Deadly poisons of plant origin

Planet Earth is full of many plants. Scientists account for about 300 000 species, and less than 1% of them relate to poisonous.

Depending on the degree of toxicity they are divided into:

  • poisonous;
  • highly toxic;
  • deadly poisonous;

The beginning of the current threat are different compounds related to alkaloids, glycosides, resins, acids , etc.

A pioneer in the study of plant poisons has been Serturner who opened the most popular drug, morphine. In the early nineteenth century opened strychnine (deadly nuts), almost immediately became known caffeine, quinine, nicotine. The number of discoveries from year to year only increased. The results were used not only for medical purposes but also for murders.

The most dangerous plant poisons and plants

Consider poisonous plants, after contact with which there is a deterioration of health, they emit rastitelnye poisons.


Amatoxin contained in mushrooms of the genus lepiota and some of their subtypes, for example, contains a poison pale toadstool.

The poison once in the body, not destroyed during heat treatment. Accordingly, if people cook or fry this mushroom dose of poison will still get it.

This poison blocks the RNA polymerase and stops the protein synthesis in the cell. It gets to the liver, kidneys, leads cells to death in a few days.

Is there an antidote in the form of penicillin, but that does not mean that it will work and will succeed to avoid death. Each case is individual, depending on the concentration of poison, and many other factors.


Popular herbal poison for military operations.

The most "useful" for military poison – ricin, able to paralyze or cause death. Contains the seed of the ricinus vulgaris, used to make castor oil. Manufactured by simple technology.

Castor oil plant is a popular plant that has an ornamental purpose. The name comes from the word "mite" because of the external similarity of seeds with pests. The leaves are kleovoulou form, and the tree itself is easy to tolerate disasters and quickly grows.

The other purpose of the plant – production of poison from seeds. The output is a white powder, easily soluble in water.

Poisoning occurs by inhalation of the dry mixture, the introduction of injection, use of liquid.

If you do not provide timely necessary help – people will die after a long agony. If you suspect a poisoning, immediately drink large quantity of water, coal, decoction of rice and a little soda alternately. If possible, seek medical help.

Watch carefully so the child accidentally ate the seed of the castor plant. When this situation occurs, immediately call an ambulance!


All known Amanita contains the most dangerous venom – muscarin. Just 3 mg of this substance can cause human death.

But the course of treatment will cover a long, almost 2 weeks. The poison excites the endings of the vagus nerve, resulting in increased activity of the secretory glands. It's hard to breathe, the pulse is felt weak, felt dizzy.

The erroneous misconception that the mushroom is the most dangerous mushroom. Cases of death in poisoning by the fly agaric is not as frequent as in the use of the same pale toadstool. Maybe because it is difficult to confuse with other mushrooms. By the way, the mushroom treated the beasts of the forest.

Curare – a favorite poison of the hunters

Curare is the most potent poison on effects to animals or man. Was known in the days of the South American tribes. It was used during hunting wild animals.

Extracted from various plants, and because the power of his actions are also different:

  • The most strong compound from the bark of Lamborgini Strychnos adviceone. Application – hunting for animals and military targets.
  • From the bark of Strychnos castelniaeana Wedd or Chondrodendron – a less toxic substance, used for hunting birds and small animals.
  • Poison from Chondrodendron tomentosum is less dangerous. Purpose – hunting.

When hit poison inhibits locomotor activity and leads to respiratory failure and death.

Small quantities of the poison curare have learned to use as anesthesia.

The curare has replaced drugs for anesthesia. Medicine then became divided it is necessary to open a poison and after.

Antidote are any inhibitors.

Quinine is the main alkaloid

Quinine is a poison derived from the bark of the Cinchona tree. The most powerful protoplasmic poison.

With a small poisoning occurs dizziness, agitation, nebula of consciousness.As a rule, affects those or other bodies . For example, if the affected organs of sight, is necessarily vasospasm, pallor nipple, amblyopia, etc.

To be fatal enough 10 grams of poison.

The antidote is tannin, is used in gastric lavage 0.5-2% solution.

Conium maculatum – from benefit to harm one step

On the one hand, a plant of the family Umbelliferae is often used in conjunction with conventional medicine in the treatment ofcancer.

On the other harm is that the poison from this plant accumulates in the liver, and then permanently destroying it.

The antidote of Hemlock – a mixture of 5% glucose in a volume of 0.5 l and with 1% novocaine, 30 ml.

Administered intravenously via a dropper. Slowly and fully.

Hydrocyanic acid in your favorite fruit compote!

Everyone loves compote, apricots, cherries, but no one ever thought that in the depths of costaccounting contains deadly poison!

Chenille acid is created by nature in order to protect the plants from pests.

In addition, the concentration of the poison is in tobacco smoke, emissions of industrial enterprises. If we talk about the most dangerous cores, the main role is withdrawn and bitter almonds. Next is the cherry and then the peach family.

Not to be confused with almonds sweet and bitter, or wild, grown for medical purposes. And in the food we eat are sweet.

In connection with such a composition, is forbidden to eat berries and cherry compote pregnant, and all the rest should not be abused compote of berries.

Frozen berries, having a hydrocyanic acid, a year in food use is prohibited.

Conium maculatum, Konin

One of the strongest vegetable poisons. Looks like a white carrot, horseradish. Because this is easily confused with safe products.

Starts the action of the poison plants with such symptoms as excessive drooling, out-of-focus vision, nausea, after a time paralyzes the person. After diaphragmatic paralysis death occurs.

The antidote is missing. According to one version Konin was poisoned Socrates.

Other poisons, not included in the list

In addition to the considered the most dangerous plant poisons, there are many other equally popular and used.

These include:

  • Aconite.
  • Morphine.
  • The sprouts of potatoes.
  • Grain, overwintered under the snow.
  • Strychnine.
  • Heroin.
  • Cocaine.

In what order to use deadly poisons of plant origin:

  • hunting;
  • military purpose;
  • contamination of food, perfumes, personal care products;
  • medicine;
  • industrial and domestic purpose.

Total aid for poisoning

  • To exclude the effects of venom on humans. Investigate the cause of poisoning.
  • Drink plenty of liquids.
  • Possible, give activated charcoal.
  • Immediately call medical assistance. Account life can go for a minute!

The natural world all have been thought out. To protect yourself and to ensure the survival of not only animals, but also plants endowed with the ability to self-preservation.

That is why many of them fraught with danger to human life. Some of these poisons mankind uses for humanitarian purposes, does drugs, uses in medicine as anesthesia. Some become helpers in the wars and crime.

In order to survive and to know what measures to apply in case of poisoning, you should carefully study the vegetable poisons, which can be easily reached in your country, town, your street.

Adults and children, not knowing what dangers a plant may inadvertently to poison the fruit or seed. Be careful, take care!