The bowel cleanse and the entire body oatmeal

Bad ecology, eating junk food, stress – all this is not the best way affects human health. All these factors lead to metabolic disorders and problems with digestion. The purging oatmeal helps to remove toxins and wastes. Due to this, improves overall health. Normalized all metabolic processes in the body, and improves the skin's appearance. In oat cereal contains many vitamins and minerals, so that the body needs. This product helps to improve your health without taking expensive medicines.

What is the composition of the flakes

Oats has a rich composition, which is due to all the beneficial properties of the cereal. The composition of oatmeal has the following components:

  • Many chemical elements of the periodic table.
  • Nicotinic and Pantothenic acid.
  • B vitamins as well As vitamins PP, A, C, E and K.
  • Different essential oils.
  • Starch, fiber and ash.

In oatmeal contains 18% protein per 100 grams of product and only 8% fat. Their useful qualities, oatmeal is in second place after the buckwheat.

The purging cereal will be very useful for the body. This procedure normalizes the work of all organs.

Useful properties

Oatmeal is recommended to eat in the postoperative period and in the recovery phase after infectious diseases. With regular consumption of such meals the human condition is improving rapidly, cholesterol is reduced and blood count normalized.

Oatmeal for cleansing the body is especially recommended to people who lead a sedentary lifestyle. Digestive organs such people work with high loads and are often subjected to the slagging.

Oats not only cleanse and strengthen the body, but also contribute to the normalization of weight. In the composition of cereals is high in fiber, which promotes detoxification. In some cases, the weight of the sediments reaches up to 15 kg.

Oatmeal contributes to the rapid filling of the stomach. Due to what the person feels full. The caloric content of cereals is very low.

Have oatmeal many useful properties, thanks to which it is often included in the diet painful and weakened people. Oatmeal helps:

  • To strengthen the heart muscle and prevent cardiovascular disease.
  • Stabilizes blood clotting and the amount of cholesterol in it.
  • Helps to digest fats.
  • Strengthens the immune system, due to the high content of ascorbic acid.
  • Improves mood. This is possible because it contained porridge serotonin.

But still the main advantage of this product is that the flakes can get rid of intestinal toxins that have accumulated over the years.

Experts believe that the biggest benefit from oatmeal, which is eaten soon after waking up.


Despite the fact that oatmeal is a very useful product, there are some contraindications to cleanse the intestinal canal cereal. To use oatmeal in large quantities is not recommended in such diseases and conditions:

  • In case of serious diseases of the digestive tract.
  • Ulcerative pathologies of the digestive organs.
  • If you have problems with a chair.
  • To comply with such a diet impossible to children under 16 years and pregnant women.

A strict contraindication to the cleaning procedure are cancer and pathology of the endocrine nature.

With caution should come to cleansing oatmeal and over the age of 45 years.

How to clean the intestines oatmeal

Cleaning bowel oatmeal may be done in different ways. They are all quite effective.

  • Flakes grind in a blender to a state of oatmeal. Every morning a couple of spoons of this flour pour boiling water or milk and eaten on an empty stomach, with no added sugar or salt.
  • Three tablespoons of cereal pour half a glass of water or milk and leave overnight. On the morning of the structure add a little honey and dried fruits, and then porridge for Breakfast.
  • Flakes crushed with a rolling pin. Then boil 5 minutes, three tablespoons of grits, and eat 20 minutes before Breakfast.
  • In the evening two tablespoons of oatmeal pour 50 ml of cold water, add a tablespoon of pasteurized milk and mix well. Leave the mess until morning, after you Wake up eat Breakfast received a dish without adding salt or sugar. You can add the gruel a bit of walnuts and honey. Before eating cereal, it is recommended to drink a glass of water. You can eat after only 3 hours. This porridge is a kind of scrub for the intestines.
  • Good help and such a purification procedure. Cook oatmeal three tablespoons of cereal. But before serving of porridge, you need to drink a tablespoon of olive oil. So you must eat Breakfast for 5 days. During this time have time to receive a significant proportion of the slag deposits.
  • For conducting cleansing as a preventive measure a few days eat oatmeal. In this case, and to clean the intestines, and the body is not overloaded, processing of complex carbohydrates.

You can useinteresting recipe. Before bed with two tablespoons of oatmeal, pour a glass of kefir and in the morning this mixture is eaten.

For lovers of exotic dishes you can try to pour cereal orange or Apple juice. This is a quite pleasant and unusual taste.

Other recipes cleansing

There are several recipes for oatmeal for effective bowel cleansing. Such recipes are not only used oatmeal, but other useful products.

With prunes and beets

Take a tablespoon of oatmeal, one large prunes and a couple tablespoons coarsely grated beet. To fill all ingredients in a saucepan, pour two liters of water and simmer on low heat for about half an hour. Then the broth strain and take instead of dinner. Meal eat in the morning, instead of Breakfast.

With yogurt

Take 4 cups of oatmeal and pour the gallon of purified water. This composition is poured a half Cup of biokefir and insist on for two days in a dark place. After this time the infusion is filtered, the cake is removed and the liquid poured into a glass jar and put in the fridge for 5 hours. After this time, carefully poured the water that formed on top. For the treatment need only the sediment. This precipitate should be about 4 cups.

Drinking drug need. A teaspoon of sediment is stirred in a glass of hot water and drink immediately after waking up. To eat after that not for another two hours.

To make this oat milk is recommended for at least 3 months. During this time the body succeeds well cleansed of toxins.

Scrub for the intestines

Many experts believe that a bowel cleanse oatmeal with nuts and honey the most effective. This composition plays the role of a cleaner for your colon. To prepare a medicinal drug you need to prepare the following products:

  • Rolled oats – 5 tablespoons.
  • Liquid honey – a teaspoon.
  • Walnuts – 5 pieces. You can replace them with hazelnuts.
  • Purified water or boiled – 5 tablespoons.
  • Milk – 1 tablespoon, although you can substitute a teaspoon of cream.

Oatmeal in the evening poured cold water. In the morning, before eating, in the resulting porridge add milk, honey and your favorite nuts. The composition is mixed well and eat instead of Breakfast.

If you have extra weight, the composition is eaten in the morning a month, then make a break for two months, and resume treatment. If the weight is normal, then a PAP should be eaten only twice a week. This will be enough to cleanse the bowel.

Scrub the intestines need to eat only on an empty stomach. To drink it is impossible. To avoid thirst, it is advisable to drink this before Breakfast a couple of glasses of water.

General guidelines

Cleaning procedures can have different goals and different intensity. How much time to complete clearance in a particular case may suggest a nutritionist. Some recipes are designed for only a few weeks, others need to be applied not less than a month.

There are General guidelines for cleaning procedures:

  • Before the procedure, bowel cleansing it is advisable to drink a decoction of oatmeal. Oatmeal is brewed from the calculation of glass per liter of water. To cook porridge need a little more than two hours. Over this time should remain half water. The result is a Lily-livered liquid that you should drink a glass on an empty stomach. Such treatment continued for a week, you can eat only a couple of hours after taking the decoction.
  • With any fasting diet needs to eat only oatmeal. Further, the diet may be different. It depends on the type of diet.
  • Last time you need to eat no later than 3 hours before bedtime.
  • At the time of purification from the diet exclude all the harmful and junk food. Banned fried foods, meats, alcohol, soda, spicy food and canned food.

When you colon cleanse oatmeal need to give up complex carbohydrates. From the diet completely clean pastry and candy.

  • When you colon cleanse, the diet should include lots of fresh vegetables, fruits and berries. In addition, the menu should be a lot of dried fruits and different nuts. Eat dried fruit allowed unchanged, it is possible to cook from them compote or to add to porridge.
  • Obligatory feasible exercise. You can go Jogging, swimming or going to the gym. In any case, the person should lead an active way of life, but then the bowel movements will be normal.

In between eating oatmeal you need to eat vegetable salads, seasoned with vegetable oil.

If the intestine is very dirty, the person displays symptoms of intoxication. This condition can manifest itself in different ways. For some people, there diarrheal phenomenon, others have abnormal weakness. To clean the intestines you can use regular rolled oats. This is an inexpensive but very effective method of purification.