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Intestinal cleansing and digestive tract from harmful substances

Pills and drugs to cleanse the bowel of toxins

Most of the harmful substances ingested with food and accumulates in the intestine in the form of slag. Such contamination of the body from the inside affects the health and read more...

How to do an enema to the newborn at home

During the first month of life the child's digestive system had not developed, so there may be different issues. If the baby is fully breastfeeding, the constipation he occur infrequently, read more...

How to get rid of excess fluid in the body causes water retention

The accumulation of fluid in the body can occur for various reasons, but excess water causes serious health complications. First and foremost, it negatively affects the weight, people starts to read more...

Intestinal cleansing with salt water at home

Throughout life is the accumulation of various toxic components, waste in the intestine that cause serious health problems. So be sure to carry out regular cleaning of the body. Often read more...

Cleansing the body with baking soda at home for Neumyvakina

The body, which is full of slags is an excellent medium for pathogenic microorganisms must therefore be cleaned periodically. One of the most effective ways of cleansing is considered to read more...

Enemas for bowel cleansing at home

With time in the intestine accumulates a large amount of toxins that intoxicating effect on the whole body. So periodically cleaning procedures. The simplest and most effective of them are read more...

What forced diuresis, features this method of detoxification

To neutralize the intoxication caused by overdose of drugs or some toxins, the doctors prescribed forced diuresis. The purpose of this method is the increase in circulating fluid in the read more...

How to take flax seeds to cleanse the bowel and body

A clean colon is key to good health. It is due to this body carried out all the basic functions of the digestive system. Any toxic ingredients, harmful substances cause read more...

Cleansing of the body rice of salts and toxins in the home

In recent focus of contemporary society are attracted to healthy eating and different diets. Their action is directed not so much at losing weight, how to clean the body of read more...

How to restore intestinal flora after antibiotics in adults and children

For the treatment of many diseases, experts recommend the use of antibacterial drugs. Along with harmful microorganisms such means kill the beneficial bacteria. This adversely affects the entire digestive system. read more...

How to take POLYSORB for cleansing: instructions for use

Periodic cleansing of the body necessary for everyone. As living conditions and the quality of food is not ideal. POLYSORB – is a unique drug that can be used for read more...

How to do an enema to a child at home with pear and without

It happens that there is a need to put a cleansing enema the baby. This procedure, though unpleasant, but effective, if the child tormented by constipation. Especially in the first read more...

How to withdraw salt from the body folk remedies

Under normal functioning, the body itself can cope with the excess nutrients, vitamins and trace elements coming from the outside. But as soon as a failure occurs, informed teamwork is read more...

Pills and drugs to cleanse the body of toxins

Every day our body receives a large amount of harmful and toxic substances that clog up all systems and internal organs. The accumulation of these components there are various failures read more...

Marva Oganyan: cleansing the body at home

Cleansing the body according to the method of Marva Oganyan is a set of healing techniques that combine abstinence from food, the use of infusions of medicinal plants and juicing. read more...

Как очистить легкие от никотина: восстановление легких после курения

"Blow" light experience during each inhalation. The inhalation through the trachea and bronchi in the respiratory system is beginning to penetrate the smoke, saturated with tar, toxins, nicotine. And so read more...

Oats: how to brew and drink for cleaning the body

Oats and all food from it, have long been considered very useful products. Decoctions and tinctures of this herb has found wide application in medicine for cleaning the body from read more...

Intestinal cleansing at home enema

The slags of internal organs is the main cause of many diseases. Toxins and harmful compounds are deposited on the inner walls of organs, followed by concentration, which leads to read more...

Oats for cleansing: recipes, useful properties

For a long time, oats were considered a weed, then feed. For a long time people had no idea about neither its nutritional value nor about the unique composition. First read more...

How to withdraw toxins from the body at home

We often complain about headache, skin diseases, unstable nervous system. These symptoms are not necessarily associated with specific organs, so it can react in the body when it accumulates a read more...

How quickly to withdraw excess fluid from the body

The problem of excess fluid in the body is troubling many. In the beginning it may be invisible. Few people pay attention to the small weight gain and mild swelling read more...

Laxative for bowel cleansing at home

Purification of the intestinal system will help to cope with some problems of the digestive tract. Often a laxative to cleanse the bowel at home is prescribed: before passing the examinations read more...
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