Wolfberry: looks like what would happen if you eat

Wolfberry is known to almost everyone since childhood, especially to those who grew up or frequently visited the countryside. Wolf eyes or wolf berries, resembling currants – the fruits of small size, round shape. Most berries are red or black, depending on the type of plant. Now there is a huge hype around Goji berries that are used for various purposes – treatment, weight loss, strengthening the immune system. Wolfberry and Goji have nothing in common, they are often confused due to similar names – wolfberry (Goji), a shrub native to China, it is known as "Dereza ordinary", so to confuse it with Daphne impossible.

Wolfberry – what is it

Why Wolfberry is so called? Quite simply, the name comes not because this shrub feed wolves or other forest animals. Just the name came from the old days, when under the designation of "wolf" meant all the evil, dangerous and harmful. Thus, the dangers of these berries is known to all, very long time.

Called Wolfberry can refer to several plants – Privet, crow's eyes, black alder, Voronet, elder. The list can be long, but the term "Wolfberry" most often refers to the poisonous shrub that bears people in the name of Privet, wolf bark or Daphne mezereum.

Growing Wolfberry everywhere, found in the forests of America, and throughout Europe. Very common in Central Russia, the Caucasus and Siberia. Looks like the Wolfberry? The description and properties can be found in every textbook of biology. Bush is blooming very nicely, the smell is intoxicating. By the way, these berries love to feast on the invaders. This bird is the main peddler of seeds.

Privet is a small shrub, which ripen round and small berries. Shrub in spring, very lush and beautiful blooms, thanks to its small size (to 5 m) is successfully used in landscape design. The autumn fruits ripen and here is the error many – they are starting to collect and use in food, to prepare teas and infusions. To do it categorically it is impossible, as the berries are poisonous and can cause not only poisoning, but also to lead to death. So, if you are interested in the question – is it possible to have wolf berries – the answer is a resounding – no!

The dangerous berries

What happens if you eat wolf berries? Almost 100% you can get poisoning and indigestion, but all, of course, will depend on the quantity. The fact that fruits contain solanine – a strong poison which provokes poisoning. If not promptly to give first aid, not to call an ambulance, then death will be inevitable. About five berries can cause death.

Poisonous not only the fruit, but the whole shrub as a whole – the branches, the leaves. Thus, the plant is better not to touch it, and admire it only from afar.

In the composition of the berries and bark have a number of substances that cause poisoning. The main components is mezerein, defretin, glycoside dafnin, coumarin. In almost all cases of poisoning do not go unnoticed, even after treatment there may be complications of various kinds, thus, it is important to take action in a timely manner.

Berries wolf bark causes severe poisoning if wrong, ate it up, the symptoms are as follows:

  • feeling the burn mouth, and all mucous;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • profuse salivation, there may be difficulty swallowing;
  • diarrhea;
  • inflammation of the eyes, lacrimation;
  • possible convulsions, General weakness.

Poisoning with wolfsbane heavy, the degree will depend on the number of consumed fruits. Its for this poisoning has a kind of hemorrhagic gastroenteritis, the death occurs mostly due to heart failure.

By ingestion of plant SAP on the skin is being burned or redness. Prolonged skin contact is possible by the development of tumor destruction in the epidermis. Dangerous even to be near a flowering plant – inhalation of pollen irritate.

What to do in case of poisoning with wolfsbane

If a child or adult has eaten the wolf berry, it is necessary to immediately call an ambulance and start first aid. Priority should be removed from the body cause poisoning, ie induce vomiting. For this approach a weak solution of potassium permanganate (fluid should be light pink in color, not a rich purple!). You can give the victim activated charcoal or any other adsorbent. If possible, make the affected enema.

Poisoning by the berries can cause convulsions and cardiac arrest. If you are in the medicine Cabinet heart medicine, you must give them to the patient following the recommendations and proper dosage. After first aid, it is necessary to force a person to lie down, take a relaxed position and wait for the ambulance. In almost all cases, hospitalization and further inpatient treatment.

Bush Wolfberry all poisonous, so if you are getting juice to the skin or if the plant just scratched you must wash the spot with antiseptic solution, if there is nothing at hand suitable potassium permanganate.

What is dangerousthe use of Privet, should be clear to everyone, it is especially important to convey this information to children. If you are planning a trip to the woods or live in rural areas, do not forget to tell the children about all the dangers that are fraught with an attractive and tasty berries. Apart from Privet, there are many other plants, the touch of which may have to bear serious consequences.

Useful properties

Many poisonous plants have useful properties, but they must be trained in the correct use, otherwise it is very dangerous to life and may lead to unpredictable consequences.

Privet has long been used in conventional and folk medicine for the treatment of various diseases:

  • cardiovascular system;
  • kidneys and liver;
  • neuroses and mental disorders;
  • eye;
  • joints.

Because of its toxicity products shrubbery in the official medicine are not used, and used exclusively in homeopathy. The tinctures and decoctions of this plant to treat bronchitis, pneumonia, colds. A very well established Privet in traditional medicine for the treatment of skin diseases.

Prepared infusions and decoctions never used inside, they are used for wiping, rinse, lotions.

Harvesting the plants do in the summer – going branches, leaves, and dig roots. In autumn you can harvest the fruit of a shrub.

It is worth remembering that if you have any diseases self-medication can be dangerous, especially if you prepare homemade tinctures and poisons from toxic plants. Remember that the plant contains dangerous and poisonous substance even in small doses leads to heart failure can cause cardiac death.

Application in everyday life

Privet is well established as a poison for agricultural purposes. With its help, infusions against Colorado potato beetles and other pests. This poison is only good for root crops, sprayed her plants and fruit trees is not recommended, especially just before harvest. It is best to carry out the spraying in the spring, when just beginning to form leaves, no blossoms and fruit. The use of such poison at their summer cottage can be compared with simple chemical medicines, so you also need to exercise caution when spraying use mask and rubber gloves.

Before the berries of Privet black did ink. Wolf berry is quite often seen in suburban areas and in urban environments as hedges. The Bush is quite dense, with beautiful leaves and lush blooms. It is drought-resistant, undemanding to care for. With proper cutting, you can get beautiful and perfect hedges up to 5 meters tall. Now a few artificially bred varieties of the common Privet for hedges. They can differ in color (at flowering), height, peculiarities of care. In most cases, no special care is required – timely watering and pruning.

Thanks to the Internet and the dissemination of information about the miraculous Goji berries, many people have been faced with an unpleasant situation – a mistake in the collection of wolf berries is Goji. Remember that these Goji berries grow only in the provinces of China. Some gardeners are breeding these shrubs at home, but it's a long and laborious process. The Goji shrub in the wild is also quite rare, in our territories still most common is the dangerous and poisonous Privet, the use of which can lead to death.

Please note and other shrubs, which in appearance leaves and berries can be similar to wolfsbane – Voronet phoenicea, red elderberry, the snowberry, crow's eyes, black alder. When eating all the berries of these shrubs, you receive 100% of poisoning. The usual symptoms – vomiting, diarrhea, nausea. It is necessary to provide timely first aid and send injured to hospital.