Diarrhea foaming at adult and child: causes, treatment

Diarrhea is a symptom of various diseases. But the most common problem that signals a sign of digestive disorders. In most cases this is a temporary phenomenon, but sometimes it's so pronounced, that is a threat to the life of the patient. It is therefore important to pay attention to the color and consistency of feces. If the diarrhea with foam, you should immediately be examined by a doctor. This phenomenon may indicate serious violations of the gastrointestinal tract.

Related signs and symptoms

If the human body is completely healthy, then problems with defecation should not be. In this case, cal dense, with a homogeneous texture, low odour, light or dark colors. Frothy liquid stool is a stool that contains a large number of gas bubbles, making it looks like foam. Moreover, he has a very unpleasant sour smell, it is bright. This is due to the fact that in the intestine is expressed in the fermentation process. Typically, the foamy diarrhea is accompanied by slight pain in the abdomen, with rumbling and bloating. You need to go to the doctor if there are symptoms:

  • temperature rise;
  • weakness, fatigue, drowsiness;
  • severe burning in the anus after a bowel movement, but also during the day;
  • dizziness and headaches, strengthening of pains in the abdomen.

The most dangerous symptom is loss of consciousness. In this case, the body is exhausted, I was dehydrated, requiring urgent medical assistance.

Causes foamy diarrhea in an adult

Diarrhea foaming in an adult can occur due to various factors. Moreover, to determine the cause is impossible, since in most cases requires passing special tests. And treatment of diseases depends on why it appeared. Therefore, medical examination is required, as only a doctor can make accurate diagnosis. Causes of diarrhea with foam, a few:

  • Dysbiosis, which disturbed the balance of harmful and beneficial bacteria in the gut. Usually it occurs because long-term use of potent drugs like antibiotics.
  • Viral or bacterial infection, which is accompanied not only with foamy chair, but also high fever, nausea and vomiting. This condition requires immediate treatment with special drugs. Otherwise, complications can arise from the gastrointestinal tract.
  • The presence of parasites. In this case, the foam in the feces of the adult and the stool have a yellow-green color. There is such a thing when poor hygiene, eating undercooked meat. You can become infected from domestic animals. Usually for getting rid of this condition requires antihelminthic therapy.
  • Diseases of the stomach or intestines, which include ulcers, gastritis, colitis, enterocolitis. In these cases, there is diarrhea with white foam.
  • Celiac disease is an individual intolerance to the gluten. In this case for treatment of diarrhea with foam, you just need to eliminate from your diet cereal products.
  • An allergic reaction that occurs after consumption of the product, irritating the intestines. While people may not always identify what kind of allergen leads to diarrhea. In most cases it is associated with the consumption of fermented milk products, but it is better to undergo a medical examination. After it the doctor will tell you what the product is contraindicated in the patient.
  • Improper diet also provokes yellow foam chair adult. The situation gets even worse if the person experiences a constant tension stress.

One way or another, but to determine the cause of pathology and to appoint her treatment can only a doctor. Therefore, the appearance of such symptoms one should immediately consult a professional to avoid possible complications.

Why is a child's diarrhea with foam

Diarrhea foaming at children under years is quite common. The reason for its appearance in different ages is different. When a mother feeds her baby breast, his intestines are irritated from the milk, if a woman eats something. Irritable bowel syndrome in infants appears in those cases, if the mother eats smoked foods, canned foods, a large amount of cow's milk, legumes, cabbage, chocolate, seafood. To repeat, chair 8-12 times a day. To feces of the baby was normal, the woman should normalize your diet.

In addition, the child may be lactose insufficiency, where the pancreas does not produce sufficient amounts of lactose. To identify such a condition is necessary to analyze stool toddler. If lactase deficiency baby is transferred to artificial feeding, using low-lactose mixture.

The child 1 year diarrhea with foam appears most often as a result of viral (rotavirus) or bacterial (Salmonella, fungi) infection. In addition, the cause of this phenomenon is the eating, inappropriate age: the dishes of hard-to-digest meat, smoked products and more. As a result, the intestines are starting the processes of putrefaction and fermentation, causing the stool becomes liquid and startsfoaming. In addition, diarrhoea often accompanies colds in children.

Foamy diarrhea in a child who is 2 years old, are often associated with feeding of the kid by poor nutrition or failure to comply with hygiene standards. The dishes from which he eats, should be washed after every meal with boiled water, and do not just rinse. The inclusion in the diet of new products can also cause diarrhea.

Foam when urinating in a child who has reached the age of 3 years, most often occurs as a result of rotavirus infection. In addition to loose stools, there is nausea, vomiting, a marked increase in temperature. Also, this condition occurs due to a change of diet or inclusion in the diet of exotic foods.

Treatment liquid foamy chair

If the feces with foam appeared only once, enough to take means of adsorption, the most popular of which is charcoal. When diarrhea lasts longer than 2 days, in order to avoid dehydration you should drink as much fluid as possible. If the condition worsened, it is imperative to consult a doctor.

To cure foam chair that appeared due to allergic reactions, it is necessary to eliminate from the diet of the product, leading to diarrhoea.

In addition, the doctor prescribes the use of antihistamines. In case of any signs of infection, it is impossible to self-medicate, as from taking inappropriate medication condition may further deteriorate.

For the treatment of disbacteriosis, which leads to the appearance of foam instead of feces, use probiotics and vitamin complexes. It is also important to adjust your diet to include easily digestible food. It is recommended to grind the food in a blender before use that they are easier digested in the intestine. The diet includes bananas, rice cereal, wheat bread replaced rye. Of white bread to make breadcrumbs, which are permitted during the diet. Also soothing on the stomach are chamomile teas, berry teas, mineral water without gas.

If the diarrhea appeared for no apparent reason, be sure to be examined by a doctor. The sooner this is done, the more effective will be the treatment. Thus, it will be easier to eliminate the unpleasant symptoms.