Mucus in the gut: the causes and methods of disposal

Problems with the digestive system can occur in any person. In the intestine the absorption of nutrients. Normal stool contains mucus and bright colors, which is a kind of barrier from exposure to acids and alkali, but in some cases, mucus in the bowel means the beginning of a pathological process.

Slime – the norm or pathology

Accumulation of viscous, like jelly, is naturally present in stool always. The mucous surface of the colon produced the secret, which facilitates the act of defecation. However, if you discharge too much, and they have an unnatural hue, this may indicate inflammatory processes in the gut or failure of its walls. In these cases it is necessary to consult a doctor and be diagnosed.

If the intestine goes mucus in large quantity, there are impurities in the blood, and the chair has an unpleasant smell and a dark color, should raise the alarm. These symptoms often indicate any serious problems in the body.

In addition, patients should pay attention to the pain, discomfort during defecation, purulent mass in the chair.


Mucus in the stool may appear because of the following diseases.

Irritable bowel syndrome

This disease has many symptoms, including the appearance of mucous secretions in the stool. The walls of the colon produce mucus to a greater extent. This may be caused by its irritation and deterioration of motor skills. The condition is often accompanied by diarrhea or constipation that alternate with each other.

In addition, the patient can feel incomplete emptying of defecation, and to detect the allocation of lumps instead of a regular chair.

The infection is bacterial in nature

Viscous excretion in the feces can occur due to contamination by a bacterial infection, for example dysentery. This pathology is manifested by a sharp deterioration of appetite, frequent headaches, hypotension, febrile syndrome. In addition, there are often false urge to defecation, blood streaks with mucus in the stool.

If the condition worsens, appear cutting pains in the abdomen, may be suspected diverticulitis is a pathology that could become chronic.

Rectal fissure

Most often, the lesion of the rectum occurs when the mechanical injury and inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal system. The most common in women and in children.

This pathology is accompanied by diarrhea, pain in the anus. Together with the chair may withdraw a small amount of mucus with blood. Can appear and other symptoms, the intensity of which depends on the stage of the inflammatory process.

Crohn's Disease

The disease is characterized by the appearance of watery diarrhea containing pus, mucus and blood. The common symptoms are abdominal tenderness, bloating, retching, fever, chronic fatigue.

If after the enema out of the slime, it almost always indicates dysbiosis. To cure the pathology is difficult. The patient must establish the diet, to purge the intestines and to take special medicines to restore flora.

Other causes of mucosal veins in the stool can be rhinitis, hemorrhoids, chronic stress, genetic predisposition, cancer, tumors in the intestine and antibiotics. However, the correct diagnosis can only specialist.

Mucus in stool in children

The appearance of mucous secretions in the stool the child does not always mean the development of serious pathology, and is often the result of dysbiosis. A specialist should be consulted if the stool has blood streaks, and if:

  • there is more frequent liquid stool;
  • deteriorating health;
  • appears a fever.

This condition may be life-threatening, and requires medical examination.


To establish the cause of the veins of the mucous membranes in the gut will help diagnostic examination of the body.

Initially, the patient may need to pass a stool and blood. Detection in the stool of occult blood, usually indicates development of a disease: polyps, inflammation, ulcers, cancerous tumors, inflammatory processes often provoke enhanced mucus synthesis.

Diagnosis of blood will help to identify inflammation and other changes in the internal organs.

For suspected pathology of the rectum of the patient may be referred to a colonoscopy, which can detect changes in the bowel and to take tissue for testing.

If necessary, prescribed an x-ray, MRI, CT of the peritoneum.


After diagnosis by a physician selected individual therapies that include medication, diet and proper daily routine.

  • If pathology is triggered by a bacterial infection is antibiotic therapy.
  • When dysbiosis prescribe a means of normalizing flora and inhibit the growth of microorganisms.
  • Ulcers in the digestive tract using a wound-healing drugs, and also drugs, relieving swelling and inflammation.

If the obstruction of the bowel, hemorrhoids or tumor, the use of surgicalintervention.

Abandoning spicy, fatty and fried foods can improve digestion and restore the chair. In addition, resorting to natural methods of cleaning the intestine, you can set it up and get rid of mucus.

Good result showed physiotherapy with special exercises aimed at the organs of the peritoneum. A positive impact on the condition of the patient walks in the fresh air.

Folk remedies

Self-treatment in this pathology should not deal with: this can lead to serious consequences and complications. Traditional medicine is used only after a definitive diagnosis and consultation with a specialist.

First of all, the patient must establish the diet and eliminate bad habits.

Of the most popular folk remedies it is possible to note the infusion of buckthorn bark and Senna, which will help get rid of mucous secretions and constipation.

To prepare necessary to take 1 teaspoon of plants and 500 g of boiling water. The resulting broth drink for the night.

In addition, reduce inflammation and get rid of pathogens will help the regular consumption of chamomile tea with honey.

Any bowel problems require more attention, especially with an increase of symptoms and the presence of pain in the abdomen. Some cases are due to malnutrition, others deserve observation of the gastroenterologist. Lack of vigilance can result in serious illness, prolonged treatment, and even cost human life.