Poisonous flowers and plants in your garden

Flowers surround us everywhere: in parks and squares, in the woods and in the fields, at home and in the garden. Hard to imagine a infield without the colored flower beds of lush annuals and blooming perennials. They attract the views of others and fascinated by its beauty, but some are very dangerous because they contain poison. Accidentally eaten a flower is a threat to health, and often for life, human or animal. Poisonous flowers are often attractive to look at and good to taste, but that is their cunning. It is impossible in appearance to identify poisonous plant or not. Find out what kind of flowers should not be picked and give your loved ones and enjoy their appearance and flavor is better at a distance.

Poisonous flowers in the garden

When choosing flowering plants for the decoration of the infield or the local area it is important to carefully read the information about appealing garden crops, especially if it is known that the garden will walk the children or Pets.

Such a possibility is always there – even if you have no children, the neighborhood kids may one day want to taste an attractive and fragrant flowers, their fruit or foliage from your flower beds.

To make the flower garden safe for the environment, it is not necessary to plant a garden of poisonous flowers. There are many other species, not less beautiful, but completely harmless or medicinal. In order to avoid poisoning and the unpleasant consequences, you should stop your choice on such colors.

The following is a list of the most dangerous flower plants.

  1. Aconite (wrestler) – the most poisonous garden flower. Tibetan monks have long been valued for its healing properties, but during the medieval wars of the root and the juice of the plant was used as a potent poison for poisoning arrows and fresh water. Aconite contains in all its parts aconitine is a poison nerve action. If ingested, will first numb hands and feet, then there will be convulsions and respiratory paralysis. Even the smell of flowers causes a pathological reaction in the body, and at long contact with highly toxic poison can even penetrate through the skin.
  2. Delphinium (Larkspur) – poisonous plant that contains Latin, methyllycaconitine and Aldrin – toxic alkaloids, after accidentally taking which result in respiratory paralysis and heart damage.
  3. Oleander. The flower combines a beautiful appearance and amazing smell of vanilla and almond, and therefore his love to grow in the garden and home. But the plant is very poisonous because of strong cardiac glycosides: oleandrin and cornering. The juice of the oleander, casually used inside, causes vomiting and diarrhea, high doses of heart failure and respiratory failure. Odor often becomes a cause of headaches and dizziness.
  4. Lily of the valley. The favorite of many spring flower with white bells contains a strong poison convallatoxin. All parts of the Lily are poisonous, especially the high concentration of poison in the flowers and fruits of plants, appearing in autumn. Only 4-5 eaten by a child, flowers or berries of Lily of the valley lead to severe stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, arrhythmia – convallatoxin acts on the digestive and cardiovascular system. In a therapeutic dose of the substance used for the treatment of heart failure, but an excess causes heart failure and death.
  5. The hydrangea. Gardeners love this plant for its ruggedness and beautiful flowering flower balls which delight the eye from spring to late autumn. Not all know that flowers and leaves of hydrangea contains hydrocyanic acid, and their random eating will start nausea, sweating, there are pains in the abdomen. High doses of hydrocyanic acid from plants is causing shortness of breath, disruption of the nervous system, difficulty breathing and death.
  6. Rhododendron, or Azalea. Thanks to the beautiful large flowers of various colors the plant is widely used in landscaping and in indoor horticulture, but it is important to know that it is extremely poisonous. All parts of azaleas contains the strongest poison andromedotoxin. Ingesting it with flowers or leaves of the poison depresses the nervous system, lowers blood pressure, causes profuse salivation and a weak pulse. Without immediate treatment to a doctor within two hours of paralysis of respiration.
  7. Foxglove (digitalis). The plant was named for the shape of a beautiful elongated flowers, resembling a thimble. For all its decorative properties of the plant is very poisonous. The poisons contained in the plant (digitoxin, digoxin and saponin), when it is eaten in large quantities cause vomiting and interfere with the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Foxglove produces toxic spores, which when inhaled in humans may occur syncope and cardiac arrest. The poisoning often occurs after 2-3 days.
  8. Clematis. Flowering vine is very popular with gardeners, but you should know that it contains leaves and flowers of acrid substances that have allergies can cause suffocation, and ingestion – gastric bleeding.
  9. Flower bulbs: hyacinths, daffodils, crocuses, Muscari. Without these plants is unthinkable garden plot, it is the first bulbous delight us with their flowers. Fortunately, primroses only bulbs poisonous to humans, but ifaccidentally confuse them with garlic or onions, the strongest disorders of the digestive tract can not be avoided. Among Allergy sufferers even planting plants can cause a suffocating cough or contact dermatitis, so you need to be particularly careful.
  10. Calla lilies (Zantedeschia). Growing in the garden and in the indoor environment. Flowers are fascinating for its austere beauty, but the plant is rightly called the "flower of death". Its juice contains oxalates of calcium, which kristallizuetsya inside the body and cause a strong burning sensation, throat swelling, vomiting and diarrhea. If you do not provide emergency assistance, the person can quickly die from suffocation.

The above garden flowers are quite popular and are often used to decorate gardens or front gardens.

With proper use of very small doses of any poisonous plants in the garden can be used for the treatment of various ailments, but without the necessary knowledge and experience should not self-medicate, because even a small overdose can have very serious consequences.

Forest and field of poisonous flowers

In the forest and in open areas also grows a lot of threat to humans plants. Here are some names of wild flowers, with which you should be very careful and in any case not to eat it.

  1. Cicuta (Cicuta poisonous). It is plain in appearance, the plant has excellent taste and is extremely poisonous (contains cicutoxin – a dangerous toxic substance). Stems and roots that are easy to pull out of the ground, often become a treat for animals and children, accidentally you try this dangerous plant. That's why it can be eaten in large quantities. Once inside appears very sick with vomiting and diarrhea, and later added to symptoms of seizures and cardiac arrest.
  2. Belladonna (deadly nightshade vulgaris) is one of the most poisonous of wild flowering plants. The flowers and berries contain oksikumarina and atropine causes a strong toxic effect on the body and death.
  3. The bleeding heart. All parts are poisonous plants – once inside, they cause symptoms of severe poisoning with violent vomiting and diarrhoea. The effects of the juice of the flower on the skin leads to redness and itching.
  4. Blooming Datura. Contains alkaloids that can cause death when consumed in plant foods, and pollen – hallucinations and temporary amnesia. In some countries dope specially grown for obtaining poison.
  5. Acrid Buttercup. The more famous the name of the flower is night blindness. Protoanemonin contained in the plant causes upon contact with eyes burning, redness and profuse watering of the eyes, even temporary blindness. When injected into the stomach of the stem or flower of a Buttercup will occur severe stomach cramps and vomiting. On the skin the juice of the plant leaves long unhealed abscesses and tumors.
  6. The globe – a very poisonous flower. Its roots are rich in cardiac glycosides and alkaloids. By eating any parts of the flower toxins cause severe disruption of the digestive and cardiovascular systems. Upon contact of the juice with the skin may cause burns and dermatitis.
  7. Colchicum autumnale (a poisonous Crocus). The juice of the plant contains the alkaloid colchicine, calling in if ingested, bloody vomiting, diarrhea, bone marrow failure, anaphylactic shock. To rescue the person can only for the immediate intervention of a physician.
  8. The castor oil plant. In all parts of the plant contains alkaloids ricinine and ricin, after accidentally taking which the person starts vomiting and intestinal colic. The venom has a devastating effect on the red blood cells and protein tissues. Poisoning has serious consequences, even with timely medical assistance. Castor is listed in the Guinness Book of records as the most poisonous flower in the world.

Being in the woods, in any case it is forbidden to pick and eat any flowers. Many of them contain deadly poisons and toxins. About it must know the children, because the child's body, they have a more detrimental effect.

Room poisonous flowers

Among the potted flowering plants are also beautiful, but poisonous flowers. Some of them emit spores into the air, inhalation of which adversely affect the health, and accidentally swallowed by a child or pet flower or the leaves lead to severe poisoning. What kind of plants?

  1. Browallia, brunfelsia, symol nightshade and other flowers from the nightshade family contain potent poisons that affect the digestive, nervous and cardiovascular systems.
  2. The Spathiphyllum. The juice of these beautiful white flowers in the shape of a sail on a long stem in contact with the skin causes sores that long to heal.
  3. Poinsettia (Christmas star or star of Bethlehem). The leaves and stems of the plant are also poisonous acrid juice, which in case of contact with eyes leads to blindness, and if you take him inside – to severe poisoning with vomiting and diarrhea. This property is possessed by all flowering plants of the family Euphorbiaceae.

It is unacceptable to put pots with poisonous potted flowers in the bedroom, the nursery or easily accessible to children or Pets. Even better, iffamily children grow up, get rid of dangerous plants and to prevent this possible poisoning or skin irritation.

Assistance measures for poisoning poisonous flowers

If poisoning poisonous flowers it is necessary to take measures on rendering assistance to the victim. Sometimes the account can go on the clock, and how quickly and correctly were assisted on three of the poisoned person.

We must act immediately – usually from the moment of the use of hazardous plants in the food already takes a long time, because until they begin to manifest symptoms of intoxication, suspect that the man was poisoned impossible. Only in exceptional cases, you can intentionally eat poisonous plants, more often people use them through ignorance or negligence, unaware of the consequences. What needs to be done immediately after the first signs of poisoning flowers?

  1. You need to call an ambulance or to contact the item first-aid in any symptoms of poisoning, even mild. Intoxication alkaloids and toxins colors insidious because its symptoms grow slowly, sometimes it takes a few days after eating the plant before the onset of acute signs of heart or respiratory failure. Sometimes only qualified doctors at the clinic under the power to save to the victim life.
  2. Before the arrival of the doctor it is necessary to wash out the stomach with water with dissolved crystals of potassium permanganate (slightly pink solution).
  3. If for some reason access to a doctor is impossible, you need every two hours to drink or give the child any sorbent: tablets of activated charcoal (carbol), enterosgel, Polisorb, filtrum in age-appropriate dosage.
  4. The harmful effects of the poison of colors will help to neutralize the egg white or coffee. After washing the stomach and every hour after 40 minutes after the adoption of the sorbent you need to drink a Cup of strong coffee or a few crude proteins of chicken eggs. Milk in cases of poisoning by toxins of poisonous plants to drink is not recommended, as the poisons in plants are usually fat soluble, and the milk in this case will only exacerbate the situation.
  5. If there are signs of cardiac or respiratory failure, may help the solution of camphor or sage.

Treatment in a medical institution in any case – it will provide assistance and will help to avoid unpleasant health effects after exposure to toxic flowers.

If acrid juice of the plant has hit on mucous eyes, should immediately flush with water for 5-10 minutes. The affected skin can be washed with soap and water and wipe with a 2% solution of potassium permanganate. When planting poisonous flowers in a garden, it is important to exercise caution and only work with gloves on.

If you follow the precautions for handling poisonous flowers and to teach their children under any circumstances not to eat unfamiliar plants, blossoming buds are ornamental or wild flowers will bring joy and will not leave after a meeting with them unpleasant consequences.