How to distinguish between morning sickness (pregnancy) from poisoning

In most cases, the poisoning of the body does not entail serious consequences. But for pregnant women it is quite a dangerous condition that is accompanied by the development of systemic intoxication. These patients have dehydration due to frequent vomiting and constant diarrhea. Pathogens in cases of poisoning can harm the fetus, which can result in premature termination of pregnancy. In this regard, it is important to determine the poisoning or toxicosis in women. For the diagnosis it is necessary to know the symptoms of these pathological reactions.

The peak of poisoning usually occur during summer period when high temperatures reduces the time of storage of food products. But toxicosis was diagnosed in 30% of pregnant women in the first trimester (1-14 week of fetal development). And late toxicity is diagnosed in 20% of clinical cases.

What is morning sickness

Morning sickness is a chronic intoxication of the woman's body toxins that are formed during fetal development. The main manifestations of the disease is nausea and vomiting. There are three levels of toxicity:

  1. The patient is observed to 5 of the urge to vomit during the day and a slight loss of body weight (up to 3 kg).
  2. Up to 10 gag of seizures and the signs of a significant reduction of body weight (3-4 kg over two weeks).
  3. The woman feels constant nausea and a high frequency of vomiting. Body weight may drop to 10 kg. in many women there is an increase in body temperature, heart rate.

Toxicosis in pregnant women may develop from the first days of the delay or 5-6 weeks. But all pathological signs usually disappear after 14-15 weeks.

The reasons for the development of toxicity

In pregnant women with early toxemia develops for a number of reasons:

  • Hormonal changes in the body. After fertilization of the egg from the woman sharply changes composition of hormones, which causes drastic mood changes, nausea, vomiting. The state of pregnancy is normal 14-15 week.
  • The formation of the placenta. The process of development of the placenta is accompanied by a chronic intoxication, which ends at the end of the first trimester of pregnancy.
  • Defensive reaction. Many experts say that morning sickness is a specific protective response. Thus, a woman's body is protected from toxic foods that can harm the child. The result is nausea and vomiting may develop certain food ingredients.
  • Chronic infectious diseases. The presence of a woman a bacterial infection is considered to be a predisposing factor to early morning sickness.
  • Changes in the psychological sphere. Emotional turmoil and frequent stressful situations are considered to be the cause of the toxic reaction of the body in the third trimester.
  • Age-related factors. According to statistics, the morning sickness are more commonly found in pregnant women aged over 35 years.
  • Genetic predisposition. Often this condition is observed in several generations of women.
  • Multiple pregnancy. Patients with multiple pregnancies observed late toxicity.

The clinical picture of acute poisoning

The most frequent type of food poisoning is considered to be intoxication. The use of substandard and expired food causing patient the following clinical picture:

  • acute diarrhea with loose stools and flatulence;
  • intense nausea and single vomiting;
  • pain and burning sensation in the stomach and intestines;
  • symptoms of systemic intoxication in the form of dizziness, General weakness, headache, rise in body temperature.

Causes of food poisoning

Along with poor quality or expired food in the patient's body can penetrate bacteria and microorganisms. Here are some products that can cause poisoning:

  • Vegetables and fruits that most often cause poisoning, especially in the summer. In these products there can be a large amount of pesticides and other toxic chemicals. Ingredients for violation of conditions of storage and transportation cause poisoning of the body.
  • Meat. This product manifests its toxicity failure to comply with storage rules. In such circumstances, on the surface of meat products actively breed bacteria.
  • Fish. Poor storage and heat treatment are the main causes of poisoning of fish products.
  • Mushrooms. In such cases, there are the most severe poisoning.
  • Dairy products. Long-term storage of such products is the cause of staphylococcal intoxication.

Signs of poisoning in pregnant women

To distinguish poisoning from pregnancy can be clinical picture of the disease. When poisoning of the body from the woman gradually develops weakness, nausea, vomiting, which pass into diarrhea. Significant toxicityaccompanied by hyperthermia (38-39 ° C) and chills. Thus, there are the following key symptoms:

  • the decrease in blood pressure, malaise and dizziness;
  • acute nausea and sudden vomiting;
  • constant flatulence and diarrhea;
  • a gradual increase in body temperature.

All of the above symptoms can disturb the patient separately or in combination with each other. So, minor toxicity may be fever and vomiting. Easy intoxication, as a rule, passes in a few days and does not require hospitalization of the woman in the hospital.

The main features of the poisoning and toxicosis

The key difference in this case acts as a sudden onset of food poisoning. The patient during the first few hours of growing the symptoms of nausea, dizziness, vomiting, and abdominal pain. The average period of time from the use of toxic substances before the development of signs of poisoning is 1-12 hours.

Unlike the above-described symptoms, morning sickness has a smooth start and a gradual increase of signs of intoxication. Nausea and vomiting mainly concerned about the woman in the morning hours and are not accompanied by rise of body temperature. To answer the question of how to distinguish poisoning from toxicity, the absence of fever and diarrhea in pregnant women.

Problems with the chair, headache in pregnant women that contribute to the diagnosis, can be observed only in the later lines. But they are considered a natural reaction of the body to prepare for labor.

Experts still do not recommend self-diagnose. In each case the woman must undergo a consultation with the doctor who will establish a diagnosis and prescribe appropriate treatment.

What is the impact of poisoning on the pregnancy

Infectious intoxication, even in the form of light, reduces the supply of nutrients to the fetus. All this adversely affects the growth and development of the unborn child. In addition, the signs of dehydration when food poisoning disrupt placental blood flow.

The intestinal spasms that occur during attacks of vomiting and diarrhea, increase the risk of premature pregnancy termination.

General guidelines for pregnant women in cases of poisoning

If you notice signs of food etching, patients should adhere to the following rules:

  • Drinking large amounts of fluid. While a pregnant woman is recommended to drink water frequently and in small SIPS. To artificially induce an attack of vomiting it should not be. During this period it is advisable to use a product such as rehydron. This pharmaceutical agent is produced in powder form. It restores the electrolyte balance lost due to dehydration. Application regidrona allowed pregnant and lactating women.
  • The rejection of the fat and calories. The gradual recovery of the usual diet occurs after the cessation of vomiting and improvement of General health. During the recovery period the patient is recommended to stick to a sparing diet.
  • After the cessation of the urge to vomit a woman is recommended to take sorbents. These pharmaceutical preparations absorb all the toxins in the gastrointestinal tract. Such drugs include smectite, Polisorb, activated charcoal or enterosgel. The choice of means is carried out after consultation with your doctor.
  • In severe poisoning, the patient is subject to immediate hospitalization. Only in a health facility professionals can eliminate the toxicity of the body and keep the pregnancy.

Toxic reactions to pregnancy or food poisoning require professional medical approach to diagnosis and treatment.