Foam in stool in children: causes, first aid, treatment

Often the foam in the stool, the child represents not that other, as flatulence. Most often, this symptom appears in babies as their digestive system is still not quite perfect.

The older children, the foaming, which began suddenly, evidence of the failure of the digestive tract. Parents should observe the color of secretions, frequency of impurities in the stool and the presence of additional symptoms in the baby.

If the foam in the chair is accompanied by a high fever, and the child looks painful, should be show his pediatrician or call the ambulance.

The main reasons

Flatulence can disturb children of any age. Sometimes there is a lack of a balanced diet. In some cases, such as causing bacteria or allergens.

The greatest danger, oddly enough, this symptom is the child's digestive system which is long-established. In infants diarrhea with foam is a more common and natural phenomenon. But this does not mean that the child does not need to show specialist.

Reasons why the chair may be gas bubbles, there are many.

In infants

The cause of diarrhea in newborn crumbs depends on the type of feeding. If it feeds on mother's milk, the foam can be observed at first, not being a pathology. This is a consequence of adaptation to certain substances products that enter the child in the stomach along with the milk. Especially often this happens, if the mother ate stale or junk food.

Because of some of the products a baby may experience foaming in the chair:

  • various multicomponent salads (e.g., Olivier or vinaigrette) – all the ingredients are blowing;
  • fast food;
  • allergens (chocolate, citrus, red fruits and vegetables, cow's milk protein, gluten);
  • the use of yeast (baking, pastries, kvass or beer).

To prevent stomach problems, the baby nursing mother needs a special diet, which excludes all forbidden meals. Usually after a few feedings the stools crumbs gradually getting better.

Other causes foamy diarrhea in a child:

Lactase deficiency

Is a congenital anomaly of a child's body, which are expressed in the absence of the enzyme called lactase. Due to this the digestive system the crumbs cannot absorb milk sugar.

If disturbed, only a stool, for a full treatment getting enough food correction. In rare cases, the foamy diarrhea is accompanied by frequent regurgitation, stomach pain and weight loss. Such symptoms requires the use of medicines.


In the first minutes after birth, the body of a newborn baby is completely sterile. Every minute the baby starts to meet new microbes that settle on his skin and spill into the body. Problem solves the early attachment to the breast thanks to what along with the colostrum in the digestive tract doing the necessary bacteria.

Very often dysbiosis children that are from birth on artificial feeding. In this case, it is forced colonization of the intestine with beneficial micro-organisms with the help of medications.

Food Allergy

May occur in infants on any type of feeding. Those babies who eat breast milk, getting the allergens out of her diet. Children who are on artificial feeding, sometimes give a reaction in the form of a foam chair on the introduction of a new mixture.

So it can appear allergic to any medicines which treated the child or nursing mother. Also, very often the foaming is observed during the early complementary foods, especially the wrong foods.

Intestinal infection

The presence in the gastrointestinal tract of any pathogens necessarily affects the character of feces. Infectious diseases can be distinguished on a number of grounds that are not apparent in other cases. The kid has fever, he cries a lot, there is frequent vomiting.

If the stool appears more than 10 times a day and is accompanied by clots of mucus or blood, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Even if such a symptom is not accompanied by any additional symptoms, it is recommended to tell your doctor. Lack of treatment can lead to chronic disorders of the digestive system, get rid of that in the future will not be easy.

Adults kids

Diarrhea foaming at the child, which is more than 2-3 years, often indicates infectious diseases. As a rule, in older children, the foam in the stool is the only symptom in the presence of any abnormalities.

The main reasons:

  1. Enteric infection. Monitor the child's condition when he starts kindergarten. Sometimes there is a risk of contamination with Salmonella or staph coli. Poisoning is manifested by diarrhoea, vomiting, symptoms of intoxication. With these signs toddler hospitalitynet to the hospital for examination and treatment.
  2. value="2">Fermentative dyspepsia. This disruption in the digestive tract develops due to excessive consumption of gas-forming foods (cabbage, soda, apples and pears, grapes, legumes). If foam appeared for this reason, you should balance the diet, so the problem will recede.

Adults should be attentive to the health of your child and not to miss signs that may indicate serious diseases. Regardless of the root cause of the origin of gases in the intestines, experts recommend to review the child's diet and nursing mothers.

When should I consult a doctor

Parents are required to consult with the doctor about all the changes that occur in the body of the child. If the baby does not show signs of anxiety, and the symptoms are limited to gases in a chair, it is possible to postpone the question until the next visit to the pediatrician. However, in some cases to delay the contact is still not worth it.

What are the symptoms present a danger to the health of the crumbs:

  • increasing the temperature to a high level;
  • the presence in the stool of mucus or blood;
  • the chair is accompanied by a pungent odor;
  • lethargy, weakness and excessive sleepiness in infants;
  • refusal to eat;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • the child bends legs to his stomach, shouting;
  • numerous vomiting more tablespoon at a time (they can be considered vomiting).

If there is one or more of these symptoms, it is better not to risk and to show the child a competent technician. From timely seeking help depends on the quality and duration of further treatment.

What to do parents

Parents are able to provide first aid, you need to install the reason of such condition of the child. Nursing mother to establish a diet which must exclude all foods that trigger flatulence. If the child is transferred to artificial feeding, is it for a while, and not to introduce dramatically new mixes instead of the usual.

It should be remembered parents:

  • It is forbidden to self-medicate, especially in cases when the baby turned 1 year. Methods offered by traditional medicine are even more hurt. Also it is impossible to independently prescribe drugs.
  • Consult with your pediatrician. This should be done in any case, even if the foam chair child's condition is satisfactory.
  • Tests. The doctor will advise you to undergo examination to rule out dysbiosis, intestinal infections and enzyme deficiency.
  • The importance of prevention. If such a condition has already been observed earlier, parents should pay attention to regular prevention of diarrhea in their child. The package of measures will allow to prevent development of many diseases, to avoid complications.

As a rule, if there is no serious pathological changes in the digestive tract of the child, frothy stool spontaneously without any serious treatment of the events 6 months after birth.


Prevention of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract involves the correction of nutrition of the nursing mother and baby. Should consult a gastroenterologist to help you choose the most suitable menu item in the specific case.

It is recommended on an ongoing basis to process all the objects it touches and tiny. Nipples, pacifiers and toys should be washed in hot water with soap, without aromatic fragrances. Nursing mother should regularly conduct hygiene of the breast, but to overdo it with the processing too is not necessary, as constant washing of the mammary glands trigger dryness of skin and the appearance of cracks on the nipples.

If all medical advice and closely monitor the condition of the child's body, many problems can be prevented or eliminated in the early stages of development.