Diarrhea and vomiting in dogs: what to do at home

Diarrhea and vomiting in dogs may indicate poisoning, intoxication or pathological processes in internal organs. The symptoms owners should be paying attention to. The article describes the main causes of vomiting and diarrhea in dogs, methods of examination and treatment of animals with such symptoms.

The reasons for the development of symptoms

To rant and vilify the animal can not only poisoning, but also due to disturbances in the internal organs. Vomiting and diarrhea are a protective mechanism by which the body tries to get rid of poisons and toxins.

Below are the main causes of vomiting and diarrhea in dogs.

  • Poisoning poisons and chemicals. Dogs may accidentally eat rat poison, drugs, drinking household cleaning products.
  • Food poisoning in dogs, which developed due to use of substandard and spoiled food. It may be rotten meat, expired dog food.
  • Poisoning isoniazid. This substance is used by hunters to poison dogs. In 90% of cases it leads to a painful death pet. The animal develops loss of coordination, vomiting white foam, disturbed consciousness.
  • Pancreatitis – inflammation of the pancreas. Develops as a result of a violation of the diet, eating fatty foods, such as pork.
  • Diseases of the hepatobiliary system (liver and gallbladder). It could be hepatitis, cirrhosis, cholecystitis, cholelithiasis.
  • Viral or bacterial infectious diseases. Nausea and vomiting develop because of the intoxication syndrome.
  • Helminthic infestation. Worms that affect the body.
  • Change of feed or components of food. Irregularity may occur after you change the brand of feed or transport of the animal to another type of food.
  • Treatment dog anti fleas and ticks, use dog shampoos.
  • Complete or partial intestinal obstruction can be caused by a foreign body or tumor of the bowel.
  • Cancer malignant neoplasms of the animal. Vomiting and diarrhea can occur with the appearance of partial intestinal obstruction caused by the tumor. Also, these symptoms can develop during the passage of animals of chemotherapy for cancer.

Please note that the puppy diarrhea can occur during the transition from breastfeeding to regular food.

What to do if you have symptoms of the pet

If a dog has diarrhea and vomiting, do not try to treat yourself. To determine the most appropriate therapy requires veterinary inspection and a detailed examination of the animal. In the case of the animal nausea, vomiting and diarrhea soon as possible to get him to the vet hospital. If the dog got sick in the night, you are not near-a veterinary facility, you can start treatment at home.

What to do in the first place? Try to remember that eating your pet in the past days, if he picked up something from the ground while walking. Sick puppies need more attention, as the deterioration and dehydration of them is faster.

Please note that if the cause of vomiting and diarrhea is unknown, suspect in dog poisoning , and do everything possible to combat it.

The components of the first aid measures described below.


You should not feed a dog that has vomiting and diarrhea. Remove from her the plate of food, leave a bowl of water.

To begin to eat only after the permission of the veterinarian who will paint the features of therapeutic diet.

Gastric lavage

In order to wash the dog's stomach, enter her mouth 60-80 ml of plain water and then pressed his finger on her tongue. Puppies enter the lesser amount of water (20-30). Pour water through a regular syringe 20 ml (without needle).

It is strictly forbidden to add water to have my stomach pumped some medicine, decoctions of herbs and potassium permanganate. You can't be sure that the animal just pull up what he poured into my mouth, and from plain water won't hurt any.

A solution of potassium permanganate is prohibited to treat animals. Even very diluted potassium permanganate can cause burns of the mucous membrane of the stomach.

Remember that induce vomiting in an animal that was poisoned with acid or alkali, are not allowed!

Gastric lavage is contraindicated in these situations:

  • if vomiting or stool painted black. This means gastrointestinal bleeding, rinsing can strengthen;
  • in cases of poisoning by acids and alkalis;
  • when disturbed the consciousness of the animal.

Colon cleanse

Diarrhea and vomit can make the animal an enema. Thanks to her bowel cleansed of toxins, poisons, pathogenic bacteria and spoiled food.

Take baby enema "pear" (volume 50-100 ml) and fill it with plain water at room temperature. Enter the water in the dog's rectum and wait, she goes to the toilet. This procedure can be repeated several times.


Sorbents are drugs that neutralize and eliminate intestinal toxins. Forfirst aid dog approach simple activated carbon. To calculate the necessary dosage just for 10 kg of animal weight need 1 tablet of this sorbent.

Required quantity of activated charcoal grind to crumbs and dissolve in 10 ml of water. Then type the solution into the syringe and through it pour into the mouth of the animal.

If you have another sorbent, carefully read the rules dosing, consult with your veterinarian about the possibility of using this drug for the treatment of dogs.

Drink plenty of liquids

After cleaning the stomach, intestines dog should drink plain water. It is necessary to replenish water losses. In order to not cause repeated vomiting, give small amounts often. Optimal: pour 5 ml through a syringe every 10 minutes.

Examination and diagnosis

He came to the reception to the vet, owners should thoroughly describe the symptoms arising from their pet, to specify the exact number of episodes of vomiting and diarrhea, the appearance and approximate amount of vomit and feces. The same must be provided to describe the animal treatment at home.

The vet will examine the dog, check the pulse, blood pressure, saturation (oxygen content) of blood. For correct diagnosis and treatment the doctor may require some of the research results.

List of surveys dogs with vomiting and diarrhea.

  • General complete blood count will help to establish the following pathological States:
  1. the presence of bacterial or viral infection in the body;
  2. worm infestation;
  3. anemia, leukemia;
  4. a malignant process.
  • Urinalysis helps to eliminate the kidney disease, which is characteristic of poisoning with poisons.
  • A blood test for toxins held for poisoning dog poisons.
  • Stool cultures for bacteria are necessary for the diagnosis of intestinal infection.
  • Feces analysis on helminth eggs is carried out if you suspect a bot.
  • Ultrasound examination of internal organs need to assess the condition of the liver, gallbladder, pancreas, and kidneys.
  • Biochemical analysis of blood is done to detect diabetes mellitus, electrolyte abnormalities, disorders of the liver, kidneys and pancreas.
  • ECHO of the heart shows when the heart failure. Doctor using an ultrasound device evaluates sacramenot of the myocardium, the condition of its valves, blood vessels.

This scan list may shrink or expand by a veterinarian depending on the clinical picture and state of the animal.


After identifying the cause of diarrhea and vomiting and diagnosis, the vet tells owners how to treat the dog. Surgical treatment is indicated in intestinal obstruction, malignant tumors, and internal bleeding. In all other cases, is drug therapy.

If the animal is in a serious condition, leave it for the time in hospital of the veterinary hospitals. If the health of the pet doctor will order a diet, drinking regime, medicines. If the animal needs a regular drip and injections – the vet prescribed the time and date of the next visit of the veterinary hospitals.

Conservative treatment depends on the diagnosis and severity of condition of the dog. A doctor can be assigned to veterinary medicines or human, but in a smaller dosage.

If symptoms appeared the puppy due to improper selection of food, is assigned to baby food, enzymes and drinking regime.

Features of the prevention of vomiting and diarrhea

Often diarrhea and vomiting in dogs can be prevented. Most diseases that manifest these symptoms, occur because of improper care, feeding and education of pet (with the exception of cancer).

Below are recommendations that will help you maintain the health of your dog:

  • regularly vaccinate an animal, give him a tablet from worms;
  • when handling dogs from fleas and ticks, read the instructions carefully and stick to it;
  • follow the dog food. Feed it only fresh products that suit her in age. Avoid cheap feeds and fatty meats;
  • do not leave in available for dogs areas medicines, detergents and cosmetics;
  • while walking the animal wear a muzzle. This accessory will help to avoid ingesting poisonous or spoiled food;
  • odlucite puppy breast food gradually, pick up his food by age;
  • raising a pet, will wean him to pick up something on the street. Try to make your team "fu" or "impossible" began to dog the law. This rule is very frequently saves the life of the animal.

Vomiting and diarrhea dogs may be manifestations of a large number of diseases. To establish their causes, it may be necessary instrumental and laboratory examination of your pet. The treatment is prescribed by a veterinarian after identifying the specific pathology. It could be surgical or conservative, is performed in a hospital or veterinary facility owners in the home. Remember that all medication must be prescribed by a doctor. Self-medication can be not only ineffective, but also lead todeath.