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Rotavirus in pregnancy: symptoms, consequences and treatment of infections

Rotavirus in pregnancy is not uncommon in medical practice. And even though future mom needs to take care of yourself in this crucial period of life, to avoid infectious diseases is not always possible, especially if the house already has children or a woman working in a large team. When properly organized treatment of the risks to the unborn child and the pregnant woman, the disease is not treated quickly enough.

General characteristics of the disease

Rotavirus infection in pregnancy occurs according to the classical scheme. This infectious disease is caused by pathogenic microorganisms that are localized in the intestine and strongly affect its walls. Happy with a contagious disease and can be dangerous if treatment is not started on time. Is characterized by severe vomiting and watery diarrhoea.

People who are far from medicine, can think that the name rotavirus comes from the word of mouth. In the mouth this virus has no relation, and received its name from the Latin word rota which means wheel. Form of the pathogen is very similar to the subject.

People can get rotavirus at any age, but the special peak of cases occurs in kids from 1 year to 6 years. In addition, often sick people with weakened immune systems.

Sources of infection

A pregnant woman needs to know what the causative agent was facing her body. Rotavirus enteric infection in pregnancy starts very sharp and runs hard, so the sooner you make the diagnosis and prescribe treatment, the more favorable the prognosis.

Rotavirus in pregnant women does not differ from this disease in other populations. The sources of infection is identical for all and pregnancy absolutely does not make any adjustments to this process. The main route of infection is contact-household. The most common sources of intestinal infection is possible to allocate:

  • Contact with an infected person, the carrier of the virus completely unaware that he is already sick, as long as the incubation period.
  • By eating poor-quality food as well as water from unverified sources. A pregnant woman should eat only high-quality and natural products that have previously been well washed and were heat-treated.
  • Of Contracting rotavirus infection is through the furniture. This happens if the sick man took up interior with dirty hands on which was the causative agent.
  • Through dirty hands. It's a pretty common way of transmission from one person to another.

Once in the body of a pregnant woman, the pathogenic organisms begin to proliferate in the intestine. The incubation period during the entire pregnancy up to 2 days, after this period, the woman starts to produce pathogens with a stool. These germs are easily transferred through everyday and after a short time begin the harmful activity in another organism. When a family has someone with signs of an intestinal infection, it is often necessary to disinfect the entire bathroom and wipe the surface with disinfectant.

The fetus in the womb of a pregnant woman not affected by the rotavirus, since viruses cannot penetrate through the placental membrane. But the consequences of this disease can be different States of the expectant mother that affect the baby.


Rotavirus infection during pregnancy sometimes occurs in mild form, as it triggers natural immune defense. But the symptoms of this disease manifests itself in full measure and looks like this:

  • Pregnant feels constant nausea, which eventually ends with profuse vomiting.
  • Observed watery diarrhoea, with a pronounced fetid odor, sometimes feces can be seen mucus or specks of blood, which indicates a strong damage of the intestinal wall.
  • High fever accompanied by chills.
  • There is a General weakness and drowsiness.

In severe cases, a pregnant woman can be a heart disorder, manifested by palpitation and unstable blood pressure.

In the third trimester of pregnancy, in case of dehydration of organism of future mother, might work protective mechanism because of this preterm labor. So the woman in the situation should be monitored and, if the slightest deterioration to go to the hospital.

The behavior of rotavirus in the early stages of pregnancy

Rotavirus in the early stages of pregnancy it is sometimes difficult to determine, as the woman on the account may not yet be on the hospitals not to go. Often the deterioration of the condition is written off at an early toxicosis, and no treatment is not carried out, but that's not the worst. Quite common phenomenon when a woman has no idea about the pregnancy and begin treatment all in a row, including antibiotics. In this case, the fetus may suffer irreparable harm.

If the family planning birth of a child, to treat women should be applied only allowed for pregnant medicines. All medications require the prior approval ofdoctor.


If there is a suspicion of rotavirus in pregnant, you must immediately consult a doctor. Only an experienced doctor will be able to give correct advice and to appoint a number of drugs that would not harm the expectant mother and the baby. Even with a minor illness it is better to hospitalize the pregnant woman that she was under the control of the medical staff. Before the arrival of the doctor, the woman needs to provide full rest and give the adsorbents. The main task is replenishment of fluid lost from the patient. Drink a lot of give, but in small portions. Good compotes, decoctions of dried fruits or congee.

The arrival of the doctor gather everything you need at the hospital things and be sure to take exchange card of the pregnant woman, if she is available.

Treatment in the first trimester is difficult, since a limited list of approved medicines. In the second and third trimester functioning placenta, so the baby is relatively protected, thanks to this treat easier.

The consequences

The rotavirus risk to mother and unborn child does not present, except in atypical cases, when the disease is progressing. When correctly prescribed the treatment and care of the pregnant woman becomes easier the second day and on the fifth day she fully recovers.

Of the dangerous consequences of the disease can be called dehydration. The future mother can rise high temperature, and observed a General deterioration in health. The fruit at this time suffered from lack of oxygen, causing possible miscarriage and premature birth at different stages.

The body of a pregnant women carries an increased load. All organs and systems are squeezed by the growing uterus, and altered hormonal profile affects their work. During this period you need to pay special attention to hygiene and quality of food in order not to be infected with rotavirus. At the slightest symptoms go to the hospital.