Chronic intoxication: symptoms and treatment

Intoxication is a common reaction of the human body for the introduction of microbial, dietary or other toxins. There is an acute form of the disease, and in this case, you need to be hospitalized. And diagnosed chronic intoxication, which also requires a competent approach to treatment.

Scientists estimate that the body of almost every inhabitant of the large settlements in his life comes up to 100 kg harmful substances. A person comes into contact with toxins in tap water when eating fertilized pesticide products of plant origin, when inhaling the exhaust fumes of vehicles and the nicotine or use of poor quality cosmetics. And this list is endless.

Separate substances enter the body with food remain in the intestine, the other into the blood, and then sent for filtration by the kidneys and liver. But in some cases, the natural filters of the human body can not overcome the toxic attack. In this case, the harmful substances will damage internal organs and break a metabolismthat will inevitably lead to chronic intoxication – chronic toxemia.


Chronic poisoning develops against the background of the following ailments:

  • indolent infections that are chronic;
  • chronic parasitic diseases;
  • unhealthy diet (fast food, fatty foods, synthetic component of the products);
  • long-term use of drugs (especially antibiotics and hormones);
  • polluted environment;
  • the use of poor quality personal hygiene products and household chemicals;
  • the abuse of alcohol;
  • nicotine addiction;
  • the drug not for medical purposes;
  • cancer and chemotherapy;
  • infringement of functions of kidneys, liver and endocrine system.
  • professional factors (work in the pharmaceutical field or on a construction site).

A pathological condition in such cases does not develop in one day, but gradually. The same person may at first not notice what is happening with him changes. Chronic toxaemia (poisoning) is often the result goes untreated acute disease.

The main symptoms and signs

Among the main symptoms of chronic intoxication include:

  • the weakening of the protective mechanisms of the body, which leads to frequent acute respiratory diseases and exacerbations of chronic illnesses;
  • chronic fatigue syndrome – a person feels tired almost constantly, even immediately after sleep or rest. The weakness, lethargy, irritability, loss of memory, low working capacity;
  • disorders in the digestive tract. There may be constipation, diarrhea, bloating, feeling of heaviness, nausea, heartburn;
  • violation of thermoregulation and hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating);
  • the discomfort in the mouth, bad breath, whitish tongue coating;
  • a strong unpleasant smell from the body with regular hygiene maintenance;
  • disorders in the psychoemotional sphere – panic attacks, apathy, sleep disturbances, frequent headaches;
  • dermatological problems – increased dryness or oiliness, skin rash, acne;
  • differences in the manifestations of allergic reactions;
  • early signs of aging – sagging skin, sallow complexion, brittle hair and nails, and early wrinkles.

It is important to remember that every body is different and responds differently to internal problems. Chronic intoxication primarily will affect the "weak spot". For some it's digestive tract, so the discomfort primarily appears there. Others will react faster skin. And someone would have to blow on psycho-emotional sphere.

Therapy of intoxication

The treatment of any form of intoxication always start with identifying and eliminating likely causes. The next stage involves the removal of toxins from the body naturally. In some cases it is sufficient to stick to the diet and the General principles of a healthy lifestyle.

In more complex cases, the body is purified by the following scheme:

  1. The focus is to use sorbents to remove harmful substances from the body. If the digestive tract reacted with vomiting and diarrhoea, it is assigned symptomatic therapy for the normalization of the digestive tract.
  2. The sorbents attached antidote therapy if available for the identified toxin.
  3. If there is a risk of dehydration, appoint abundant drink with the use of farmcrest, for example, regidron.
  4. To stimulate the urinary system and also to maintain the liver prescribed diuretic and cholagogue and hepatic. In some cases, to normalize the digestive tract can not do without mild laxatives.
  5. In cases of poisoning by irritant poisons and suffocating actions prescribed oxygen therapy. But this method is prescribed only after a thorough examination of the patient.
  6. In some cases, shown substitutive blood transfusion (blood transfusion), or resort to blood transfusion.
  7. For recoveryperiod recommend use of enzymes and probiotics. As well as courses prescribed vitamins and antioxidants.

Chronic intoxication do not always require hospitalisation, but treatment is necessary only for the purpose of specialist and under his supervision. To self-medicate in this case is inappropriate and fraught with serious and in some cases irreversible consequences.

A therapeutic diet and folk medicine

Along with medication, for chronic toxemia prescribe a specific diet that will help detoxify all the toxins. A therapeutic diet implies following these rules:

  • observe the correct mode of flow of fluid in the body;
  • the menu should consist of easily digestible food;
  • meals should be frequent and fractional (single portion – 250 grams).

The correct approach to nutrition will not only help remove toxins but also to relieve painful symptoms, and improve overall health. The best way of cooking for a couple. The diet may consist of:

  • vegetables in mashed form, which were heat-treated (boiled or baked);
  • fruit, pre-baked;
  • lean fish or meat boiled;
  • razvratik, mucous cereals;
  • low-fat (the first water after boiling drained) broth;
  • sour compote or jelly, made from natural ingredients;
  • tea without sugar and weak.

As a rule, in acute an appetite, so the emphasis is on non-carbonated mineral water. It should be taken warm and in small portions. And in the days that followed, food should be divided into 4-5 receptions without overeating.

Recipes of traditional medicine in combination with traditional treatment and diet are also well established. Infusions and decoctions on the basis of medicinal plants contribute to early withdrawal from the body of harmful elements.

Popular decoctions of viburnum, tincture of the leaves of black currant, broth hips, the infusion on the basis of the aloe leaf, broth of watermelon peels, a decoction of the flowers of tansy.

The removal of various toxins from the body is a complex medical task. Methods of treatment are appointed individually based on the patient's condition. But if you conscientiously adhere to all medical recommendations, we can expect a favorable prognosis and a complete recovery.