Cat puking white foam and he won't eat: causes, treatment

Vomiting is a physiological process that develops if the cat is not eaten in several other cases. Cats are rather clean animals who constantly wash and lick their coat, because of this, the stomach gets not only the dirt, but the fibers of wool. In addition, in some cases, animals eat the grass and especially stimulate the gag reflex which helps to clear the stomach. If the cat vomit white foam rarely, 1-2 times per day, nothing serious. But if the pet uncontrollable vomiting, you need to go to the vet.

Causes of vomiting in cats

Vomiting in a cat can occur for different reasons. They can be described as:

  • The cat had too much to eat a large amount of portions and eating too fast often lead to regurgitation of excess food.
  • Clumps of fur in the stomach, which are formed by the licking of the coat, leading to irritation and vomiting.
  • Poisoning with poor-quality food.
  • Cats eating houseplants, too often ends in vomiting.
  • The ingestion of bones and foreign objects leads to the ejection of stomach contents out.
  • Gastritis inflammation of the gastric mucosa is a frequent cause of nausea and vomiting in cats.
  • Malfunction of the pancreas leads to deterioration of the enzymatic processes during digestion of forage and retching.
  • Volvulus, or peritonitis – the pathology is very dangerous for animal life and require urgent intervention by a veterinarian.
  • Diseases of the liver and gallbladder.
  • Intoxication by drugs or toxic substances.
  • Infectious diseases – these conditions are accompanied by uncontrollable vomiting, lethargy and lack of appetite. Treatment in this case must deal with the doctor.

In addition, the cat can eat nothing and vomit when infected by worms. In this case, the vomit worms can be observed, which indicates a strong defeat of the body of the animal.

To protect pet from worm infestation, which affects the entire body and greatly reduces the immune system, it is necessary every 2-3 months to give him a vermifuge. To choose the right drug will help the vet.

Why cat vomiting white foam

Vomiting in a cat with white foam – this is normal, but only if the foam has no impurities and it occurs infrequently. If the cat has a vomiting white foam, it is possible to suspect a malfunction of the biliary system. During the digestion of food in the stomach and hit her in the gut never ceases to stand out mucus when exposed to air becomes white bubbles. If the mucus in the digestive organs too much, the body reflexively pours it out.

Cats are very sensitive to errors in supply. If cats do not eat, he vomits white foam. This is because the digestive system produces all necessary for digestion secrets in the usual volume. But if not food enters the stomach, hydrochloric acid begins to corrode the walls of the organ, causing irritation and vomiting. For this reason cats should not be fasting more than one day.

It turns out that cats can also be heartburn, in this case, cat vomiting foam in the morning on an empty stomach, but other health disorders was observed.

Vomiting foam in kittens

Kittens digestive system is still weak, so retching can occur quite often. The main reasons for this state are as follows:

  • Abrupt change power. For example, the kitten was excommunicated from the mother and transferred to an adult food, while the small ventricle is not able to digest roughage.
  • Unhealthy foods – fried, smoked, sharp or just stale can cause an attack of vomiting in the crumbs.
  • Persistent overeating or large pieces of food – compassionate owners are trying to feed the satiety of your pet, it seems that the kitten is too skinny. To anything good it will not.
  • If the kitten licks itself, often, vomiting can be the consequence of accumulation in the ventricle of wool. Particularly characteristic of this animal long-haired breeds.
  • Accidental ingestion of foreign objects. During the game kitten can swallow the wrapper from the candy, bead or piece of tinsel.
  • Toxic chemical substances – like all babies, kittens are very curious, so I can try the liquid for washing dishes or the litter.
  • Side effects after vaccination, the body responds to the ingestion of a foreign substance.
  • Congenital diseases of the liver or pancreas.

If the baby vomited, you need to find out the cause of this phenomenon and eliminate it. If this condition is rare, it is possible to observe the kitten and try to adjust the diet. When liquid, frothy vomiting is commonly observed, then you need to contact the vet.

A healthy kitten should be active and have good appetite. If the baby is lethargic, refuses to play and eats bad, then it is cause for a visit to the doctor.

A survey of cats

To identify the cause of the frequent vomiting, the veterinarian asks the owner of a cat and carefullyexamines the animal. If necessary, carry out some research. This approach allows you to quickly find the cause of illness and begin to treat a sick pet. The examination is usually conducted in several steps and consists of the following items:

  1. The survey host, to obtain information about the frequency and duration of vomiting.
  2. Refinement of the diet of cats, as well as the possibility of ingestion of foreign objects.
  3. The definition of species and density of vomit, clarify information, when the animal began to vomit.
  4. The examination of the animal, the determination of the General condition and reflexes.
  5. Clarification of information about chronic diseases of the cat.

If the cat was only once vomiting clear liquid with a slight admixture of wool, you should observe your pet throughout the day. Most often, such as stabiliziruemost very quickly, and several hours later, the kitten is playful and active. However, when the vomiting becomes uncontrollable in nature and the animal becomes lethargic, dehydration sets in very quickly, which causes irreversible processes in the body. Here we must not tarry, will be able to provide a doctor. In severe cases may need surgical intervention and intravenous infusion.

The owner should be alerted if the animal does not touch the abdomen or to take yourself in hand. This may indicate inflammatory process in the abdominal region.

Varieties of vomit

Very often, to determine the cause of illness by the color and consistency of vomit:

  • When an animal vomits the yellow frothy mass – this means that in the process of digesting food in the stomach gets a certain amount of bile. It is common in gastritis, colitis, and diseases of the biliary tract. By allocating the excess amount of bile is partially cleansing the liver from toxins and pathogens. Yellowish vomiting may be kalitsiviroza, a sudden change in diet or contact with a foreign body in the stomach.
  • Vomiting clear fluid or saliva can be distemper. The cat can be yellow foam, in which no remnants of food or fibers of wool. With each attack of vomiting the animal is getting worse, he starts to hide from people and light. Outbound colorless liquid indicates that the dehydration. This condition can quickly lead to death.
  • When the cat vomit right after eating – this may indicate parasites that often even Pets, accumulated in the stomach fur or on the wrong diet when the portions too large and food is greasy.
  • Regurgitation worms indicates a strong infected by animal parasites. In this case, the contact of the cat with the people and conduct a course of antihelminthic treatment. The drug should choose a doctor based on the results of analysis of feces.

Cat, who never eats more than two days and periodically vomits, may be seriously ill. In this case, you must pass a number of tests and take an ultrasound of internal organs. Such vomiting is not considered physiological and tells about the disease.

Vomiting with blood may be the consequence of the bite of insects or reptiles. In this case, a sick animal urgently deliver at any health facility.

How to help a cat with vomiting

You can help the cat on its own, but only if there is no fever, diarrhea and General weakness. When this malaise says about the poisoning, the sequence of actions should be:

  • The animal ceases to feed and provide sufficient amount of drinking. You can only give water, dairy products in this period are not recommended.
  • Cat give a weak solution of potassium permanganate, can be added to the water to drink or to pour into the mouth of the syringe with a soft tip.

Manganese pre-diluted in a small volume of water and then added to the drink, and pour through several layers of cheesecloth, to prevent the stomach undissolved crystals.

  • Every two hours Pets give smektu, dissolved in a small volume of water.

Fasting in cats should be around 12 hours. Then you can gradually return the cat to normal diet. First, stick to gentle food and give boiled chicken and good rice water, then introduced chicken stock or special medical food. After 3-4 days, the cat is transferred to a standard food. Usually such actions enough to pet recovered and returned to normal life.

When you need to go to the doctor

There are a number of cases where the owner does not know what to do and how we can help fuzzy. First and foremost you need to stop panicking, because panic will not help, and seek help from professionals. The trip to the hospital must be immediate in such cases:

  1. Cat vomits water or foam over 3 hours.
  2. Vomit have a white or yellowish color, but they viewed the bloody blotches.
  3. Pet refuses not only from food but also from drinking, while continuously vomiting.
  4. In addition to the main symptom, diarrhea started, the animal's nose was dry and hot, which tells about an elevated temperature. In addition to alert the owner has seizures that areindicate dehydration and defeat Central nervous system.

In all these cases it is not necessary to self-medicate in order not to aggravate the situation. It is better to entrust health and life of pet qualified doctor that will properly diagnose and prescribe appropriate treatment.

In some cases, to treat infectious diseases of cats being prescribed antibiotics. Correctly chosen drugs allow you to quickly put the family pet to her feet.

How to protect your cat from poisoning

Any disease easier to prevent than to treat, so attention should be paid to prevention of diseases and poisoning. To protect the cat from poisoning and indigestion, you should follow these rules:

  • To give the animal only healthy and fresh food. If feeding dry food is used, then it is not worth saving, you need to choose high quality products.
  • Do not overfeed fuzzies and especially kittens, the portions must meet age and weight.
  • Food should be slightly warm and finely chopped.
  • Periodically give the cats anthelmintic drugs.
  • All vaccinations are in accordance with the schedule.

If it happened and your beloved pet is sick, you need to act quickly. In most cases, from the concerted action of the host depends on the health of the animal and its life. When the condition of the pet deteriorates with every minute, you need to quickly go to the hospital.