The dangers of acetaminophen to the human body

Paracetamol is considered to be one of the best antipyretics, which have in any home medicine Cabinet. The dangers of paracetamol when used properly, is practically not observed. However, failure to comply with the recommended doses it can be dangerous.

As the medicine affects the body

To find out whether the drug is harmful to humans, you should know its medicinal effects.

The active substance included in the composition, the drug has anti-inflammatory, antipyretic and analgesic effects by blocking the mediators of inflammation.

The drug has no adverse effect on the mucous surface of the gastrointestinal tract, therefore, is not contraindicated in gastritis and ulcerative lesions.

The tool has the following advantages:

  • able to dissolve in the colon;
  • leads to a rapid onset of effect;
  • no effect on water-salt balance in the body;
  • hits the mucous membranes of the digestive tract;
  • be consumed by infants.

The dangers of paracetamol on the human body occurs when you overdose, incorrect application, or if the person has a number of contraindications to the.

When paracetamol can harm

The main harm that can cause the paracetamol to health is its use in high doses.

Prolonged and unsupervised use of drugs often leads to severe liver damage, including the formation of its failure.

Most often the drug has a harmful effect in the following cases:

  • if taken together with other drugs, eg, barbiturates, or anticoagulants;
  • when combined the drug with alcohol;
  • with continued use of the substance;
  • in severe hepatic diseases;
  • in case of overdose.

Single dose that could lead to the destruction of the liver, and 140 mg per 1 kg of body weight per day. An adult should not be consumed more than 3-4 g per day. Daily dose for children should not exceed 60 mg per 1 kg of body weight. In addition, in the treatment of children the means used in the course not to exceed 3-5 days.

Paracetamol and the liver

When ingested, the active ingredient breaks down into metabolites that can be toxic to liver tissue.

A man with a healthy liver the drug will not harm after a single use. However, in medicine, describes cases, when the medication has completely destroyed its cells, until the need for transplantation.

Because of the toxic effect of product on the liver, it should not be used in some diseases of this organ:

  • chronic hepatitis triggered by viruses;
  • cirrhosis.

One-time use of the drug in doses exceeding 10 grams, may cause damage and lead to severe poisoning.

Prolonged intake means more than 1 tablet a day often provokes the development of nephropathy, the manifestations of intoxication may be absent or mild. However, in a few days begins to form liver failure, which can lead to death.

Paracetamol and alcohol

Because of the hepatotoxicity of the drug together with alcohol can cause deterioration of liver function. When this harmful effect is amplified many times, which increases the likelihood of developing cirrhosis.

The active substance of paracetamol, entering the body of a man who took alcohol, causes the death of hepatocytes, making the body more vulnerable.

Abuse of alcohol leads to the fact that the drug breaks down faster in the liver, exerting a toxic effect. Even with recommended dosage the drug causes cell damage by reacting with metabolites of alcohol, often resulting in the drug hepatitis.

In addition, the combination of medicament and ethanol has a harmful effect on the kidneys, causing the development of pancreatitis.

Alcohol after drinking remedies can be taken not less than 4 hours. After alcohol it can be consumed only after complete excretion of ethanol.

Some people remove the headache caused by a hangover, with the help of paracetamol. However, this is strictly forbidden: together with each other substances can have toxic effects even in a healthy liver.

An overdose of paracetamol

If you exceed the dose, a person can develop symptoms of poisoning. Lethal dose is 25 g medicines.

There are several stages of overdose:

  • The first stage is characterized by an acute intoxication, with symptoms begin to appear after 1-2 hours after ingestion and continues for up to 24 hours. Often the patient feels malaise, lethargy, poor appetite, pain symptoms in the head, nausea, slight blanching of the skin, sweating.
  • In the second stage the patient becomes difficult urination and slight pain in the right hypochondrium. At this stage, the continuing 24-48 hours, startsthe destruction of liver tissue and the gallbladder.
  • In the third stage, there is a increased symptoms and toxic injury of the liver cells. The person begins to experience intense painful sensations in the liver, the color of the skin and mucous membranes become yellow, there is intense vomiting, swelling, bleeding from the mouth or nose, increased heart rate, impaired consciousness. A patient can be disoriented in space or falls into a coma. Stage lasts 72-96 hours.
  • In the fourth stage , when not given medical help may be fatal. This stage can last from 5 to 14 days. If the patient was able to avoid death, you may experience symptoms of chronic overdose, characterized by blanching of the skin, yellowness of the skin, sweating, weakness, emetic reflexes. At this stage the regeneration of liver cells, due to their ability to heal itself.

Paracetamol in childhood

The tool is available in various dosage forms, due to what is actively used for the treatment of children.

Candles, tablets or syrup equally affect the child's body, but should be used with caution.

The dosage is calculated by body weight: 1 kg – 10 mg of the substance. The interval between administration should be at least 6 hours. Bring down the high temperature of the baby must be no more than 4 times a day.

Contraindications for use in children are:

  • hypersensitivity to the active component;
  • early age to 3 months;
  • liver disease;
  • renal failure;
  • diseases of the stomach and intestines.

Frequent use of tools poses a risk to the life of a child and causing irreparable harm.

It was found that children, often consume the medication in the period 1 to 3 years, are more likely to develop allergic reactions and asthma by seven years of age.

Following the guidelines and admission rules, can not only alleviate the condition, but also to avoid possible harm. However, before applying the drug you should consult with your doctor.