Home / All kinds of toxins and poisons are dangerous to humans / Types of plant poisons in our world / A poisonous plant of the Buttercup acrid: description, properties, places growing

A poisonous plant of the Buttercup acrid: description, properties, places growing

This flower belongs to a large genus of flowering plants. Acrid Buttercup loves moisture, in some countries nicknamed "the frog". There are about 300 species that are distributed worldwide, the plant is found in the zone of Alpine meadows and the tropics.


On the meadow well separated small, bright yellow flowers. Buttercup burning has a different structure of the flower baskets. Consists either of several rounded or long, like blades with pointed edges of the petals. The color is bright yellow, the inside is shiny, as if greased. Poisonous Buttercup blooms in the spring, but flowers can be detected throughout the summer, especially near water bodies or on private land, as garden weeds. Can grow acrid Buttercup in running water, for what it is compared to the frog. The plant is adapted to such conditions by two different types of leaves filiform are completely under water, and the wider float on the surface.

Plants of the genus Ranunculaceae are popular ornamental flowers. Gardening has a large number of varieties with large flowers and bright colors. Herbaceous plant is aquatic or terrestrial. Annuals or perennials, which send their processes-runners to create new plants with their own roots and flowers. The Buttercup no stipules, leaf outlet located at the base of the stem, all more or less deeply incised. Aquatic representatives of the segments of the sheet is very thin. Height herbal shrub is rarely more than 90 cm, mostly 30-40 cm From the base of the leaves more, they are larger and have a long petiole, in contrast to those that are higher.

Flower basket consists of a single sepals usually five, but may be seven. Petals yellow, greenish or white, sometimes tinged with red, purple or pink. At the base of each petal is a Nectary, which secretes honey juice to attract insects. The fruits (seeds) are either smooth or covered with short hairs with hooked spines. The root system is well developed with many small roots that hold and feed the plant.

Reproduction occurs by seeds, once in the ground, when the heat leaves appear, developing root. For the second year of a full grow stems, leaves and flowers. Years of instances annually produce new roots.

Where is the name

The Latin name of the plant Ranunculus sounds, which can be translated as a little frog. A Buttercup, or blindness, the plant is called because of its toxic properties. Some species that are unsafe in a meadow for cows, horses and other Pets. In Russia, the Buttercup grows in most parts of the European territory and in Siberia.


So Buttercup is poisonous or not? This question is asked often, so you should explain in more detail what the danger is. This plant in varying degrees poisonous, depending on the species. Contains protoanemonin, the toxin, which is found in all representatives of this genus. When damage to the integrity of the leaves or the stem, an unstable glycoside enzyme is split into glucose and toxic protoanemonin. Skin contact with the separated juice in humans causes itch. If a toxic substance gets on the mucosa, the consequences are more serious.

Toxic effects of substances Buttercup dangerous. A person may acute attack of hepatitis and jaundice are rare but possible paralysis.

For animals that graze on pastures and meadows, it is a threat. Irritation of the mouth and the pungent taste leads to the fact that they selectively eat grass, avoiding the Ranunculaceae. Poisoning occurs if the pasture is no edible grass and the animal is forced to satisfy hunger by eating buttercups. Not excluded human poisoning. When getting fresh herbs in body is possible:

  • bloody diarrhea;
  • salivation;
  • colic;
  • nausea;
  • vomiting;
  • dizziness;
  • cramps;
  • bloating;
  • irritation of the mucous membranes of the mouth.

If skin contact appears:

  • irritation;
  • blisters;
  • swelling;
  • rash.


In the juice of dandelion contains caustic and harsh chemicals. When drying plants protoanemonin comes in contact with air and collapses, turning into a carboxylic acid. In Russia do not harvest the raw materials for medicinal purposes. Poisonous plant of the Buttercup to treat many diseases. Traditional medicine appreciates its antibacterial properties, which are used in the treatment of skin inflammations and purulent wounds.

Full-scale studies on the properties of the Buttercup was conducted. There are no test results on the human body, their efficiency and safety. Self-treatment is dangerous.

Traditional medicine

For over 100 years, herbalists practise the raw Ranunculaceae to solve many problems:

  • dermatological;
  • rheumatic;
  • gastrointestinal;
  • dental.

Some recipes are quite peculiar, a plant put on the skin to relieve local pain and subcutaneous. As painkiller use small pieces of leaves which is placed on the tooth or cariouscavity.

Scientific theory and limited research suggest that the plant can be used to solve many health problems, including:

  • against parasites (vermifuge);
  • as a painkiller;
  • antibacterial;
  • antifungal;
  • antimicrobial;
  • protective (inhibits mutations);
  • antipyretic;
  • antiseptic;
  • anticancer;
  • antiviral;
  • fungicidal.

It is believed that the ingredients of the plant are useful for the treatment of herpes zoster, skin cancer, warts and festering wounds. Effective for calluses, corns, dental caries, headache, gout, rheumatism and sciatica.

No data on the safe and effective dose. Tea from fresh raw materials are prepared for use in gastrointestinal disorders. The broth offered for the treatment of sexually transmitted diseases. Infusion is used for sciatica, rubbing juice into skin causes blood flow and brings relief for severe pain.

Recommended for headache to drip the juice of the plant into the nostril. Then starts sneezing which relieves tension of the neck muscles, improves blood circulation and reduces discomfort and pain.

It is noticed that Buttercup has the ability to expel water from the body, improves the course of abscesses and good cleans festering wounds. As a disinfectant Ranunculaceae juice diluted with water and treat the skin against scabies mites, fungal infections and boils.

Herbal infusions and decoctions for the treatment of:

  • women inflammation;
  • pleurisy;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • enterocolitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • edema and dropsy;
  • weakness and dizziness.

Can not be independently treated, it can lead to negative consequences and complications. Consult with the expert and eliminate the possibility of an Allergy to plants Ranunculaceae. Harvest raw materials during the main flowering. Used for medicinal purposes, flowers, leaves and roots of the plant.


For cooking broth 1 teaspoon pour in boiling water (300 ml) and boil for 5 minutes. After straining one the coffee Cup of a decoction (three times a day).

In people with impaired liver function, cardiovascular disease and gastrointestinal disorders to apply the plant life threatening.

Pregnant and lactating women any experiments with the use of Ranunculaceae prohibited. In addition to the lack of scientific data about medicinal properties, the probability of poisoning.

Interactions with drugs

  1. The juice of the plant can lead to ventricular fibrillation. Patients taking antiarrhythmic drugs, need with extreme caution Buttercup.
  2. Patients who is the treatment of the liver, use dandelion only after consulting with a qualified healthcare provider.


Description of the properties people should be alerted and to prevent negative consequences. For owners of livestock there is a risk of poisoning of animals eating fresh grass, but deaths are not described.

The poison that is present in the plant, the unpleasant and bitter taste, so the animal is able to avoid contact with him. In harvesting and drying herbs toxin decomposes and loses its toxic properties. Hay suitable for animal feed.

Symptoms of poisoning similar to acute allergic reaction. The victim appears:

  • runny nose and cough;
  • spasm in the larynx;
  • watery eyes;
  • the change in the pulse.

In contact with toxic substances Buttercup on the eyes leads to temporary loss of vision. The condition of night blindness gave the second name of the plant.

Animals eat large quantities of fresh hay with dandelion is also threatened by poisoning, the symptoms are:

  • lethargy or excessive excitability;
  • feed refusal;
  • bloating;
  • salivation.

When complications of the condition noted the appearance of blood in the urine, liquid, frequent stool. The animal shakes, possible seizures. Lethargy, rapid breathing and irregular heartbeat indicate poisoning.

Help the victims

To reduce negative consequences for human health or animal need to eliminate toxin from the body and neutralize on the skin.

Providing first aid to the injured person, you need to first call the doctor and get instructions on how to act before the arrival of specialists:

  1. If the toxin gets on the skin and lead to irritation and formation of small pimples, you must rinse thoroughly the affected area. After this is applied, any soothing gel or antihistamine cream for burns.
  2. When it is clear that the poison got into the body, it is necessary to wash out the stomach and to reduce toxicity. The patient is asked to drink the prepared solution of potassium permanganate (slightly pink), then cause vomiting, irritating the root of the tongue. Good and fast effect of sesame oil that is taken orally.
  3. If was not potassium permanganate, it can be replaced with soda solution. Operate on the same principle. To relieve the burning sensation and reduce redness of the mucous you can, keeping cold water in your mouth or a piece of ice.

A good and effective means of gastric lavage activated charcoal consider.Tablets are crushed to a state of dust (10 PCs.) and ask the patient to take them, plenty of drinking water. Any slimy decoctions, egg or milk can be used as improvised home remedies for poisoning.

During any disturbance in the patient's condition, weakness and side effects require monitoring by specialist and qualified medical assistance. Perhaps after that, the patient put in the hospital for treatment of exacerbation of chronic diseases.

How to avoid the negative consequences

To prevent inflammation of the skin in contact with Buttercup you can, if you pay attention to him. When camping or walking , avoid contact with fresh flowers, not to tear it for bouquets. Warn your children and explain how dangerous Buttercup. Ask them not to touch the yellow flowers and not to pluck the leaves.

Used for the preparation of decoctions and infusions for internal use should only well-dried raw material. When using fresh leaves you should put on gloves to the one who helps the patient to reduce the likelihood of skin reactions. Be sure to wash your hands and not rubbing your eyes.

Traditional recipes contain dosage, to violate that is not necessary. This eliminates the negative impact on the body of toxins. Before you decide to take Buttercup or treated with decoctions and compresses, consult your doctor. You need to make sure that there are no contraindications. The Buttercup should be treated with caution, if properly applied, it is possible to improve the condition.