Cancer intoxication: symptoms, signs, treatment

Cancer intoxication is a pathological condition that occurs in the last stages of cancer. It can be caused by a collapse of the tumor that is accompanied by the release into the body of toxic metabolites. At the same time, the cause of this condition can be highly toxic chemicals that are used in the treatment of the patient with chemotherapy.

Intoxication is the leading cause of death in the last stages of cancer.

Cancer intoxication is expressed in a sharp decline of the immune protecting the body and damage vital organs. It is a complex of symptoms, which vary depending on the location of the tumor and metastases. Cancer is an accumulation of cells that require continuous saturation of proteins, saccharides and fats. In the period of intensive growth of the malignancy remains the number of vessels does not provide an adequate blood supply, so some cancer cells die. All metabolic processes are violated, as toxic substances that are products of the decay of a cancerous tumor, enter the blood and lymph.

The stages of intoxication

The process of development of pathology in cancer stage 4 occurs in the following sequence:

  • the tumor begins to grow rapidly;
  • vascularity worsens, as new capillaries do not have time to feed uncontrollably growing tumor;
  • due to the lack of good nutrition of the tissues of malignant tumors of blood, the part dies;
  • the decay products of the tumor into the body, poisoning it;
  • metabolic processes are violated;
  • in the first place, worsening the functionality of kidney, which contributes to the development of renal failure. Crystals in urine get kidney channels and start the process. This is accompanied by dehydration, which is constantly progressing;
  • violated the exchange of minerals, an overabundance of potassium and calcium deficiency impairs the cardiovascular and nervous systems;
  • the next stage is the development of anemia up to the most severe stage;
  • after death occurs, which can be caused by dysfunction of vital organs or blood poisoning.


Usually toxicity occurs when the tumor reaches a large size. In addition, in this state the body can enter chemotherapy, as substances that are used in the treatment, accumulate in the body gradually. However, the reluctance to treat the disease in the last stages can speed up the growth of education. The main symptoms that are present in patients with different types of cancer are:

  • fatigue and the inability to carry any physical activity;
  • constant overwhelming fatigue and dizziness;
  • fall health;
  • the rejection of meat dishes;
  • reactions of the gastrointestinal tract: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation;
  • yellowness of the skin;
  • loss of appetite;
  • exhaustion on the background of sudden weight loss;
  • dry skin;
  • sweating;
  • low-grade fever and fever;
  • frequent headaches;
  • sleep disorders;
  • depression.

As for reactions from the immune system, deterioration is manifested by frequent colds, which did not pass and give a complication in the respiratory system.

Diagnosis of cancer intoxication

Often the cancer intoxication is not new for the patient, as occurs in the stage when the diagnosis is delivered. However, there are times when its symptoms manifest during intensive growth of tumors prior to primary diagnosis.

To determine the presence of cancer using MRI, CT, laboratory tests carried out on the basis of biopsy of a tumor or metastases and scintigraphy. Cancer can be diagnosed by the analysis of the results of ultrasound, however, for a more accurate diagnosis is necessary to conduct further histological examination.

To detect the presence of decay products of the tumor and to detect intoxication, it is sufficient to conduct laboratory tests of urine and blood of the patient. The decrease in the level of erythrocytes and haemoglobin, increased white blood cells, protein in the urine and erythrocyte sedimentation rate is an obvious manifestation of the patient this pathological syndrome.

Methods of eliminating intoxication

Elimination of cancer intoxication involves the removal of the malignancy and metastases, and if this is not possible, treatment should be carried out by means of chemo - or radiotherapy. Detoxification therapy in Oncology is aimed at the excretion of toxic substances, restore metabolic processes and reducing the impact of drugs used during chemotherapy. Relief of tumor of intoxication is carried out by many methods:

  1. For blood thinners with cancer intoxication medical treatment forced diuresis. The method involves intravenous filling the body with plenty of fluids in the form of a solution of glucose, sodium bicarbonate, albumin and others. After reaching sufficient indicators of filling of the body fluid of the patient is injected with a diuretic drug of furosemide. It tracks the state ofcardiovascular and respiratory systems of the patient.
  2. Another version of the release of toxins takes place through the installation of multiple drains in the abdominal cavity. The first day passed through the tube about twenty liters of water. This method is called peritoneal dialysis.
  3. Intoxication in Oncology also eliminated by taking the adsorbent of drugs in large quantities. Enterosorption is the reception of the sorbent at the rate of 1 gram per 1 kilogram of body weight for five days.
  4. In the case of destruction of several organs apply the method to the oxidation of blood, which is carried out by introducing into the vein of sodium hypochlorite. This treatment option of cancer intoxication is used for metastases in the liver, kidney or pancreas.
  5. Hemodialysis and hemodiafiltration is to connect patient to the machine "artificial kidney". With the help of this device there is leaching from the body of harmful substances and filling with fluid. However, this method of treatment is resorted to only at very low rates of bicarbonate in the blood, in addition, it cannot be used at advanced stages of the disease.
  6. If a cancer patient is in critical condition, he was prescribed a course of treatment with injections of Reamberin. The main active ingredient of this drug having antihypoxic and detoxifying effect and helps to restore water-salt and acid balance in the body of the patient.
  7. Hemosorption is another method that is used to cleanse the blood. It is passed through the apparatus with the sorbent, after which the blood again enters the body through a vein. Cancer intoxication cannot be treated by this method, if the patient has bleeding, multiple organ failure, dehydration, low blood pressure or interruptions in the functioning of the heart.
  8. Plazmaferez is the elimination of cancer intoxication, the replacement of the plasma. This method allows to carry out detoxification in the four treatments. The plasma is replaced by polyglucinum or protein solution.

Usually for the relief of symptoms of intoxication use of antiemetics, drugs that restore the digestive tract, sorbents, iron, analgesic, sedatives and tranquilizers. Along with the above medicines, the patient is definitely prescribed mineralokeramiki and vitamin complexesto restore strength and immunity as soon as possible.

The diet of patients with cancer

Suffering from cancer intoxication, the person needs to eat well, but avoid overeating. Welcome smaller meals with sufficient intake of vitamins and minerals, and tracking the amount of carbohydrates, fats and protein. In the menu of the patient is dominated by dairy products, as they help cleanse the body of toxins. Lean meat and fish and protein shakes will help to regain strength and to get stronger. However, a cancer patient can not get carried away fatty and heavy food. Portions should be small, and the patient is able to eat up to four times a day, especially in the beginning of treatment.

Traditional methods of treatment of cancer intoxication

Some patients fight successfully against cancer intoxication, using folk remedies. Basically this treatment is based on the plant-based concoctions with a gradual increase in dose and then decrease.

The plant-based poisons not valid for patients who are in critical condition. This type of treatment can only be done under the careful supervision of a specialist.

Here's a more simple treatment options that will allow you to shoot at home intoxication syndrome you can try yourself, for example:

  • a decoction of oat flakes boil milk for half an hour, strain and drink in small amounts throughout the day;
  • pour boiling water over pine or fir needles with wild rose and leave it on overnight. This tea can be taken in any doses, it curbs nausea, and the wild rose cleanses the kidneys;
  • to make a decoction of licorice root and flax seeds. The benefits of this seed are endless, but first and foremost it is worth noting that they are rich in calcium and protein, which is especially valuable in this disease. In the broth, you can add a spoonful of honey, and acidity of the juice of sea buckthorn or pomegranate. He has to take it every few hours and at night half a Cup.

Needless to say, that the prognosis at advanced stages of the cancer cannot be favorable. The presence of cancer intoxication already talking about the fact that sooner or later a fatal outcome cannot be avoided. However, to extend the life of cancer patient for a few years or at least months, possibly, so we should not abandon traditional medical treatment, resorting to unreliable media. The patient should regularly visit the oncologist, to undergo courses of treatment in hospital, do not give up gentle exercise and eat right.