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The most poisonous plants of Russia and the world: a list of names

Russia is a country with rich flora. There are a huge number of various herbs, trees, shrubs, berries. But not all of them is safe for humans. Meet and poisonous plants are those which are toxic substances. Often people are unaware of the danger, ingest the berries or leaves of any plants. At best, this leads to poisoning, with all its unpleasant symptoms. Sometimes a defeat can lead to death. To avoid this, it is necessary to remember features of such plants.

Toxic field and forest plants

Most species of flora that are dangerous to humans, grows in fields and forest edges. Therefore, going on picnic, you need to remember a list of plants that you need to avoid. Among them are the following are the most poisonous plants of Russia:

  1. Spreading quinoa (pigweed white). The representative of the family Chenopodiaceae. Herbaceous annual plant height of 30 cm Branches have a slight whitish bloom. The small flowers are collected in inflorescence type panicle. Part of Marie include alkaloids saponins, which cause serious poisoning. The highest concentration of toxic substances contained in the seeds. Pigweed can eat people who confused it with the edible quinoa. Among the first signs of poisoning are: pain in the abdomen, retching, nausea, signs of dehydration.
  2. Hellebore lyubelya (plants are known as imerica, puppeteer, Chemeris). The height of this perennial plant can reach 1.5 meters. Its slightly narrower leaves numerous. White or slightly yellowish flowers are grouped in small clusters of a kind ear. After flowering produces fruit ovoid. This is a dangerous plant in Central Russia. Widespread almost everywhere, so it is easy to adapt to even harsh climatic conditions. In the roots of the hellebore are alkaloids that affect the nervous system and affect the heart. The first signs of poisoning become severe watery eyes and sneezing.
  3. Marsh rosemary. Is an evergreen shrub that can grow up to 1 meter in height. Has a sharp flavor, the inhalation of which causes headaches. Flowers rosemary blossoms form a kind of umbrella. Poisoning is manifested by severe dryness of the mouth, retching, numbness of tongue, changes in heart rate, convulsions.
  4. Milestones poisonous (Hemlock). A distinctive feature of the plant becomes attractive carrot-celery flavor that exude the leaves. Externally, the leaves resemble parsley. Milestone height can reach 1.2 meters. The inflorescence type of umbrella. The stem has nice color with a bluish tint. The poison contained in all parts of the Hemlock. Some time later, after drinking Hemlock, in food there is severe vomiting, abdominal pain, mouth foaming, it becomes difficult to breathe.
  5. Black henbane. It attracts attention with its intoxicating aromas. The entire surface of the stem is dotted with small hairs. The flowers are cream-coloured with bright purple veins. The juice of henbane contains atropine, which affects the nerve cells. The first signs of poisoning becomes delirium, dizziness, delirium, dilated pupils.
  6. Field Yakut (denezhny). This is the most poisonous plant of the cabbage family. Is small fruit, roundish in shape with a slight keel. Part of Yakut consists of alkaloids and glycosides. Their greatest concentration is in the fruit and leaves. Symptoms of poisoning is a change in the color of urine, retching, stomach cramps.
  7. Conium. The height of this perennial plant can reach 0.8 meters. The stem is empty inside, is quite extensive. The flowers are small, have five petals, painted white. Early signs of poisoning appear within six hours after ingestion of Hemlock. You experience shortness of breath, disturbance of heartbeats, decrease of the temperature, appears bad breath.
  8. Lily of the valley. He is listed in the Red book, in spite of this from him every season harvested a huge number of bouquets. Toxic leaves, berries and flowers. It even becomes poisoned water, in which stood a bouquet. Signs of intoxication becomes weakness, appearance of hallucinations, abnormalities in the heart, frequent urination.

Most poisonous plants are everywhere. Therefore, going on nature, do not forget about safety precautions.

Some plants can cause poisoning even when in contact with the skin, so you should not disrupt and gather bouquets of unknown instances.

What garden plants are considered poisonous

Deadly poisonous plants can be found in many gardens. It is known that a dangerous species of flora have excellent decorative qualities. They are often used in decoration of flower beds. In the list of dangerous plants include:

  1. Delphinium (Larkspur). It is a beautiful perennial plant grown in private gardens and on city beds. The stem of delphinium can grow to a height of meters. The flowers form large racemes. In all parts of the plant contains alkaloids that have a strongthe effect on the nervous system. Of particular danger are the seeds. From delphinium is not recommended to make bouquets, as when contact with skin it can cause allergic reactions.
  2. The hydrangea. This undemanding shrub with showy globose inflorescences. Eating flowers causes signs of serious poisoning, as they contain hydrocyanic acid. In case of serious poisoning is respiratory arrest.
  3. Rhododendron (Azalea). The bright juice of this shrub contains a large number andromedotoxin. When injected into the human body, it causes overstimulation of the nervous system. After that it starts to fade. If in time not to go to the doctor, there may be fatal.
  4. The castor oil plant. Ranked in the top 10 most poisonous plants. Contains ricinine – this alkaloid, which causes protein degradation. The plant is tall, can reach 2.5 meters. Has hollow stems and large lobed leaves. Toxic poison mostly concentrated in the seeds.
  5. Dope. The most poisonous plants in the world possess an attractive appearance. This fully applies to the dope. It has large funnel-shaped flowers of various colors. All parts of Datura is dangerous to humans. They contain a lot of alkaloids that have toxic effects on the heart muscle. Poisoning is accompanied by convulsions and hallucinations.
  6. Buttercups. Poisonous plants are all members of this family. In their aerial part contains ranunculin and protoanemonin. Getting on the mucosa, these substances cause severe irritation. This may result in the malfunctioning of kidney and cardiac muscle.
  7. Mac. Has a high upright stem, the end of which in the flowering period blooms large flower. The petals can be different: white, red, purple and other colors. The danger is the juice of the plant. It has a dose of morphine, codeine, and papaverine radicina. Especially dangerous is getting this juice in the child's body. Poisoning is manifested by weakness, loss of coordination, depression, seizures, dilated pupils.
  8. Colchicum (Colchicum). Its flowers are similar in appearance to harmless crocuses. The petals are painted in purple or pink. Blooms in the fall. In spring period the plant appear fruit. Pluck these flowers, as, when applied to the skin, the juices leads to severe chemical burns. When transplanting plants, it is imperative to use gloves. If the leaves of Colchicum get into the human body, develops vomiting, pain in the stomach, there will be the defeat of the intestine. Symptoms of poisoning can retreat after a while, but it affected almost all the internal organs. In the absence of proper medical care people die.

All poisonous plants, which are grown in gardens, are a danger to children and animals. So they need to protect. They look very impressive, but don't pluck them to decorate their home.

Dangerous berries

The danger is not only poisonous herb of Russia. Often the cause of serious poisoning becomes eating unknown berries. Very often people mistake them for edible. It is important not only to remember the types of poisonous plants, but also to teach it to your children. Among the most dangerous berries provide:

  1. Red nightshade. Twining stem of a plant might in length to reach two meters. The leaves are slightly pointed ovoid. Fruits the attractive red color. The period of maturation lasts from June to September. Prefers area with high humidity. It is frequently found on the coast of bodies of water, among shrubs, in piles of garbage. Poisoning manifested by severe abdominal pain, shortness of breath, mental disorders.
  2. Belladonna. Other names: sleepy stupor, crazy cherry, krasuha. Plant height can reach two meters. The drooping flowers, shaped like a bell. The fruits are painted in dirty purple color, similar to cherry. These berries are quite rare. Widely distributed only in the Crimea, the Carpathians and the Caucasus. In all parts of the plant are alkaloids. Poisoning makes itself felt already after 10 minutes after eating the berries. Mouth felt dry, the pupils dilate and no longer respond to light, difficulty swallowing. If assistance is not provided in a timely manner, appear hallucinations, seizures, loss of coordination.
  3. Euonymus is a shrub up to four metres. Flowers small and inconspicuous, have a light greenish tint. Euonymus attracts attention for its fruit a bright pink color. There are black seeds surrounded by red pulp. Eating all parts of the plant leads to severe diarrhea, vomiting urges, and in some cases intestinal bleeding.
  4. Crow's eyes is deadly poisonous plants. Toxic substances affect the nervous system and heart. The height of the crow's eye is not more than 40 cm Leaves large, concentrated in the lower part. On the top to form a large berry covered with bloom. If poisoning occurs sore throat, severe diarrhea, retching, convulsions, dizziness.
  5. href="/yady/rastitelnye/kak-vyglyadit-volchya-yagoda-i-chem-ona-yadovita.html">Wolfberry (Privet). Tall shrub belonging to the family maslinik. The flowers vaguely resemble lilacs, painted white. Toxic substances accumulate in berries and leaves. An hour after the poisoning appear diarrhea, recoordinate movements, convulsions, colic. In severe cases, there comes death.
  6. Elderberry herbal. Has an unpleasant odor. Inflorescence in form of panicle. After flowering, small berries are formed. Poisoning is accompanied by dizziness, tachycardia, shortness of breath, pain, mucous surface painted in blue color.

Attractive berries are very hazardous to health and life. So coming to the forest, better give up collect suspicious fruits.

From poisoning by the berries often affects children. It is therefore essential from an early age to explain the safety precautions.

Poisonous houseplants

Danger can appear not only in the forest or garden, but also in your own home. Many lovers of room floriculture are not even aware that plants can be fraught with mortal danger. They have excellent decorative properties, but their use in food will lead to serious poisoning. Some poisonous plants of the world can release into the air toxic substances. Among the most dangerous species of flora, you can highlight the 10 most poisonous plants:

  1. Ivy. Is a plant with a winding stem is often decorated with dwelling and offices. For humans, all parts of this plant. Eating just a few leaves, you can feel the signs of poisoning: hallucinations, skin rash, severe nausea, breathing problems. All in contained in the juice of ivy saponins. In case of contact with eyes toxic substances can cause conjunctivitis. Great danger the plant poses for Pets, especially rodents.
  2. Persian this. Few know what is the other name of the plant. Its still called dragway or Alpine violet. Differs incredible beauty unusual shaped flowers. Toxic substances – saponins are present in abundance in the tubers. If they get into the human body, nausea, retching, explosive diarrhea, dizziness. In this regard, during the transplant cyclomen and especially when dividing tubers it is imperative to put on gloves. After completion of all work hands should be thoroughly washed in running water and use soap.
  3. Dieffenbachia. It is a tall plant with large leaves. It only blooms in favorable conditions, which is rare. Juice of dieffenbachia is composed of calcium oxalate and oxalic acid. If they stick to the skin, there is a strong irritation, itching, which could cause blisters. At hit of juice in the eye occurs swelling of the eyelids, increased lacrimation, having severe pain. If you eat even a small piece of the leaf of dieffenbachia will appear nausea, diarrhea, abnormal heart rhythm. In severe cases, paralysis develops.
  4. The Spathiphyllum. Showy plant in a dark green glossy leaves. Striking singularity of their flowers on a long stem. Juice of Spathiphyllum contains calcium oxalates, which are irritating to human skin. Getting him inside leads to the defeat of the respiratory center, disruption in the gastrointestinal tract.
  5. Monstera. Attracts flower growers with their large leaves with fancy cuts. What monstera is often chosen for decoration of offices and other public places. It contains a large concentration of toxic substances, which in contact with the epithelium of the human lead to serious damage. If you eat a leaf of monstera, there is impaired function of the digestive system and bowel inflammation.
  6. Vale of eternal blossoms begonia. Smooth the leaves of the plant are located on a thick stem. Bright blossoms located on long peduncles. The petals can be painted in white, red or pink. All parts are poisonous begonias. Getting into the body, they cause nausea and severe vomiting.
  7. Gippeastrum. Is a large plant that is grown from bulbs. Externally it looks like a Lily. The color of the petals can be pink or red tones. There are also white varieties. Especially toxic are onions. Their consumption will lead to kidney disease, severe vomiting and diarrhea.
  8. Spurge. There are several varieties of potted Euphorbia, but all are equally toxic. The danger is the juice which contains toxic substances, affecting the digestive and nervous systems of the body.
  9. Oleander. Spectacular indoor flower, which has long stems. The petals can be white or pink. The flowers have a mesmerizing aroma. Its prolonged inhalation causes headache. If any part of the plant enters the human body, nausea, seizures, heart failure, shortness of breath. This plant can be placed only in well-ventilated areas. It is strictly forbidden to decorate his bedroom or nursery.
  10. Calla. This plant is loved by gardeners for elegant flowers are funnel-shaped forms. Their color can be quite varied. Scientists were able to deduceeven almost black flowers. In contact with the skin of the juice of the plant, there is a serious irritation. After ingestion appear retching and nausea.

Poisonous plants represent the greatest danger to the children who all want to taste. So if you have a child, it is better to abandon the breeding of dangerous plants.

Knowledge of the characteristics and features of poisonous plants will help you to avoid serious poisoning. Remember that at the first unpleasant symptoms, you should immediately seek help from doctors. Procrastination and the more self-medication can be life-threatening.