Salmonellosis in cats: symptoms and treatment

Salmonellosis in cats is a common disease. An animal can become infected from infected fresh meat. This intestinal infection is most dangerous to kittens. In this article, we have discussed the main causes, symptoms, methods of diagnostics and treatment of salmonellosis in cats.

The reasons for the development of the disease

Salmonellosis of cats is called a bacterial intestinal infection that is caused by bacteria of the genus Salmonella. Doctors distinguish the 20 different pathogens that can cause this disease.

The following are the main causes of disease in cats.

  • Consumption of food contaminated by Salmonella raw meat or poorly heat-processed cat food.
  • Contact with the infected animal. The kitten can be infected with disease from another cat. Older animals are less susceptible to this disease.
  • Infection of kittens through the placenta may occur in case of development of acute disease in mother cats. The kitten may be born with congenital anomalies, dead.
  • Eating rodents. Mice and rats can be carriers and vectors of Salmonella.

What is the danger of Salmonella

Cats can get sick with Salmonella a few times in my life. They are in the body produces immunity to pathogens of this disease. Kittens Salmonella often leads to death. In adult males it can cause serious complications and pathological processes, which include:

  • toxic shock – a condition that develops on the background of severe intoxication and a large amount of fluid loss, electrolytes, lesions of the adrenal glands;
  • dehydration occurs due to profuse vomiting and diarrhea;
  • pancreatitis – inflammation of the pancreas;
  • acute renal failure often develops in kittens. The buds on the background of intoxication syndrome no longer to clean and filter the blood.

Characteristics of the clinical picture

Salmonellosis in cats can occur in acute, subacute and chronic form. The first symptoms may occur during the first two days after contact with infected animals or consumption of infected meat.

The main clinical manifestations of salmonellosis include the following symptoms:

  • anorexia – refusal of food. The animal refuses to eat the food offered to him;
  • the increase of body temperature to 41 degrees. Ill have the cat hot and dry nose;
  • nausea and repeated vomiting. Vomit can consist of food residues, bile, gastric juice, hairballs;
  • weakness, which is manifested by stiffness of the pet. The cat is constantly sleeping, not walking around the house;
  • profuse diarrhea. Feces may have a foul-smelling odor, foaming, it is possible to see streaks of blood, mucus. The animal goes to the toilet frequently, up to 15 times a day;
  • the decrease in amount of urine occurs due to the dehydration cat.

First aid for salmonellosis

Salmonellosis in cats is treated under the supervision of veterinarians. When the first signs of the disease, the animal must take it to the vet.

Remember that trying to self-cure cat salmonellosis dangerous. She could die due to improperly selected treatment and complications that can be identified only by a veterinarian.

First aid can be provided to a host animal. It can help to reduce the intoxication syndrome.

The basic components of first aid are listed below.

Gastric lavage

Gastric lavage will help excrete residues of poor quality contaminated food that had not digested.

In order to wash out the cat's stomach, you can pour it through a syringe 20-40 ml of plain water at room temperature and cause her vomiting. On the tongue it is possible to pour a little bit of salt.

Please note that Pets are not allowed to wash out the stomach with potassium permanganate. This substance can cause burning of the esophagus to strengthen the toxicity of the body.


For washing the intestine in cats you can use a baby bag, 50-100 ml. Wash it before emergence net intestinal water. The need to use simple boiled water at room temperature.


Sorbents is medication, which helps to neutralize and remove from the intestine of pathogenic bacteria and their toxins.

Mash one half of tablet of activated charcoal, mixed with 5 ml of water and pour the cat medicine into the mouth through a syringe.


Water the cat needs little and often. This is best done using a syringe. Every 15 minutes pour her 5-10 ml of plain water.


The treatment is prescribed by a vet after examination of the animal. When a serious condition a cat can leave for a few days at the hospital in a veterinary clinic. With stable health, the doctor paints the owners regimen, diet and says when to come next time on injections and IVS.

Treatment of salmonellosis consists of:

  • diet;
  • antibacterial drugs;
  • droppers with solutions to treat dehydration;
  • corticosteroids;
  • antispasmodics;
  • antiemetic drugs.

A survey of pet

To identify the causative agent, complications and to evaluateof the internal organs of the animal assigned to an examination that consists of:

  • the General analysis of blood is performed to detect a bacterial infection, estimate the degree of dehydration;
  • urinalysis which is necessary to detect kidney damage;
  • biochemical blood analysis – for the evaluation of liver, pancreas, kidneys;
  • bacteriological examination of feces, which is needed to identify the causative agent of intestinal infections;
  • ultrasound of internal organs, in which the doctor evaluates the shape and size of the liver, gallbladder, pancreas, and kidneys;

Please note that an animal that is ill with salmonellosis, can be a long time to be infectious to other Pets. After treatment should be evaluated for evidence of the isolation of Salmonella bacteria together with feces.

Salmonellosis in cats is a common infectious disease. It is most dangerous to young kittens that may die as a result of intoxication syndrome and dehydration. The treatment is prescribed by a veterinarian. Before going to the vet can flush the stomach and intestines of the cat, to give her the sorbents and drink. Diagnosis may require examination of the animal.