Laxative for bowel cleansing at home

Purification of the intestinal system will help to cope with some problems of the digestive tract. Often a laxative to cleanse the bowel at home is prescribed:

  • before passing the examinations and surgical interventions;
  • intoxication;
  • therapy worm infestations;
  • during prolonged constipation.

The abuse of procedure may lead to poor health and difficulties with self-defecation. To achieve the result are different medications, both synthetic and natural origin.

Who is not allowed to conduct clearing

Sometimes the use of laxatives can trigger diarrhea, and disorders of water-salt balance. Abuse of cleaning leads to lack of useful minerals and their poor absorption from the incoming products.

Procedure is not recommended in the following cases:

  • in inflammatory digestive diseases in the acute stage;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • during the febrile syndrome;
  • when bleeding from the uterus.

Caution women with pregnancy or during menstruation, as well as children and elderly patients.

Types of laxatives

On the principle of impact laxative medicines are divided into the following groups.

Drugs to mitigate

Apply to clean small intestine, is able to dissolve fecal masses. In the composition containing paraffin and almond oil, liquid paraffin and other substances. Assigned to prevent with persistent constipation, patients who survived surgical intervention, heart failure, women with postpartum, hemorrhoids, microtrauma of the anus.

Agents that increase the contents of the colon

Penetrating into the human body, existing components increasing in volume, and contribute to the emptying. Based on medicines are cellulose and pectin, successfully binding toxins and slags, used in intoxication and constipation. These same substances are contained in some fruits, vegetables, bran, flax.

Contact laxatives

Included in the substances that activate peristalsis of the rectum, due to the interaction of active substances with the mucous membrane of the intestinal cells. These medicines contain castor oil, rhubarb, buckthorn, picosulfate sodium, phenolphthalein.


Cleansing agent for the intestines as mikroklizm have the ability to dissolve in the blood, bypassing the stomach and are often prescribed by the doctor. Often the volume of these enemas is not more than 100 ml.

Osmotic drugs

Increase osmotic pressure in the intestinal system, stop dissolution fluid, causing fecal mass to swell. Carlsbad salt, lactulose, sodium sulfate, having a gentle, non-addictive, and help cleanse all parts of the system, starting the natural process of evacuation.


Prucalopride, and Tegaserod apply when irritable bowel, as well as the ineffectiveness of other methods of purification.

Cleaning not recommended too often: this can lead to loss of the normal functioning of the body.

Independent prescribing is unacceptable: only a doctor can help figure out what means the most good for a particular patient.


Substances for cleansing procedures that promote the rapid release of fecal matter and stimulating bowel movements, there are of mineral origin, for example, magnesium sulfate, carlsbad salt, mineral oil, mineral water.

Plant drugs belong to the buckthorn, rhubarb, aloe, seaweed, known for its laxative effect. In addition, the often used synthetic drugs: phenolphthalein izafenin.

Laxatives are divided according to period of onset of effect:

  • Substances that affect the thin division – pedofil, castor oil. The result occurs after 4 to 6 hours.
  • Drugs that increase motor functioning of the digestive system: sodium sulfate and magnesium. The effect can be obtained within 4-6 hours.
  • Means, activating the thick Department: buckthorn bark, rhubarb – lead to the evacuation after 6 or more hours.

The intensity of the therapeutic effects of medicines are classified:

  • drugs causing mushy stools of normal consistency;
  • medicines moderate action in which fecal matter can be as soft or rigid;
  • practicesee medications cause stomach cramps, increased digestive tract and profuse diarrhea.

Laxatives can be classified depending on the principle of impact:

  • substances that increase the volume of feces and thinning feces. These include sulfate, sodium and magnesium;
  • means, irritating receptors of mucosal surfaces: buckthorn, Senna, rhubarb;
  • laxative, diluting the contents of the rectum and stimulating the movement of feces, for example, vaseline oil;
  • suppositories, causing the appearance of carbon dioxide in the body. Have virtually no negative consequences, are assigned to patients of all agesincluding the elderly and children.

Who needs a cleaning

The need for bowel cleansing occurs in following categories of people:

  • in patients who have long or never performed the cleaning procedure;
  • subject to any diet involving fasting;
  • when eating foods of animal origin;
  • passive or a sedentary lifestyle;
  • during the abuse of harmful products that contain fragrances and food additives;
  • when included in your diet fatty, fried foods, alcoholic beverages and energy.


Most often salt drugs washed down with plenty of water. The purpose of brushing is to stimulate the motility of the organ. Indications for the purpose of this procedure are:

  • frequent constipation;
  • intoxication;
  • the removal of helminths;
  • upcoming surgery or study of the rectum;
  • preventive purpose.

Using laxatives immediately after a meal can substantially reduce their effectiveness – with the exception of candles.


Limitations to the use of laxatives are:

  • inflammation of the digestive tract in the acute stage;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • uterine bleeding;
  • severe disease of the kidneys.

In such situations, laxatives can be used only under the supervision of a specialist. Completely banned medicines containing salt.

Also observe caution during pregnancy, during menstruation, in the elderly and children.

Cleansing the bowel with laxatives should be carried out after consultation with a specialist who will give advice on what laxative is better and more efficient. Some medications can cause side effects.

Negative effects

Improving the work of the digestive system can lead to poor digestibility of nutrients entering the body with food. Some varieties of laxatives have a negative impact on the heart and blood vessels, in women on the uterus.

The systematic use of special means for evacuation could trigger addictive.

Laxatives of natural origin have advantages over synthetic. If necessary, prolonged application Labasa drugs recommended them to alternate.

Abusive cleaning procedures may cause diarrhea. In addition, patients may feel pain in the abdomen, a disorder of water-salt balance, lack of peristalsis of the body. Sometimes the means to provoke change the color of urine, poor digestion, skin rashes, tachycardia.

Medications for cleaning

Currently, the retail pharmacy networks to buy all sorts of medications to cleanse the colon. Among the most popular drugs are the following.


Effective medication for cleaning the colon. Used in the preparatory period before the upcoming surgery or research. Active ingredient – macrogol, able to retain moisture. Additional components are salts that support the balance of electrolytes.

The drug is produced in powder form, packaged in small packages. The dose is calculated as follows: 1 packet per 20 kg of body weight diluted in one liter of water. To use the solution of "Fortrans" you need every 20 minutes at 200 g. the Effect occurs after 5 hours after consumption.


Is equivalent to fortrans, inexpensive tool, whose active substance is macrogol, able to accelerate the emptying of the large intestine. The dosage is: one bag per 5 kg of body weight. The powder is dissolved in 200 g of water. The solution should be drunk over 4 hours. If you experience nausea and gag reflexes you must cancel the procedure and resume after 30 minutes.

Activated carbon

Quite popular and cheap means for cleaning the entire system. Coal is able to bind toxins in the body and excrete them naturally. The pills have also shown great result in terms of radionuclides. Use coal in a dosage of 1 tablet per 10 kg body weight 2 times a day for several days.


Magnesium sulfate – a substance fast action, able to initiate the discharge by reducing the wall on. The drug is considered safe, however, the cleaning process requires advance preparation.

3 days before the procedure to exclude from the diet of harmful foods, salty, spicy, fried foods, reduce sugar and salt. Magnesium effectively display content from all parts of the digestive system. One sachet is diluted with water in a ratio of 20 g per 100 ml of water and consume in the morning. The result can be felt after 60 minutes after administration, the effect can last up to 24 hours.

Mild laxative effects

Despite the high efficiency, the preparations can leave behind unpleasant consequences, destroying the microflora of the internal organs. In the list of mild laxatives include the following.


src="/poisoning/images/735-6.jpg">Available in the form of syrup or powder, which contains lactulose related to drugs osmotic series. It is a mild laxative to cleanse the bowel active against the contents of the colon, does not cause dysbiosis, has a positive effect on the intestinal microflora.

Dosage is calculated individually. For a one-time cleaning is needed a glass of syrup is dissolved in 3 liters of water. This solution was taken for 6-7 hours, with small breaks. Not recommended for people suffering from galactosemia, a hypersensitivity to lactose, fructose, and lack of lactase.

Castor oil

Known folk remedy for cleansing the small intestine. Before the cleansing rule out the use of food for 5-6 hours, and 8 hours after the process. The dose is calculated as follows: 1 g of oil per 1 kg of body weight. The best effect is achieved when used together with lemon juice. Oil is needed to drink, drink lemon juice in twice the quantity. The result is usually occurs within 2 hours and lasts all day.

Senna leaves

For cleaning the rectum used as the dried leaves of the plant and the pills: "Senadeksin" or "Senado".

Tablet apply 1 thing a day for 3 days.

From the leaves can make an infusion: 1 tablespoon of leaves Cup of boiling water.

Composition boil for 5-7 minutes, cooled, tail and drink during 1 week.


A laxative belonging to the chelators. Is implemented in the form of a powder, which is diluted with water. The dosage is based on weight and age of the patient, for example, for a patient weighing 60-70 kg, it is necessary to dissolve 1 tablespoon of product in 100 ml of water.

Products for bowel cleansing

Many fruits and berries have the ability to have and activate the process of emptying of the bowel. Similar effect have:

  • melon;
  • apples;
  • Rowan;
  • Fig;
  • grapes;
  • banana;
  • apricots;
  • dried apricot;
  • the prunes.

Successfully stimulate the gastrointestinal tract vegetables containing plant fibers can improve the motility of the body:

  • beets;
  • cabbage;
  • carrots;
  • pumpkin.

Weaken the impact of cucumbers used on an empty stomach in the morning, and fresh cabbage.

For getting rid of constipation take 100 g of grated raw beetroot for a quarter of an hour before meals. You can also regularly drink kvass, sour milk, potato juice, table wine, yogurt.

Kefir has a laxative effect when applied fresh. Effectively contributes to the emptying of millet porridge with pieces of pumpkin, oats, bran, green peas, honey, seaweed, salad, chocolate.

Stimulates emptying of vegetable and olive oil: for cleaning drink 10 g butter daily in the morning on an empty stomach. Moreover, perfectly cleanses the intestine cabbage brine and Rowan tincture.

Flax seeds

Len, known for its anti-inflammatory and expectorant abilities, often used in the treatment of many diseases. Often seeds are used for self-purgation of the house. The seeds are ground into powder, added to 200 g of yogurt, a small fat. The beverage to drink before bedtime.

Salad "Whisk"

To prepare the salad you need to grate the beets, turnips, radish, carrots, fresh cabbage, celery, in equal proportions.

This salad got its name thanks to the ability to quickly remove from the intestine all of the content.


Plants included in the special biologically active components capable of providing labadee impact. For the cleaning effect are used infusions of herbs: sorrel, hay, aloe, buckthorn bark, fennel.

Recovery after purification

Effectively restore the intestines after the laxative will help prebiotics based on plant ingredients.

After the cleaning procedure should adhere to a special dietthat excludes harmful products that contains useful minerals and fiber.

In addition, to prevent constipation you should drink plenty of pure water and regularly massage the stomach before a meal.

Establish the digestive system will help an active lifestyle that includes daily walks and physical exercises to strengthen the abdominal muscles.

The failure of the digestive system provokes chronic stress. To prevent gastrointestinal disorders, should avoid stressful situations and be able to relax.

Best laxative to cleanse the bowel is a natural. Herbal drugs have a mild action and is effective against the upper areas of the intestinal system. To prevent constipation and recovery of the gastrointestinal tract patients should include in the diet fresh vegetables and fruits, ensuring the smooth functioning of the stomach and the natural bowel movements. These products contribute to the enrichment of the body with the necessary vitamins and natural sugars. In addition, your daily diet should consist of foods that contain vitamin B, which improves the tone of intestinal muscles. Vitamin is included in egg yolks, green vegetables, wheat, ryebread, almonds, brewer's yeast, sugar beet, soybean, barley and others.