How to withdraw anesthesia from the body after surgery

Many people are afraid of surgeries because of the drugs used for the introduction of a patient in a state of anesthesia. Over the last few decades anesthesiology and pain medicine is very advanced in its development. Anesthetic medication annually become more secure. However, each entry in the General anesthesia has a negative impact on his health. The consequences can be distant and not immediately noticeable. In this article, we discussed how to get the anesthesia from the body after surgery, how to protect themselves from the negative effects and recover quickly after surgery.

What is the anesthesia, as it acts on the human body

How does General anesthesia on humans, why patients do not feel pain during surgery? The state of anesthesia is induced in a deep medicated sleep, during which the person completely loses all sensitivity. Thus there is complete relaxation of the muscles. This helps the surgeon carry out the operation, ensures complete immobility of the patient.

General anesthesia can only be performed in a fully staffed and equipped operating theatres. To introduce a person to this state only by a qualified anesthesiologist. It is present throughout the surgery, monitor vital signs, while the surgeon carries out directly surgery.

The time of recovery from anesthesia after the operation is also controlled by the anesthesiologist. Often awakening comes in the first 10-20 minutes after surgery.

Not to be confused with General anesthesia with local anesthesia. The last is only local anesthesia, a specific area of the body. During this surgery, the person is fully conscious. Local anesthesia is indicated for minimally invasive and short surgical interventions.

Preparations for the introduction of man in a state of anesthesia have an effect on the cerebral cortex. They are temporarily cut off, resulting in pain impulses are not received in the brain. Scientists and researchers are still not completely studied the effect of General anesthesia on the human body. Some questions about the mechanism of its action are still no accurate and certain answer.

There are two large groups of drugs for General anesthesia:

  • Inhalation. If used, the anesthetic condition occurs due to inhalation of the special products being in the gaseous state. Representatives:
  1. nitrous oxide;
  2. halothane;
  3. halothane;
  4. isofluran;
  5. sevoflurane;
  6. desflurane.
  • Injection. They are administered intravenously. Their dosage and the quantity is calculated by the anesthesiologist. Drugs:
  1. fentanyl;
  2. ketamine;
  3. morphine;
  4. promedol;
  5. propofol;
  6. sodium thiopental;
  7. Relanium;
  8. diazepam;
  9. ghb.

Most often, when surgical intervention is a combination of various drugs. The short operations, the use of any one medications.

What could be the negative effects and complications from anesthesia

Drugs for the General anesthesia some patients hard tolerated. The state of such deep drug-induced sleep is a stress to the body, as well as the surgery itself.

Remember that it is not necessary to abandon the operation for fear of General anesthesia. Thanks to modern anesthesia, surgeons had the opportunity to save lives and to carry out complex and long operations. The percentage of severe complications from anesthetic drugs are minimal.

Most often the patient develops nausea and vomiting after anesthesia. Often these symptoms are associated with irritation of the mucous membrane inhalation drugs, as well as the influence of its own gastric juice on the mucous membrane. Vomiting most often occurs in children and patients with high acidity of gastric juice.

Vomiting in a child after surgery most often is not a dangerous complication and a sign of development of some pathological condition. But just in case, you should immediately report it to the attending doctor.

In rare cases, General anesthesia can result the following complications:

  • Swelling of the brain.
  • Hypotension – decrease in blood pressure.
  • Arrhythmia – a violation of rhythm of cardiac contractions.
  • Complications of the respiratory system. This may be hospital-acquired pneumonia or damage to the mucous membranes as a result of the intubation.
  • Acute violation of cerebral circulation, stroke. This complication is more inclined elderly people suffering from atherosclerotic vascular lesions.
  • The kidney failure, kidney failure.

Apart from complications secrete hallucinations after anaesthesia. They can develop in patients during the first days. They are caused by drugs, e.g., narcotic analgesics.

Among some patients who are afraid of anesthesia, are of the opinion that it is better to suffer pain during the operation than to expose your body such a strong drug load. This statement is false. The feelingthe pain at times is more dangerous than anesthesia. Painful shock, reflex cardiac arrest, collapse of blood vessels can develop in people who feel great pain.

The rapid elimination of anesthesia from the body

How much anesthesia out of the body? The time during which anesthetic drugs are excreted depends on the amount, type and General condition of the patient. Also on its duration affects the duration of stay of the person in a state of anesthesia, the severity of the operation. Most often in modern anesthesiology, preparations of short action. They are excreted on the first day. This period may be higher in elderly patients.

Recovery after General anesthesia is performed under supervision of a doctor anaesthetist and the attending surgeon. The first day the patient may be in intensive care.

While in the hospital, you need to follow all the recommendations of doctors and not try to self-accelerate the excretion of drugs. All the necessary treatment will be carried out by medical staff, to deviate from the prescribed treatment is dangerous. No folk remedies or "advice of neighbors and friends" in this period should not apply.

With the appearance of some disorders and symptoms, immediately report them to the doctor. Independently taking any medication, even painkillers or anti-nausea prohibited.

Eat and drink in the postoperative period only after the permission of the doctor. This files most often during the first days of fasting appointed, and all necessary for the body fluid introduced through a dropper.

How you can help the body after discharge from the hospital

After checkout from the hospital, a doctor will be given you a recommendation. It could be diet, drinking regime, medicines. Must adhere to all appointments.

During normal operation, the kidney patients assigned to drink plenty of liquids aimed at the elimination of residues of the anesthetic drugs. A day is advisable to drink water not less than 30 ml per 1 kg of body weight.

All drugs used for the introduction of human anesthesia, have a negative impact on the work and functioning of the liver. To maintain it, you can drink a course of milk Thistle. This medicinal plant is sold in almost every pharmacy. But before use it is advisable to consult a doctor.

There are no fixed and painted schemes, how to quickly restore the body after anesthesia. Often medications and diet assigned in the hospital, enough. The rehabilitation period includes not only the removal of drugs from the body, but healing of postoperative wounds, recovery after the intervention.

Surgery conducted under General anesthesia, of course, is a stressful situation for the body. Excretion of anesthetic drugs themselves is a short period of time, to a day. As a rule, during this period the person remains in the ICU where he is given all necessary assistance. Do not self-medicate and do not try to withdraw the drugs from the body using any folk remedies. They can harm the health, extend the rehabilitation period.