dosage is 1-2 tablets 3 times a day. In severe situations, a specialist may increase dosage to 5 pills at a time.


Zantac is used to treat chronic pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract during diarrhea provoked by unknown reasons, and also for the treatment of intestinal infections in the complex therapy. In addition, the drug appoint specialists for the following pathologies:

  • in some diseases of the pancreas, characterized by the disorder of production of enzymes;
  • in chronic inflammatory-dystrophic diseases of the digestive tract:
  • in the recovery period after surgical operations or irradiation of the digestive system, accompanied by heavy digestion;
  • the deterioration process of digestion, bloating, diarrhea, triggered by a change in diet;
  • if you have problems with chewing, entailing the deterioration of motor ability of the intestine;
  • in the preparatory period before the examination of the abdominal cavity.

We all know the devastating effects of ethyl alcohol on the digestive system. The systematic drinking of alcoholic beverages there may be irreversible changes that affect the entire gastrointestinal tract. Alcohol destroys the mucous membranes of the esophagus, leads to the formation of gastritis and ulcers, a General exhaustion, deterioration of work of the pancreas and also the development of alcoholic pancreatitis and pancreatic necrosis.

It is a mistake to assume Mezym drug that eliminates pathology of the digestive tract, as well as to apply the medication as a preventive measure against the negative effects of alcohol. Most often, the drug is a complementary tool for the treatment of various diseases, is used only in combination therapy.


Abdominal pain can indicate not only violations of the digestive process, but also indicate serious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Tablets are not recommended in the following diseases:

  • pancreatitis in acute and chronic form;
  • hypersensitivity to lactose, and lactase deficiency;
  • children up to age 3 years;
  • intolerance Pancreatin and other components of the medication.

When not recommended dosages or incorrect method of application of the drug can provoke the following side effects:

  • skin rash urticaria, dermatitis, rash;
  • anaphylactic shock;
  • nausea, gag reflex;
  • angioedema;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • the increase in the concentration of uric acid in the bloodstream.

Long-term use of funds in conjunction with iron-containing medicines can lead to blanching of the skin, weakness, anemia, destruction of the nails.

Zantac and alcohol: compatibility

Any meal is accompanied by not only a large variety of dishes, but also copious amounts of alcoholic beverages. Overeating and alcoholic drinks lead to poor digestion, pain, heaviness in the abdomen, flatulence and other effects. Often the drug is taken immediately before drinking of alcoholic beverages or in conjunction with them. However, this is a bug: ethanol and zantac have bad compatibility.

Combining pills with alcohol can lead to a weakening of the action of ethanol, but it is not as safe as it might seem at first glance.

src="/poisoning/images/792-3.jpg">getting into the human body, the drug breaks down food and ethanol trapped in the stomach. Early dissolution of the metabolites of alcohol leads to lack of intoxication. Well, if a person who drinks a glass of hot drink will be limited to the accepted dose. In this case, the harm from a combination of medication and intoxicating beverages can be considered minimal.

However, in the situation when a person is considered drunk in a dose insufficient and continued the feast, seeking to achieve the desired intoxication, exposure to ethanol can become threatening to the whole organism. This is especially true of the liver, which must metabolize not only drugs, but alcohol and toxins. Thus, the combination of pills and booze is extremely dangerous to health and life.

Zantac with alcohol can be considered relatively compatible. When consumed moderately alkogolesoderzhaschie the number of drinks the drug might have positive effects: it can help the internal organs faster break down ethanol.

Some experts argue that zantac after alcohol should not be: the preparation is intended to improve the functioning of the digestive tract, alcohol also has the ability to degrade their work. A small amount of alcohol will bring harm to the body, however, may weaken the therapeutic effect of the medication.

Effects compatibility

The combination of alcohol with medication could trigger some negative consequences, among which are:

  • heavy load on the liver;
  • the deterioration of the effectiveness of a drug;
  • malfunction of the stomach and intestines;
  • washed down a pill with a glass of vodka, you can exceed their rate of alcohol: drug can reduce the degree of intoxication that makes a person to drink more than usual.

Taking the two substances at the same time, can provoke a double load on the liver that will eventually lead to rapid deterioration of the liver. The combination of ethanol with drugs often leads to the disorder of the digestive system: easy on the stomach may be rapidly replaced deterioration of health.

In order to avoid negative effects of zantac with alcohol should still not be combined. This is especially true of people with chronic diseases of the stomach and intestines: alcohol is absolutely prohibited them.

However, in some situations to give up booze it can be hard, especially if it's for a reason. In such situations, it will help a few recommendations:

  1. To reduce the load on the liver, you should take zantac before alcohol. The gap between the intake means and the first glass of alcohol should be at least 30-40 minutes.
  2. Shouldn't overeat after drinking alcohol, eating all in a row. Alcohol should not be consumed on an empty stomach, but to overload the gastrointestinal system also should not be.
  3. To alcoholic party it is not necessary to drink alcohol of dubious quality, containing fusel oil and additives. Low-quality alcohol leads to damage of the mucous membranes of the stomach.
  4. You should not drink hard liquor in large quantities.

Beer and wine, drunk in large doses, can exacerbate gastrointestinal disease.

How the drug could help with a hangover

After the feast, accompanied by alcoholic beverages, is allowed to take any digestive enzyme, including zantac. In combination with activated charcoal medicine successfully cope with toxins and help remove excess ethanol from the human body.

Hangover that occurs the next morning after the party, often brings many unpleasant symptoms, among which nausea and vomiting caused by intoxication of alcoholic metabolites. The deterioration in the motility of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as the lack of enzymes can enhance the symptoms of alcohol poisoning.

For getting rid of toxins is necessary to provoke vomiting in any way. This can be to drink plenty of water with potassium permanganate, but there's a way "two fingers in his mouth". After each episode of vomiting should drink plenty of fluids. In addition, to clean the intestines will help the enema.

After completion of the cleaning of the digestive system should take the preparation containing enzymes, which is able to start the process of digestion.

Should not be treated with only one effective drug is not designed for this, it is only an aid to improve the functioning of the digestive organs.

In addition to enzymes, it is recommended to take an absorbent medicines, and means that restores the water-salt metabolism.

Any medications in their combination with alcohol may not only lose its effectiveness, but in some cases can cause serious damage. This also applies to zantac, which can cause extra load on the liver and disrupt the digestive tract, especially in the use of large doses of alcohol. However, if you cannot give up booze, in between the two substances should observe the interval of 30 minutes. This time is enough to cure the beginning of its therapeuticthe impact and did not bring the deterioration of health.