How to take ftalazol from diarrhea and rotavirus infection

Diarrhea is a symptom of many pathological conditions. It occurs in diseases of the digestive system, poisoning and acute infectious diseases. This symptom is dangerous, as it leads to rapid dehydration, especially in children. It is therefore important to choose an effective remedy that will help in the short term to eliminate the intestinal disorders. Ftalazol from diarrhea recommend for adults and kids. The drug has no side effects, except for rare allergic skin reactions.

The effect of ftalazola

Ftalazol is antimicrobial drug of the group of sulfonamides. The drug has a strong bacteriostatic action. It inhibits the growth of pathogenic microorganisms in the intestine. The drug has a detrimental effect on bacteria and protozoa. Such a mechanism leads to a decrease in symptoms bowel, eliminates diarrhea.

Pathogens for their livelihoods use the amino acids contained in the tissues. Ftalazol violates this chemical process that prevents the synthesis of nucleic acids in bacteria. This mechanism slows down and eventually stops the growth of microorganisms.

Ftalazol with diarrhea should be taken strictly according to the prescribed treatment regimen, even if patients come noticeable improvement, and the diarrhea has passed. Premature discontinuation of therapy, contributes to the formation in the organism of resistant strains of bacteria. In the future this will lead to resistance to ftalazolu and inefficiency.

The drug is absorbed mucosa difficult, so it is in the intestines for a long time. Excreted together with feces. So it is often prescribed for serious infectious diseases.

The types of microorganisms against which the active ftalazol:

  • Escherichia coli or E. coli which can cause food borne intoxication;
  • Shigella – the causative agent of dysentery;
  • Pseudomonas aeruginosa;
  • gram-positive bacteria – Streptococcus, Staphylococcus, pneumococcus, meningococcus;
  • Proteus.

The drug reduces inflammation in the intestines. This is because, as rice promotes the production of hormones – glucocorticoids, which have anti-inflammatory action.

Since the drug is practically not absorbed in the intestine, its concentration and the area of active influence on pathogens increases. The maximum amount of a substance that is absorbed into the blood, is not more than 10%, everything else is freely excreted by natural means. Ftalazol is not accumulated in the tissues, is broken down in the liver and its breakdown products are excreted by the kidneys. The effect of habituation with prolonged use of the drug is not observed.

Form release of medication and method of application

Ftalazol available in tablets at a dosage of 100, 200 and 500 mg of active substance.

Auxiliary substances which are used in the manufacture of the drug:

  • potato starch – camphor is used as a stabilizer;
  • calcium stearate is a food additive, emulsifier and auxiliary component in the manufacture of solid dosage forms.

Tablets are available in blister packs of 10 pieces, Packed in cartons. The drug is stored at room temperature not exceeding 25 °C.

Ftalazol take 30 minutes before meals or after not earlier than one hour. The cure is to drink purified water or mineral without gas with an alkaline pH (not less than 200 ml). Children who cannot swallow tablets, the drug is crushed. Kids powder can be added to baby formula, purees, juices, breast milk. During treatment should drink plenty of fluids (for adults at least 2 liters per day).

Ftalazol from diarrhoea in acute poisoning

The drug is prescribed to patients diagnosed with an acute infectious disease with a pronounced gastroenteritis syndrome. To infections that affect the mucosa of the small intestine, to dysentery, cholera, Staphylococcus, food poisoning caused by E. coli.

The first sign of these diseases is abundant, multiple diarrhea. Stool frequency per day up to 10-15 times. In dysentery the number of bowel movements may exceed these figures. Profuse diarrhea quickly depletes the body, leads to dehydration and complications. In children due to fluid loss affects the nervous system, often have seizures, then attaches pneumonia.

How to take ftalazol diarrhea adults if the patient has an infectious disease:

  • onset of illness (1-2 days). Take 2 tablets at a dosage of 500 mg every 4 hours.
  • The period of stabilization (3-4 days) – 500 mg every 6 hours.
  • On 5-6th day of illness the patient is taking 500 mg 3 times a day.

The total course dose appointed by the doctor based on the severity of the disease and is 25-30 g. the Maximum single dose for an adult is 7 g.

Infants up to 3 years ftalazol designate the rate of body weight – 0.2 g of the drug per 1 kg weight. Before use, the daily dose are crushed into powder, divide into three equal parts and take three times a day. It is not recommended to give medicine at night not to disturb the sleeping child. The maximum course of treatmentfor babies is one week.

Ftalazol to resolve diarrhea is not recommended to assign children up to 2 years. About how it is appropriate to apply the medication in infants, decides the attending physician, taking into account possible risks and negative consequences.

Children from 3 to 12 years ftalazol designate an amount of from 4 to 8 tablets at a dosage of 100 mg (maximum daily dose). The number of receptions a day – 3-4 times. As you recover, reduce the dose and divide it into 2 doses, morning and evening.

Depending on the condition of the child, the duration of intake of the drug when the diarrhea may be increased and further treatment is carried out under the supervision of a child or family doctor.

Ftalazol at a poisoning with poor-quality food reduces diarrhea for 2-3 days. During this time in the gut is suppressed, pathogenic bacteria, and there is a decline of symptoms.

The use of ftalazola in Pediatrics diarrhea in children

Ftalazol is a drug with low toxicity. So it is often used in pediatric practice and prescribe to children from an early age. The drug is relatively safe, does not cause serious disorders in the internal organs, does not affect the growth and development of the child.

Children prescribed ftalazol with rotavirus (stomach flu). It is a common disease that affects all children of preschool age.

Rotavirus infects the epithelium of the small intestine and causes inflammation. Diarrhea is one of the main symptoms of the disease. Depending on physical condition and body resistance, the frequency of acts of defecation can be 4 to 12 times a day. Diarrhea leads to a violation of water-salt balance, increases the toxicity of the body.

In the acute period of the disease it is important to quickly arrest the symptoms and prevent dehydration. With this purpose prescribed ftalazol. Its effect on the child's body:

  • reduces nausea;
  • eliminates vomiting, diarrhea;
  • relieves inflammation of the intestines;
  • relieves pain symptoms in the abdomen;
  • stops the rapid weight loss in infants;
  • prevents the development of complications associated with dehydration;
  • improves sleep quality, increases appetite.

The dosage is adjusted depending on age and body weight of the child, severity of the disease. On their own, without the appointment of doctors to give ftalazol can children.

The use of ftalazola during pregnancy

Pregnant women pills for diarrhea ftalazol prescribed with caution, despite the fact that there are no contraindications. Not recommended to take the drug in the first trimester of pregnancy, when there is a tab of systems and organs of the fetus. This is due to the fact that not precisely determined the toxic effects of ftalazola on the child during fetal development.

The pregnancy and birth process, the drug is not affected. It does not create a threat of miscarriage or premature birth.

With caution is prescribed ftalazol women in the third trimester with a diagnosis of "preeclampsia" (late toxicosis). It is a pathological condition that is often accompanied by edema. The drug may hinder withdrawal of fluid from the body.

Lactation treatment with ftalazolom is not recommended, since a small amount of it penetrates not only in blood but also in breast milk. With long-term therapy, the child is breastfed may disrupt biocenos intestine (the quantitative composition of the intestinal flora) and to develop goiter. If treatment Ftalazolom inevitably, to reduce the side effects, the tablets immediately after feeding. This is necessary in order to next feeding concentration of the drug in breast milk decreased. For the prevention of dysbacteriosis infants prescribed eubiotics (live lactic acid bacteria) for oral administration.

Ftalazol rarely causes adverse reactions. They occur in people with hypersensitivity to the drug and manifest as allergic reactions – itchy skin, rash, redness, dermatitis. Prolonged administration of the drug disrupted intestinal microflora, which subsequently leads to disruption of the absorbability and the development of hypovitaminosis. You cannot assign the drug to patients with severe pathology of the liver, kidneys, disorders of blood, poor blood clotting.