What to do if dog is poisoned: symptoms, treatment at home

Poisoning in dogs are common. They can be caused by poor quality food and toxic substances. Toxicity of some poisonous substances can cause an animal to die in a matter of minutes. This article describes what to do in case of poisoning dogs, what symptoms should pay attention and in some cases immediately lead to the vet.

Causes of dog poisoning

Dogs are not very picky about food. They love to taste everything, to take in a mouth and to chew. Poisoning may occur for many reasons:

  • in the use of stale and poor quality food. The dog can eat rotten or spoiled meat, some animals are even attracted to the smell of such food. Poison, the dog can and expired dog food;
  • ingestion of pet medications or drugs left by the owners in an accessible location;
  • the dog eating poison or poisonous substances. Now very common cases of intentional poisoning of dogs. People who do this are called hunters. They place poison in places walking Pets, you can mix the pieces of meat and bread;
  • eating dog household chemicals, detergents. For example, the animal can drink from the bucket in which the diluted liquid to wash the floor, or eat a piece of soap;
  • chemical gases. It can be chadny stinking gas, cigarette smoke, chemical weapons. If the dog lives in the territory of industrial enterprises, it can inhale the fumes of chemicals;
  • as a result of contact with toxic substances on mucous membranes, the hair or the skin. It can be incorrectly applied on the skin of the animal remedy for ticks or fleas;
  • houseplants are poisonous to animals rhododendrons, daffodils, tulips, azaleas;
  • sweetener xylitol - it is deadly for the body of the animal. Just one pill can cause hypoglycemic coma and death of the dog.

Please note that the poisoning of a puppy can be caused by mismatched by age food.

The main clinical manifestations

Symptoms of poisoning in dogs develop in the first days after contact with toxic substances in the animal body. Clinical manifestations depend on what the dog was poisoned, as poison to the body and its quantity.

Below are the main signs of poisoning dogs different substances.

Food poisoning

If the dog has food poisoning, the first symptoms can begin to show within a few hours after a meal. The puppy they can grow faster.

Clinical manifestations of food poisoning:

  • General weakness of the animal, it becomes inactive, lethargic, refuses to play their favorite toys;
  • poor appetite, pet refuses to eat the food offered to him;
  • vomiting, first in the vomit may be present remnants of food, then mucus, gastric juice and bile;
  • profuse diarrhoea, the stools thin, watery, may have a fetid smell;
  • increased discharge of gases may be accompanied by intestinal colic, abdominal pain, Pets whining and moaning.

Poisoning with rat poison

The first symptoms of poisoning with rat poison in dogs can develop a few hours or two to three days. The time of their appearance depends on the substances contained in the poison for rodents.

Characteristic symptoms:

  • the feces containing blood, melena (black stools);
  • vomiting black;
  • nosebleeds;
  • cramps throughout the body;
  • the flow of foam from the mouth;
  • disturbance of consciousness.

Toxicity of carbon monoxide or exhaust gas

This condition can develop when the animal is in a smoke-filled room. Street dogs can be poisoned while you sleep under the car with the engine running. Poisoning is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • cough, shortness of breath;
  • tachycardia – heart palpitations;
  • watery eyes;
  • increased secretion of saliva;
  • cramps throughout the body, accompanied by the acts of defecation and urination;
  • a violation of consciousness;
  • vomiting.

Poisoning by medications and drugs

The symptoms depend on the type of medication and its effect on the body. The first signs of poisoning may develop after 20-30 minutes. Common signs of drug poisoning in dogs:

  • disturbance of consciousness, lethargy, somnolence is characteristic of intoxication with barbiturates, hypnotics, sedatives;
  • violation of the cardiovascular system: a change in heart rate, lowering blood pressure, arrhythmias, heart failure typical of cardiac glycosides, barbiturates, narcotic substances, drugs for high blood pressure;
  • disturbance of consciousness, coma can be caused by hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) as a result of taking tablets for the treatment of diabetes;
  • diarrhea, vomiting – the symptoms of poisoning, purgative, anthelminthic drugs, vitamin complexes.

Poisoning by isoniazid

Isoniazid is a substance which the hunters used to destroy the dogs. Signs of poisoning begin to manifest them in 20-30minutes.

Please note, if isoniazid poisoning death may occur within a few hours. In this pathological condition pet need urgent help.

The main symptoms of poisoning with isoniazid in dogs:

  • violation of coordination of movements. Owners first notice their pet's staggering when walking, he may fall to one side, crashing into walls, banging on the corners.
  • convulsions of all muscle groups. While the animal's head tipped backwards, stretch the legs, cramps can be accompanied by allocation of white frothy saliva from the mouth;
  • severe vomiting and diarrhea that may be bloody.

The rules of first-aid poisoned the dog

All owners should know what to do if dog is poisoned. In cases of poisoning by medicines or poisons time to think no, since the pet can die in a matter of minutes. First aid if poisoning dog is home, then the animal should be transported immediately to a veterinary clinic.

Remember that if a dog is poisoned with acid or alkali, to cause her vomiting and stomach wash yourself! This will lead to more damage to the walls of the esophagus and stomach and severe internal bleeding.

Below detail how to rescue a dog from poisoning and what to do before going to the vet.


As soon as you noticed changes in the health of your pet, resembling poisoning, get him a bowl of food. On the first day of the disease the dog should be hungry. You can eat to start only after the permission of the veterinarian.

Hunger is necessary for rest and unloading of the digestive system. In case of poisoning with poisons and chemical substances, there is a big risk of internal bleeding, it can be triggered by food.

Gastric lavage

Treatment at home should begin with gastric lavage. For this you need a syringe of 20 ml and the dining area clean water at room temperature. Enter the dog 20-40 ml of water into the mouth and press down your finger on the root of the tongue. Do not worry if vomiting call failed. Water will dilute the poisonous substance in the stomach, reduce its concentration and the negative impact on the mucosa.

Gastric lavage is contraindicated in:

  • coughing and vomiting with a black color (symptoms of gastrointestinal bleeding);
  • etching with acid or alkali;
  • violation of consciousness of the animal.

Do not add to the solutions for washing the stomach medicines, potassium permanganate or decoction of herbs. Potassium permanganate banned for use in animals, even at low concentration it can cause burns of the mucous membrane.

At the use of dog acids and alkalis do not try to neutralize these substances. For example, if the dog that was poisoned by vinegar (acid) to try to neutralize the stomach contents peroxide solution (alkali) in the stomach will be a powerful chemical reaction that caused a large amount of gas. The mucosa of the stomach can not sustain and burst.

Colon cleanse

Enema dog you can do it yourself. Take a small bulb (volume 50-100 ml), fill it with plain water at room temperature and enter into the rectum of the dog.

Then you should wait when the animal goes to the toilet, and repeat this procedure. Do an enema before the advent of clean water. Do not add solution for bowel cleansing drugs or other substances.

Enema is strictly forbidden to do when there is blood in the stool of the dog.


Sorbents are a group of drugs whose action is directed to the binding and removal of toxins from the digestive system. There are many sorbents. They differ in dosage. We will consider the admission rules of the most simple and common sorbent is activated carbon. This drug can be found in almost every home medicine Cabinet.

Calculate the dosage should weight: 10 kg – 1 tablet. For example, weight of animal: 5 kg – all right, if 30 kg – 3 tablets. You can give a little more, harm from it will not. For example, when the dog's weight 17 kg, take 2 tablets than 1.5. Mash the necessary quantity of activated charcoal and mix it with 5-10 ml of plain water. The resulting solution pour pet through a syringe (without a needle) into the mouth.

Drinking regime

The process of taiwania poisoned animal is long and laborious. After vomiting and diarrhea the dog is dehydrated. Water should be little and often. Pour into her mouth in 5 ml of water every 5-10 minutes.

Please note that in case of poisoning with isoniazid dog for the first 30 minutes, you need to enter the antidote – vitamin B6. If the area where you live, there are cases of intentional poisoning of dogs, buy this vitamin and always carry with me. If required, immediately enter it to the animal. In advance, consult with your veterinarian about the rules of batching and input of this antidote.

Treatment in the veterinary clinic

Only a veterinarian can determine the exact cause of poor health of the animal, make a diagnosis and tell the hosts how to help the dog in thissituation.

If the animal's condition is critical, they keep him in the hospital. In the case of mild poisoning, the doctor will write the rules of the diet drink and fix a schedule of clinic visits for injections and IVS.

Treatment for poisoning can consist of the following groups of drugs:

  • antispasmodics;
  • sorbents;
  • corticosteroids;
  • enzymes;
  • laxatives;
  • anticonvulsant;
  • solutions for intravenous rehydration;
  • painkillers;
  • anti-inflammatory.

Do not self-medicate your pet. Even if after you provide first aid he felt a little better, take him to the vet for a checkup and advice. Treatment at home can be carried out only after doctor appointments.

Prevention of dog poisoning

According to statistics, the main cause of acute intoxications in dogs is carelessness and carelessness of the owners. The following are recommendations that will help you to protect your pet from poisoning:

  • check the date of manufacture of products, which feed your dog, do not give her the expired food;
  • keep your pet muzzled, so you can be sure that he will not swallow a lot of something in the street;
  • autocyte puppy to pick up and eat something while walking;
  • keep medicines, detergents, cosmetics, alcohol out of reach of the dog.

Poisoning in dogs can lead to serious consequences and death. First aid is provided by the hosts, after which the animal must be delivered to the appointment with the vet. Self-medication can be not only ineffective but dangerous to the life of the pet.