How to take help to cleanse the body and liver

Liver disease deserves special attention: it all depends on the health of the person as a whole. I – the agent of plant origin, which is often used for cleansing the body of toxins. Drink for cleansing the body, always,hay and raisins effectively removes the bile, a beneficial effect on the liver, and can improve the condition of all internal organs.

What I found

Syrup holosas, otherwise known as cartolin made from the extract of rose hips with added sugar and water. The hips contained in the drug, increases the protective forces of the body, strengthens blood vessels, relieves inflammation, positively affects the composition of the blood.

The preparation includes a large number of vitamins, organic acids and pectin substances that are beneficial to the state of the intestine, kidney and liver.

The drink has the following properties:

  • streamlines the process of digestion;
  • improves appetite;
  • reduces the pressure;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • stimulates the digestive tract;
  • activate the discharge of bile.

I often used in bodybuilding for toning muscle and as an additional source of energy that helps to burn fat. In addition, the drug is often prescribed to women during lactation.

Before applying you should consult with a specialist: has some contraindications.


I found natural remedy consists of natural components. Regular use of the drug will help protect the hepatocytes from the negative influence of toxic substances, activate the production of bile, and to eliminate congestion in the liver cells, the intestine and the gall bladder.

Indications for the use of the syrup of wild rose are:

  • hepatitis;
  • drug or alcohol intoxication;
  • hemorrhagic diathesis;
  • lack of vitamins C and P;
  • the cholecystitis.

The tool will help to release the rectum from dried fecal matter and toxins, so it is often used to reduce weight in the initial phase of various programs for weight loss.

The drug may cause harm to uncontrolled drinking or exceeding the recommended dose. The syrup contains sugar, which can cause increase in blood glucose.


Cleaning the body and liver can should not be done without medical supervision. Despite the beneficial action on the liver, it has a number of contraindications, including:

  • diabetes of the 2nd type;
  • cardiovascular disease;
  • insufficiency of the liver and kidneys;
  • gastric ulcer in the acute stage;
  • the presence of large stones in the biliary ducts and the kidneys;
  • the age of 3 years.

On the background of intake of tea may bloating and flatulence, and allergic reactions. In addition, the tool could trigger a sharp increase in blood glucose, heartburn, abdominal pain and retching.

Usage instructions

Currently, there are two methods of cleansing the liver and body with the help of the help:

  • the use of syrup in its purest form. Admission is carried out according to the instructions;
  • drinking it in conjunction with other components.


Before use, the body must be prepared. To do this, 5 days before the cleanse eliminate from the diet of heavy foods:

  • meats;
  • fatty varieties of fish;
  • sweets;
  • muffin.

The menu should consist of light dishes, salads, fruit and fresh Apple juice. This will help relieve the internal organs and to adjust the body for the upcoming cleanse.

Pure syrup

Make help cleaning the liver is necessary according to the annotation:

  • children up to 3 years tool give you two or three times a day 1/4 teaspoon;
  • from 3 to 12 years – 1/2 teaspoonful thrice a day;
  • adults – 5 g three times per day.

The maximum single dose should not exceed 20 g.

In order to prevent the drug is taken for two to three weeks, 1 teaspoon three times a day on an empty stomach. The drink has a strong laxative effect, so to clear the body should not more than 1 time in six months.

Experts recommend after consumption of syrup to brush my teeth: it can cause darkening of the tooth enamel.

Holosas, raisins and Senna

Drink with raisins, Senna and always used if the aim is comprehensive cleansing of the internal organs. The raisins used in the composition of the beverage, known for its property to gently cleanse the intestines and to heal minor ulcers. Senna, the grass is constipation, normalize chair, stimulates the colon and gently removes from the body waste substances.

Combining the components together, you can achieve excellent result in the shortest possible time. For the preparation of medicinal drink you need:

  • 1 Cup of washed raisins;
  • 20 g dried Senna;
  • 1 bottle of the drug.

The grass is brewed with one liter of boiling water, add raisins, is kept for 60 minutes, then tsedyat. Part pour in syrup and mix thoroughly.

Use received drughalf a Cup in the evening before discharge to sleep. Purifying treatment is 7 days.

Holosas slimming

To help the patient to lose weight, nutritionists recommend first of all to get the metabolism in the body.

I successfully copes with this task: thanks to its composition of natural ingredients drink quickly and naturally burns fat and removes toxins.

Regular intake of syrup helps to establish the function of the gastrointestinal tract, to extract from the liver of toxic compounds and bile fluid.

Method 1

For weight loss the drug is used in combination with hay, but mixing them together is not worth it. This method is often used for quick weight loss. The means used according to the following scheme:

  • Rosehip syrup take three times a day, on an empty stomach one tablespoon, squeezed 200 g of water;
  • a decoction of Senna drink 1 time a day at bedtime, after a meal.

To prepare a decoction of Senna, should be one tablespoon of herb brewed with 200 g of boiling water, boil for 5 minutes and infuse for a quarter of an hour.

During the cleansing course should stay home, because the effect may be unexpected. The cleansing course should not exceed 3 days.

To prevent dehydration, during the cleaning you should drink plenty of fluids.

Method 2

Losing extra weight will help the following recipe. To prepare you need:

  • half a Cup of dried apricots;
  • half a Cup of prunes;
  • 100 g of syrup.

Dried fruit cut in small pieces, boiled 30 minutes in one liter of water, then filtered and added to the drug. The resulting decoction is taken 1/2 Cup in the evening.

This drink perfectly speeds up the metabolism, stimulates the discharge of bile and has a mild laxative effect.

The liver, like all entire body, needs regular cleaning. If the problem is not running and is at an early stage, can help low-cost means of plant-based, I found. The drug is not only perfectly cleanses internal organs of toxins, but also enriches the body with useful substances.