Magnesium in the human body: its influence and impact on people

Magnesium (Mg) is the twelfth place in the periodic system D. I. Mendeleev. This chemical element is present in the human body. In nature, Mg occupies a very important place. As well as magnesium in the human body affects a huge number associated with normal life processes.

Magnesium and functioning of the human body

Scientists estimate that the adult human body contains approximately 70 grams of Mg, and bone account for about 60% of this amount. The remaining 40% are liquids and are present in muscle tissue. The highest concentration of this element necessary for heart cells and brain.

The effect of magnesium on the human body is very versatile. The main areas where it is indispensable:

  1. Metabolic processes. No Mg would not be able to fully proceed about 300 enzymatic reactions. The magnesium in the body contributes to the synthesis of DNA. In addition, it is necessary to clean the organism from slags and toxins. And also promotes the absorption of vitamin C, B1, B6.
  2. Important processes on the background of the interaction with calcium (Ca). Both of these elements, as antagonists, moderate regulate the tension of blood vessels and muscle contraction. Acceptable concentration of Ca and Mg in the body must be in a 2:1 ratio.
  3. Interaction with insulin. The magnesium in the body affects the speed and amount of absorption of insulin. The lower the availability of magnesium in the cells, the higher their immunity to insulin.

Magnesium ranks fourth in the list of the most important for the body minerals. It is preceded by potassium, calcium and sodium.

Nervous system

The magnesium in the body affects the transmission quality of the electrical signal along the nerve fiber, lowering muscle reduction. Deficiency of this element nerve cell is always in tension, so this man becomes too vulnerable and quick-tempered, experiencing more stress, worried about his headaches, he tires quickly and has trouble sleeping.

In stressful situations Mg instantly consumed by the cells of the nervous system, which send it for a quick transmission of an electrical signal along the nerve fiber to solve the discomfort. Therefore, the longer a person experiences stress, the faster dries up the presence of this valuable element in the body and likely to develop abnormalities of the nervous system.

Musculoskeletal system

No Mg does not able to be absorbed in the intestine and absorbed in the bones of the Ca. So it begins to accumulate in the joints, making them less mobile. A deficiency of calcium in the bone tissue reduces its density and increases bone fragility.

In addition, the deficit of Mg, Ca accumulates in the muscles and makes them relax. In this case, there are paroxysmal, involuntary contractions of muscles as a result of their over – all kinds of hyperkinesis. As a rule, the deficiency of Mg in 75% of cases leads to the appearance of seizures in two-headed muscle on the posterior surface of the tibia person.

In some cases, lack of magnesium leads to deposition of calcium in the kidneys and gall bladder, which causes the formation of salt concretions in these organs.

The heart and blood vessels

The fifth part of all stocks of Mg in the body have on the heart and blood vessels. Deficiency of this element in heart muscle begins to accumulate Ca which prevents relaxation. Magnesium in the body, normalizes metabolic processes in the heart and contributes to its contractile ability.

If a person gets enough of this element, he can count on the elasticity of blood vessels and good circulation in all body systems. In this case, brain, lungs, and the digestive organs receive more oxygen and nutrients. In addition, the item thins the blood and prevents abnormal clotting.

Useful properties of magnesium

The influence of magnesium on the human body cannot be overemphasized. Among the main useful properties can be identified such:

  • has a direct impact on the formation of the skeleton and contributes to the growth of bones;
  • regulates heart rhythm;
  • normalizes blood pressure;
  • controls the level of glucose in the blood;
  • improves respiratory function in bronchial asthma, inflammation of bronchial mucosa and excessive accumulation of air in the lungs;
  • protects from pain in muscles and joints, relieves spasms;
  • indispensable in the fight against depression, chronic fatigue and painful headaches;
  • relief for menstrual syndrome;
  • reduces the harmful effects in radiation therapy;
  • strengthens the outer protective shell of the tooth crown part of the teeth;
  • prevention of formation of mineral concretions in the kidneys and gallbladder;
  • relief to the state during the alcohol withdrawal syndrome.

For the normal life of a day an adult male should consume 400 Mg, for an adult female 300 mg while pregnant 450 mg. In some cases, on the background of certain diseases, the daily rate of this element may increase.

Causes of magnesium deficiency

Among severe mineral deficiency – magnesium deficiency is a constant leader. There are suchcommon causes that contribute to the excretion of magnesium from the body:

  1. Diet, aimed at losing weight. In this case, in the body magnesium just not supplied in sufficient quantity.
  2. Frequent use of laxatives. Food does not stay long in the digestive tract, therefore, Mg and other elements are "in transit".
  3. A large number of "fast" carbohydrates and carbonated drinks in the diet – it disrupts the absorption of magnesium from the digestive tract.
  4. Any digestive disorders associated with chronic diseases of the stomach or intestines.
  5. Hormone replacement therapy endocrine diseases or medical contraception. In this case, Mg is poorly absorbed at the cellular level and rapidly excreted from the body.
  6. Regular eating disorders. Eating too much salty, fat, smoked food. If the diet is often fast food.
  7. Prolonged intake of medicines on the background of chronic ailments.
  8. Tobacco and alcohol abuse. Such bad habits also contribute to the excretion of Mg from the body.
  9. The use of too soft water. Of course, excess magnesium in the water can cause harm, but the constant use of water, it is not enriched with minerals, is a direct path to various diseases.

Poison this element is almost impossible, and even too high, its concentration does not lead to death. However, regularly exceeding its dosage, especially given the large consumption of calcium and phosphorus, of course, is harmful to health. Well all that is in moderation, this principle can be applied to magnesium.