What to do to prevent the disease dysentery

Dysentery is a fairly common infectious disease that most often affects pre-school children. Cause disease micro-organisms of the Shigella group, and therefore the disease has the second name of shigellosis. You can become infected feces or by household. Most often this disease is diagnosed in the warmer time of the year when children spend a lot of time outside, swimming in ponds and playing in the sand. Treatment of the disease is usually comprehensive, it includes antibiotics, anti-microbial agents and other medications, depending on symptoms. Infection is very weaken the health of a person, so you should know what to do to prevent the disease dysentery.

Characteristics of the disease

Shigella can tolerate low temperatures, can long live in soil and water and on food. For pathogen devastating are direct sunlight and heat. When boiling the pathogenic microorganism dies instantly.

Wand itself can not move, but it releases a lot of toxic substances that poison the whole body. Special blow falls on the lower segment of the intestine. The microorganism adapts well to antibiotics, so the standard treatment regimens must often be changed or adjusted. Dysentery has several forms of the flow:

  1. Easy – intoxication is almost not pronounced, the temperature rises rare. Person up to three days diarrheal with a small admixture of mucus, there is mild pain in the abdomen and General weakness.
  2. Moderate – defecation occurs more than 10 times per day, observed in the stool mucus and blood blotches. The patient is very concerned about the abdominal pain and nausea and vomiting. The temperature can rise up only in the first few days of illness.
  3. Severe intoxication is manifested fully, but the main symptoms associated with the intestines. Man defecates more than 15 times a day, however, there is a greenish slime and a little blood. The fever lasts up to a week, more often about 38 degrees.
  4. Toxic – the temperature rises to high levels, the person concerned uncontrollable vomiting and General weakness. Defecation is very common in the stool is abnormal impurities. The stomach sinks a little, when palpation can be hard to find the rectum.
  5. Hypertoxic – in this form of the disease greatly affected the cardiovascular system. The patient is disturbed cardiac rhythm, pulse, and falls firmly reduced pressure. The limbs are cold, sometimes fainting.

When hypertoxic form of dysentery can be fatal before onset of diarrhea. Therefore, the deterioration of the patient urgently need to see a doctor, especially if we are talking about the baby.

In children often has a chronic form of dysentery. When the body temperature is completely normal, but loss of appetite and significant weakness. This may be due to re-infection Shigella.

Prevention of dysentery

Not to get dysentery, it is enough to observe elementary rules of hygiene. This concerns the cleaning of the home, personal hygiene and respect for the rules of food storage and cooking solutions.

Personal hygiene

To avoid shigellosis is possible at observance of certain hygienic habits:

  • Hands should be washed throughout the day, especially children. Be sure to wash hands with soap after visiting the toilet or streets, and before and after eating.
  • Younger children are often sick with dysentery because of the fact that chew on fingers and toys. To prevent this, the parents must spend with the kids and talks on hygiene and to inculcate useful skills from early childhood.
  • If there is a patient with dysentery, it is isolated in a separate room, and people who care for him should wash their hands often and change clothes.

If there is no source of water, then hands carefully wiped with antibacterial wipes.

Hygiene of the home

Prevention of dysentery include frequent cleaning of the home with the washing of household items:

  • Children's toys should be washed frequently, with a small addition of hypoallergenic detergent.
  • On Windows you need to install mosquito nets to prevent penetration of the housing insects. Flies are the carriers of many pathogens, including Shigella.
  • If the family has someone got infected with dysentery, it is often necessary to wash in the home all surfaces with the addition of disinfectant.
  • The rooms are often damp mopping and opening Windows for ventilation. Special attention is paid to cleaning the bathrooms that are washed with the addition of modern disinfectants.
  • Refrigerator periodically washed with the addition of mild detergent.

If dysentery is diagnosed in children, they are forbidden to drive in the kindergarten and other educational institutions to full recovery. The same applies to adults who don't have to work until laboratory tests are not good.

Food storage and cooking

Prevention of dysentery be sure to include recommendations regardingfood. As coli Shigella may live long on the products even in the refrigerator:

  • Food must be purchased only at official sales points and train with the technology.
  • It is advisable to cook one at a time, if the dish is cooked for a few doses, the remnant cover with cling film and put to the fridge.
  • Vegetables, fruits and berries should not only be washed thoroughly before use, but also to rinse with boiling water. The same applies to melons.
  • The kitchen must be a lot of cutting boards. Separately for meat, fish, vegetables and bread.
  • Coli pathogen is killed at high temperatures, so the milk needs to boil, like water.
  • The dishes of the child on artificial feeding wash under running water and rinse with boiling water.

Many moms like to take a different street food that the child ate while walking. You shouldn't, especially in the summer, as it is a risk to bring the causative agent of dysentery.

If you follow all these preventive measures, the risk of infection will be minimized.

How to prevent the incidence of institutions

In preschool institutions, schools, hospitals, health camps and sanatoriums take a number of preventive measures that boil down to cleanliness and to prevent carriers of the disease in children's groups.

All staff in institutions who are involved in food preparation, undergo regular medical examinations. Thus shall all the tests, the results of which the physician determines not whether a person is infected with. In addition, the kitchens periodically take tests from all surfaces as the causative agent for a long time can live on a countertop, dishes and other utensils used in cooking.

If the children's team identified the ill child, the anti-epidemic measures in dysentery are as follows:

  • All premises where there was a sick child is disinfected. Pay special attention to furnishings and toys.
  • Parents of other children inform about the cases of dysentery and is recommended to observe their children.
  • Every morning a nurse measures the temperature and inspects all children of the group or class found the sick child. Children with fever isolated in a separate room, and notify the parents.
  • Child care workers undergo an unscheduled medical examination with the delivery of all necessary analyzes.

In addition, are of regime-restrictive preventive measures aimed at narrowing the circle of children that had contact with the sick. During quarantine the staff do not accept new children and those who have not attended the institution for a long time.

Dysentery not only causes severe damage to the mucous layer of the intestine but also contributes to reduced immunity and disruption of all organs and systems. Treatment of this infectious disease is usually long, sometimes requiring hospitalization. To prevent shigellosis, it is enough to observe the rules of hygiene and do not contact with sick people.