System chimenea organism by the method Semenova

Cleansing the body by Semenova is a way not only to improve the internal organs, but also to cure many pathologies. According to the healer, all chronic diseases of man are formed due to contamination of the organism from toxins and poisons. The proposed scheme has found its application in many people.

When cleaning is necessary

The human body sends signals about trouble any of the bodies in the form of various symptoms. If the time to listen and take action can prevent many diseases.

It's worth cleansing course when you are prompted:

  • constant fatigue, feelings of fatigue, lack of energy;
  • headaches, aches in the limbs, convulsive symptoms;
  • allergic reactions;
  • shortness of breath;
  • cysts, kidney stones;
  • excess weight;
  • mastitis, polyps;
  • of metabolic disorders, rheumatism, ankylosing spondylitis;
  • nervous disorders, multiple sclerosis, paralysis, Parkinson's disease;
  • oncological pathologies.

To improve the functioning of internal organs, Semenov developed a special program that involves seven stages of purification that must be performed in strict sequence.

Principles of cleansing the body by Semenova

Traditional healer Hope Semenova have devoted many years to the study of natural ways of healing, having used many myself, and presented a scheme that will significantly improve the condition.

Accumulated in the process of life harmful substances impede the normal work of internal organs, which spend their reserves against the accumulated poisons. As a result, formation of various diseases. Semenova recommends a systematic cleaning of your body for prevention and elimination of chronic pathologies.

The scheme of purification found no refutation, no scientific confirmation of official medicine.

Despite this, the technique of the healer practiced very often. The principles of the programme are complying with the clear sequence of cleaning internal systems. The scheme involves 7 steps of purification of an organism by Semenova:

  • excretion of toxins from the gut, elimination of dysbacteriosis;
  • liver cleansing;
  • the health of the kidneys;
  • the extraction of toxins from the circulatory and lymphatic systems;
  • purification of the vascular system, excretion of mucus;
  • cleaning of the joints;
  • purification of the urogenital tract.

Approval of the healer, the body is a single whole in which all the organs are linked. Pollution one organ can trigger the disease others. That is why body cleansing by Semenova should be carried out in stages, affecting all the internal system.

The intestines

The reason for the contamination of the intestine is often poor nutrition. Undigested food is stored on the mucous surfaces of the large intestine, gradually shaping itself into fecal stones, the weight of which can amount to several pounds. That is why cleansing of the body begins in the gut.

To remove toxins and soften coprolites necessary to carry out a cleansing enema. In 2 liters of water add 10 g of honey, lemon juice or vinegar. After the douche the patient should lie down for 10 minutes. The procedure is performed early in the morning, after a natural evacuation or in the evening, before departing to sleep.

The procedure is performed according to the scheme:

  • in the first 7 days – daily;
  • 2nd week – every other day;
  • during the third week every 2 days;
  • 4 week – every 3 days;
  • 5 week and throughout the entire life – once in 7 days.

Purgation by Semenova will help prevent the introduction of toxins and poisonous substances to other organs and purify the blood stream.

To get rid of dysbiosis should be daily for 7-14 days to eat one clove of garlic twice a day, one in the morning on an empty stomach, and another before bed. Garlic should not be anything to eat or drink.


In order to prevent Semenova recommends a liver cleanse once a year. In the presence of chronic diseases, the procedure was carried out once in six months. Course cleaning lasts 3 days:

  • The first day in the morning conduct a cleansing enema. Throughout the day eliminate from the diet all products except apples.
  • On the second day carry out gastric lavage and use the juice from the apples. After 19 h in the region of the liver put a warm heating pad for 120 minutes and drink 30 g of lemon juice and olive oil, without mixing them together. The interval between doses – a quarter of an hour. The need for evacuation arise in 5-10 hours. If the chair is not observed, you must complete the cleansing enema, filled with 1.5 liters of water.
  • For 3 days eat only vegetarian food.

Regularly cleansing the body, you can improve its performance, change the bilirubin and get rid of the cholesterol.


The third stage of purification of an organism by the method of Semenova – the removal of stones from kidney. The cleaning procedure is carried out in the late summer – early fall, during the flowering of watermelon. For increased urination need over 7consecutive days eat the flesh of the watermelon, eating black bread. To speed up the process of entering stones in the evening before bedtime take a warm bath.

In addition, the improvement of the kidneys will help well-known recipe. For the preparation of medical compounds will require the collection of herbs:

  • bird Highlander;
  • St. John's wort;
  • oregano;
  • sage;
  • lemon mint.

All plants grind it into a powder. 250 g of herbs brewed with boiling water, and drink the infusion throughout the week, instead of tea, combining with vegetarian food. On the last day in the broth, add 5 drops of fir oil. The composition of the drink three times a day before meals for 5 days.

The lymph and blood

Purify the blood and lymph will help the following method. 3 days in a row by gastric lavage, enema, and then drink 200 g of water with a tablespoon of Glauber's salt and warmed in a warm bath.

In addition, every half hour, you should drink 100 g of a mixture of the following fruits:

  • orange;
  • grapefruit;
  • lemon.

Fruit squeeze out the juice and combine it with two liters of melt water. In addition to juices, the food did not take anything.

Thanks to this recipe can be derived from the blood of all toxins. The procedure was carried out 2 times per six months, then once a year.

Vascular system

For the purification of vessels required for 1 month for half an hour before meals to drink a special broth. To prepare you need:

  • dill seed – 200 g;
  • Valerian – 20 g;
  • 400 grams of honey;
  • 2 liters of water.

The composition is kept for 24 hours and drink one tablespoon.

To bring up mucus, Semenova recommends twice a day to drink on an empty stomach and 5 g of the following mixture:

  • hell -140 g;
  • lemon juice squeezed from two or three fruits.

After the use of tools to discover the abundant discharge of mucus from the sinuses, throat and lungs.


Clean the joints, it is recommended twice in six months. For 3 days should be consumed following the infusion: 5 g of Lavrushka – 300 ml of boiling water. The resulting liquid is aged for 3 hours and take every hour in small SIPS. This clearing combined with vegetarian food. After 1 week the cleaning is repeated.

The excretion of salt from the joints and spine is carried out strictly after bowel cleansing, as the toxins contained in the intestinal system that can cause allergic reactions.

Genitourinary system

To eliminate toxins from the urogenital tract should be daily for two months to eat for Breakfast rice. For this purpose it soaked for 5 days and boiled without added salt. After eating exclude from the diet of food and water for 4 hours.

The result will be the purchase of dingy urine color that may signify that the toxins begin to be removed from the body.

When the myoma and hyperplasia of the prostate will help the extra consumption of tea with ginger. For this tea, add crushed ginger in the amount of 100 mg.

Mastitis good result showed a compress of ginger teawhich needs to be applied to the affected areas for 15-20 minutes.

What will be the result

Before applying cleanse program, you need to consult a doctor, as the technique is contraindicated in certain diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

After completing a full course you can see the first results:

  • increase efficiency;
  • will improve the work of internal organs;
  • will decrease the likelihood of emergence of new diseases.

The effect of the method Semenova can be felt by consistently executing all stages of purification. At the regular conduct of procedures and compliance with proper diet you can achieve a full recovery of all organs and get rid of many diseases.