Cleaning of blood vessels garlic: recipes for tinctures and oils

Sedentary life, irregular meals, irreversible processes in the organism, peculiar to the elderly, and deteriorating environmental conditions contribute to the build-up of fat deposits on the inner surface of the blood vessel wall. Due to this, cholesterol and other harmful compounds are deposited in blood arteries in the form of plaques. With the gradual accumulation of such growths is the curvature form of the blood arteries with subsequent complete occlusion. What leads to such dangerous diseases as heart attack and stroke. Cleaning of the vessels with garlic and lemon is one of the proven traditional medicine for soft deliverance of the human circulatory system formed from over time, cholesterol plaque.

Signs of blockage of blood vessels of the circulatory system of the head

Atherosclerosis – a disease characterized by the narrowing of the passage of the cerebral arteries due to the deposition of plaques of cholesterol on their inner walls. The disease is common among the elderly and is almost inevitable, but it can be controlled. Symptoms of atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels are as follows:

  • high blood pressure;
  • constant pain of the head;
  • deterioration of perception, memory, attention and intelligence in General;
  • dizziness, even loss of consciousness;
  • fatigue after short periods of activity.

Without taking measures on prevention of the disease atherosclerosis can lead to stroke and, as a result of disability of varying severity or even death.

Prevention of atherosclerosis

Until recently, to combat high cholesterol used diet. But recent studies in medicine have shown that the majority of cholesterol is synthesized in the human liver and only a small proportion is inside the person with food. Basically, cholesterol is contained in food of animal origin. But from a food not everyone can give, but it is not necessary, as cholesterol can be controlled with medicines from the group of statins.

As prevention and lowering cholesterol people aged 40-45 years prescribe these medications, which helps to avoid strokes and increase life expectancy. To combat thrombosis in the prevention of the elderly prescribed drugs from the group of antiplatelet agents.

To strengthen the walls of blood vessels of the entire body need to live a healthy lifestyle, i.e., moderately consume alcohol, not Smoking, taking vitamins on time, to prevent overweight, lead an active lifestyle and spend a lot of time outdoors.

To strengthen the walls of blood vessels can also be included in your diet:

  • green tea;
  • red wine;
  • grapes of all varieties;
  • bow;
  • apples.

Of the drugs as prophylaxis doctors prescribe "Troxevasin" or "Troxerutin".

Cleaning of the vessels with garlic and lemon

Cleaning of the vessels with garlic and lemon is an old and well known method of traditional medicine. These products, in their own way, are very useful, and when combined it is doubly. Garlic and lemon contain a lot of vitamins and other nutrients. When consumed in food should be sparingly, as they may aggressively affect some internal organs.

It is advisable to resort to traditional medicines only after talking with your doctor, as there are restrictions.

The healing qualities of garlic and lemon

The special qualities of the garlic and lemon are characterized by their internal content. In pulp spicy garlic is such substances:

  • organic and fatty acids;
  • essential oil;
  • a few of the b vitamins;
  • the mineral complex of calcium, sodium, phosphorus, iron, iodine, zinc and copper.

Some special properties of garlic are well known to folk healers:

  • elimination of toxins from the body;
  • reducing the level of cholesterol in the circulatory system;
  • prevention of plaque formation;
  • prevention a number of infectious diseases;
  • providing antitumor, anti-sclerotic, diuretic, and antispasmodic effect.

The composition of fresh ripe lemon includes such useful substances:

  • organic acid;
  • essential oil;
  • vitamins;
  • flavonoids,
  • the pectin.

Special properties of lemon are well known to physicians and folk healers:

  • Strengthening and giving elasticity to the walls of blood vessels.
  • Improving the metabolic processes of the digestion.
  • The removal of toxic substances from the bloodstream.
  • Purification system blood circulation and normalization of the digestive process.
  • Providing antiseptic and antibacterial action;
  • Providing antitumor, anti-sclerotic, diuretic, antispasmodic and tonic effect.

Cleaning of blood vessels garlic with lemon is an effective people's way of cleansing the human circulatory system of cholesterol and other harmful substances. It uses only natural products. The recovery process of the circulatory system consists of cleansing, strengthening and giving elasticity to the blood vessels, and liquefactionblood and normalization of her coagulation.

Contraindications to cleansing garlic and lemon

Cleansing of blood vessels garlic and lemon and even refers to proven methods, but before treatment it is highly recommended to consult a doctor. Treatment by this method is prohibited to people that suffer from diseases of the digestive system such as peptic ulcers of the stomach or duodenum. This therapy is not suitable for patients who are prone to allergies, epilepsy and available diseases of kidneys in anamnesis, as well as nursing mothers.

The recipe for the elixir of garlic and lemon for cleaning vessels

This recipe is for daily use of the elixir for forty days. For the preparation of the first four doses, the funds will need four heads of garlic and four whole lemon.

To remedy worked more effectively, it is necessary to know exactly how to cook it. The classic recipe is:

  1. Prepare 16 heads clean, large, crisp garlic with the dry husks and 16 fresh and ripe lemons.
  2. Wash the lemons with warm, clean water for further use along with a peel. Garlic check and if necessary clean.
  3. Chop the garlic and lemon in a meat grinder or food processor.
  4. To prepare a three-liter glass container for the resulting semi-fluid mass, which is necessary to fill the well with warm clean water, but not boiling water.
  5. Soaking and stirring for three days resulting elixir at room temperature.
  6. Drain and place to store in the fridge.

During preparation, the Bank with the elixir does not need to close tightly, it should be a bit ajar. The finished elixir is bottled only in glass containers!

The order of application of the elixir of garlic and lemon to cleanse the blood vessels

The resulting elixir must be taken before meals in 100 ml three times a day. During the forty-day course of treatment must be a good drinking regime. This will provide a quick and efficient cleaning of vessels from cholesterol plaques are dangerous by displaying these substances through the liver. It is advisable not to skip portions of the elixir, but if you accidentally skipped another people's money, don't worry. Medicine continue, the number of the next chunk does not change.

Other popular recipes with garlic

In addition to the elixir of garlic and lemon, there are other popular recipes with garlic to clean the blood vessels of the brain:

  • Garlic with milk for cleansing vessels.
  • Tincture of garlic.
  • Oil with garlic for blood vessels of the brain.

These folk remedies are also very effective. They will help to cleanse the blood vessels of the brain quickly and without harm to health.

Garlic with milk for the purification of vessels

Cleaning of blood vessels garlic and milk is another old and well known method of traditional medicine. Milk with garlic is an effective combination of two products that may seem a little incongruous. Decoction a healing effect on the circulatory system, as well as on the brain and respiratory system.

Recipe of milk with the garlic looks like this:

  • To prepare a tablespoon of chopped cloves clean, large and crisp garlic.
  • To prepare a Cup of heated milk, but not boil.
  • Stir chopped garlic in heated milk.
  • The contents of the beaker about two minutes to boil and close the lid for half an hour.
  • After the mixture has cooled, strain it and take after a meal to 3 tablespoons.

This recipe is for a daily intake of a mixture for twenty days three times a day.

A decoction of garlic in milk is prepared in several stages. Store long, as it loses its effectiveness.

Tincture of garlic to cleanse the blood vessels of the brain

Tincture of garlic to clean the blood vessels of the brain helps cleanse the circulatory system, leveling blood pressure and also relieves painful spasms of cerebral vessels.

Recipe of tincture of garlic is as follows:

  1. Prepare 1/3 liter glass container is clean, large, dense garlic.
  2. To fill a litre glass container with alcohol.
  3. To insist in a dark place for about 14 days.

Tincture of garlic after settling take before meals 5 drops to 1 teaspoon of water three times a day.

Garlic oil for the vessels of the brain

Garlic oil for the vessels of the brain is another indispensable tool for the treatment of atherosclerosis. The recipe is pretty simple:

  1. Take 300 grams of fresh strong garlic, and crushed in a meat grinder.
  2. Spread the resulting garlic paste in a glass jar and pour a liter of vegetable oil.
  3. Put the container in a dark place for 2 weeks. The mixture should not be exposed to direct sunlight, as the oil will start to release dangerous carcinogens.

After healing oil the real thing, its starting to drink 3 times a day for 1 teaspoon, pre-diluted with lemon juice.

For making this tool, it is recommended to take high-quality olive oil, but if it doesn't, then your regularsunflower.

Garlic and lemon are used for the treatment of atherosclerosis in ancient times. These two products together have a beneficial effect on blood vessels. And though this remedy is natural, it can be used only with the permission of the attending physician.